Natural Born Killers
Please do not break, I will inform finish.
April 1, Russia began spring call. Thousands of young people with gloomy faces already trying on the celebrated Soviet Kamo, the tenth time in a row constructed by order of the disaffected elders with genuine surprise, diluted by fear, learn the news of brave battalion commander who was killed during a training exercise with a grenade. Nervously laughing. Plans for the future no - the next year the country will have to pay. Most of them do it involuntarily, so the emotional background of the young Russian army - the overwhelming gloom.
However, and this feeling will soon pass, it will not power - start uchebka. Mechanical drill mixed with exercise - constant attribute of any army. The only way a normal person is transformed into a fighting unit, and the daily reality in the defense of the country. To reassure Russian conscripts, and to show them that the forthcoming - just the beginning, in this post you will learn about the five courses most powerful military forces of the world.
Special Air Service (UK)
Special Air Service (SAS) - the core and fundamental principle of the main fighting force, not only the military forces of Her Majesty. Following the example of SAS training is organized and conducts most of the special forces around the world. Air Service was established during World War II and mainly engaged in sabotage operations in North Africa. After half a century of division objectives have changed - Service is responsible for counter-terrorism operations and training of special units in friendly countries, the United Kingdom, but the character remained the same. Throughout its history, SAS soldiers were killed around the world from Northern Ireland to Kalimantan.
Today, asset service about 500 people, 240 of whom are ready to wash the blood of the clock. SAS can be found on the brand berets sand color, but for sure it's the last thing you'll see in my life.
Preparation of fighters Special Air Service
As expected, the SAS training course is distinguished by its attention to the superpowers applicants. Claims to be getting into the elite squad will meet experts from all levels: from the fight with knives and Apaches melee of Jeet Kune Do to the masters of subversion. But before they take possession of deadly techniques, newcomers will have to survive for five weeks of hell sports. At the start, there are 200 candidates capable of 50 times sat down and doing 44 push-ups, then run 2, 5 kilometers in nine minutes. Among them reach the final of about 30 people. At the end of the first phase of the soldiers have to run four miles in half an hour and swim two miles and a half hours. In full regalia. After the survivors sent to the Malaysian jungle, where they are undergoing survival simulation of falling into captivity, and 36-hour interrogation. Those who are able to stay sane and not give up ahead of time to give teeth sandy beret badge with winged Excalibur and the slogan «Who Dares Wins».
WEAPONS Special Air Service
"Shayetet 13" (Israel)
As for the special forces with the rich experience of warfare, then the number of frags and passed missions certainly would have won "shayetet 13" - a division of special purpose naval forces of Israel. With the language of the prophets name translates as "the 13th flotilla." The composition, scope of activities and the location of the database "shayetet 13" classified. We only know that the main specialization of the order - is sabotage and targeted assassinations of Israel's enemies. On account of "Shayetet" - killed hundreds of terrorists, including members of the "Black September", created a sensation at the Munich Olympics, "Hezbollah" and the Palestine Liberation Organization.
Preparation of fighters "shayetet 13»
Until the end it is not clear is whether the training course "Shayetet" Sabbath observance, but it is certain that the uchebka in the unit lasts for twenty months. First, there is a rigorous selection of candidates. After the basic physical and psychological tests, seals future of the Holy Land sent to the training camp. There they acquire the skills unique camouflage make-up, the system of martial arts of Krav Maga and skydiving. Only after this phase begins, entitled "preparatory", during which the men "Shayetet" learn the art of blasting the hell all that comes to hand, and control appliances from a scooter to a regimental combat boats. After two months of daily drills begin four weeks of the underwater battle in the tank. The final phase of training lasts for a year and includes the pumping of already acquired skills and skill underwater sabotage and boarding enemy submarines.
WEAPONS "shayetet 13»
707 Battalion SPECIAL PURPOSE (South Korea)
In addition to the defense of the Holy Land, the most prepared for the special unit of the meat grinder of the world is in South Korea. 707 th battalion of special purpose exists in the mode of permanent war in 1981 and is ready to pulverize anyone who believes that there is still some of Korea, in addition to the South. These guys are serious fashionable black berets, call themselves white tigers and are responsible for the implementation of the two combat missions - the fight against terrorism and the ultra-fast response to military threats. A distinctive feature of the 707 Battalion is the presence of women in personnel that can seduce and then coolly finishing off a communist spy.
Preparation of fighters of Battalion 707 SPECIAL PURPOSE
Set in a 707-Battalion is made from the regular military forces of South Korea. Noted in the service of the men and want to try your hand go to the ten-day course to determine the level of endurance. On the tenth day of action eliminated 90% of the contestants. The rest are sent to the landfill to master the secrets of the underwater combat, parachuting and other essential skills to deal with the communist regime. According to North Korean intelligence at the site has a replica of "747" to 707 soldiers could capture the first flight with his eyes closed. Another distinctive feature of the course is to focus on sub-zero temperatures: naked to the waist soldiers doing exercises in the snow and swim for a while in a frozen lake. Intensive training is held throughout the year and after the South Korea gets super-soldiers, capable of providing adequate resistance to the fanatics in the north.
"Navy SEALs" (USA)
This gentle name of one of the world's most deadly special forces absorbed by the blood of a child due to a second-class fighters, and put in a tight ponytail hair Steven Seagal. However, the name must not be misleading - "Navy SEALs" on a par with "Delta" is a major combat unit of the US Army and ready to install democracy anywhere in the world on the first order of the president. The main activity of "lion" - sabotage and rescue operations. The history of the Marine Special Forces is since World War II, but the founder of the department is John F. Kennedy, who had hoped to use them to finally decide the Cuban question.
In the venture did not work out, but eventually "Navy SEALs" deservedly became the main elite squad in America, took part in all military operations, the Stars and Stripes. The last major achievement divisions - the elimination of Osama.
To get the badge eagle holding in its claws a trident and a gun with a flint lock, applicants must pass the most difficult of the open public training courses in the world. This school is dedicated to the survival of more than one movie, but the main torture can be seen in the movie "GI Jane." But unlike Hollywood fiction in a division shall be taken only by men 18 to 28 years. During the year, they are all conceivable training, existing in a permanent mode, running and swimming. But the main selection of the candidates takes place on the fourth week of the course known as "Hell Week." Within five days of the candidates is given four hours of sleep, 200 miles of running and 20 hours of exercise a day.
After a week of pain and suffering, lost the desire to continue at 90% of applicants. After unrealistic loads Future "seals" acquire skills super-soldiers take part in role-playing games to capture the built in scale 1: 1 Afghan city "Paynlend" and eventually come to a full understanding truly Zen motto division: "The only easy day was yesterday."
"Green Beret (Russia)
In conclusion, the measure is patriotic to tell the people, head piercing the concrete walls, heroes of the Russian Land - Russian special forces. Surely, one of the spring draft and eventually get there. Of all the special units of the armed forces of the Russian Federation there are several - GRU, the group "Alpha", "Hero", "pennant", "dolphin", "Mechel" and other groups that the first order ready to take over the world and bathe boots anywhere in the area of Honolulu. Today in Russia there are about 30 000 Special Forces soldiers, but among them has its own elite. That's 600 people who have received the maroon beret - insignia abruptly any superhero costume.
The glorious tradition of rewarding the most powerful maroon beret originated in the late seventies, and finally took shape by 1993. Today, every year for the right to wear his cap the right color compete about 500 people. Cherished headdress get only fifteen of them. Survival Course begins with a traditional test of physical endurance, which imperceptibly turn into a lengthy torture, twelve kilometers of cross-country, forcing the infected area with a mask, overcoming minefields, psychological treatment, a super obstacle after a forced march, ogneshturmovaya band storm the high-rise buildings . All tasks are strictly regulated in time - did not meet the timing fighters go the distance. The final phase of the course includes training matches - the 12-minute battle with three opponents (one of the subjects and two current "Green Beret"). Before this stage, it reaches only 20% of participants. This figure is achieved sequentially increasing loads until until an appropriate screening. As a result, the last soldier of a happy mess, barely standing on his feet, gets a maroon beret, which is 100% confirmed that its owner - a real killing machine. Glory to Russia.
WEAPONS "Green Beret»
The number of armies.
In the source there is a video training fighters.
April 1, Russia began spring call. Thousands of young people with gloomy faces already trying on the celebrated Soviet Kamo, the tenth time in a row constructed by order of the disaffected elders with genuine surprise, diluted by fear, learn the news of brave battalion commander who was killed during a training exercise with a grenade. Nervously laughing. Plans for the future no - the next year the country will have to pay. Most of them do it involuntarily, so the emotional background of the young Russian army - the overwhelming gloom.
However, and this feeling will soon pass, it will not power - start uchebka. Mechanical drill mixed with exercise - constant attribute of any army. The only way a normal person is transformed into a fighting unit, and the daily reality in the defense of the country. To reassure Russian conscripts, and to show them that the forthcoming - just the beginning, in this post you will learn about the five courses most powerful military forces of the world.

Special Air Service (UK)
Special Air Service (SAS) - the core and fundamental principle of the main fighting force, not only the military forces of Her Majesty. Following the example of SAS training is organized and conducts most of the special forces around the world. Air Service was established during World War II and mainly engaged in sabotage operations in North Africa. After half a century of division objectives have changed - Service is responsible for counter-terrorism operations and training of special units in friendly countries, the United Kingdom, but the character remained the same. Throughout its history, SAS soldiers were killed around the world from Northern Ireland to Kalimantan.
Today, asset service about 500 people, 240 of whom are ready to wash the blood of the clock. SAS can be found on the brand berets sand color, but for sure it's the last thing you'll see in my life.
Preparation of fighters Special Air Service
As expected, the SAS training course is distinguished by its attention to the superpowers applicants. Claims to be getting into the elite squad will meet experts from all levels: from the fight with knives and Apaches melee of Jeet Kune Do to the masters of subversion. But before they take possession of deadly techniques, newcomers will have to survive for five weeks of hell sports. At the start, there are 200 candidates capable of 50 times sat down and doing 44 push-ups, then run 2, 5 kilometers in nine minutes. Among them reach the final of about 30 people. At the end of the first phase of the soldiers have to run four miles in half an hour and swim two miles and a half hours. In full regalia. After the survivors sent to the Malaysian jungle, where they are undergoing survival simulation of falling into captivity, and 36-hour interrogation. Those who are able to stay sane and not give up ahead of time to give teeth sandy beret badge with winged Excalibur and the slogan «Who Dares Wins».

WEAPONS Special Air Service

"Shayetet 13" (Israel)
As for the special forces with the rich experience of warfare, then the number of frags and passed missions certainly would have won "shayetet 13" - a division of special purpose naval forces of Israel. With the language of the prophets name translates as "the 13th flotilla." The composition, scope of activities and the location of the database "shayetet 13" classified. We only know that the main specialization of the order - is sabotage and targeted assassinations of Israel's enemies. On account of "Shayetet" - killed hundreds of terrorists, including members of the "Black September", created a sensation at the Munich Olympics, "Hezbollah" and the Palestine Liberation Organization.
Preparation of fighters "shayetet 13»
Until the end it is not clear is whether the training course "Shayetet" Sabbath observance, but it is certain that the uchebka in the unit lasts for twenty months. First, there is a rigorous selection of candidates. After the basic physical and psychological tests, seals future of the Holy Land sent to the training camp. There they acquire the skills unique camouflage make-up, the system of martial arts of Krav Maga and skydiving. Only after this phase begins, entitled "preparatory", during which the men "Shayetet" learn the art of blasting the hell all that comes to hand, and control appliances from a scooter to a regimental combat boats. After two months of daily drills begin four weeks of the underwater battle in the tank. The final phase of training lasts for a year and includes the pumping of already acquired skills and skill underwater sabotage and boarding enemy submarines.

WEAPONS "shayetet 13»

707 Battalion SPECIAL PURPOSE (South Korea)
In addition to the defense of the Holy Land, the most prepared for the special unit of the meat grinder of the world is in South Korea. 707 th battalion of special purpose exists in the mode of permanent war in 1981 and is ready to pulverize anyone who believes that there is still some of Korea, in addition to the South. These guys are serious fashionable black berets, call themselves white tigers and are responsible for the implementation of the two combat missions - the fight against terrorism and the ultra-fast response to military threats. A distinctive feature of the 707 Battalion is the presence of women in personnel that can seduce and then coolly finishing off a communist spy.
Preparation of fighters of Battalion 707 SPECIAL PURPOSE
Set in a 707-Battalion is made from the regular military forces of South Korea. Noted in the service of the men and want to try your hand go to the ten-day course to determine the level of endurance. On the tenth day of action eliminated 90% of the contestants. The rest are sent to the landfill to master the secrets of the underwater combat, parachuting and other essential skills to deal with the communist regime. According to North Korean intelligence at the site has a replica of "747" to 707 soldiers could capture the first flight with his eyes closed. Another distinctive feature of the course is to focus on sub-zero temperatures: naked to the waist soldiers doing exercises in the snow and swim for a while in a frozen lake. Intensive training is held throughout the year and after the South Korea gets super-soldiers, capable of providing adequate resistance to the fanatics in the north.


"Navy SEALs" (USA)
This gentle name of one of the world's most deadly special forces absorbed by the blood of a child due to a second-class fighters, and put in a tight ponytail hair Steven Seagal. However, the name must not be misleading - "Navy SEALs" on a par with "Delta" is a major combat unit of the US Army and ready to install democracy anywhere in the world on the first order of the president. The main activity of "lion" - sabotage and rescue operations. The history of the Marine Special Forces is since World War II, but the founder of the department is John F. Kennedy, who had hoped to use them to finally decide the Cuban question.
In the venture did not work out, but eventually "Navy SEALs" deservedly became the main elite squad in America, took part in all military operations, the Stars and Stripes. The last major achievement divisions - the elimination of Osama.
To get the badge eagle holding in its claws a trident and a gun with a flint lock, applicants must pass the most difficult of the open public training courses in the world. This school is dedicated to the survival of more than one movie, but the main torture can be seen in the movie "GI Jane." But unlike Hollywood fiction in a division shall be taken only by men 18 to 28 years. During the year, they are all conceivable training, existing in a permanent mode, running and swimming. But the main selection of the candidates takes place on the fourth week of the course known as "Hell Week." Within five days of the candidates is given four hours of sleep, 200 miles of running and 20 hours of exercise a day.
After a week of pain and suffering, lost the desire to continue at 90% of applicants. After unrealistic loads Future "seals" acquire skills super-soldiers take part in role-playing games to capture the built in scale 1: 1 Afghan city "Paynlend" and eventually come to a full understanding truly Zen motto division: "The only easy day was yesterday."


"Green Beret (Russia)
In conclusion, the measure is patriotic to tell the people, head piercing the concrete walls, heroes of the Russian Land - Russian special forces. Surely, one of the spring draft and eventually get there. Of all the special units of the armed forces of the Russian Federation there are several - GRU, the group "Alpha", "Hero", "pennant", "dolphin", "Mechel" and other groups that the first order ready to take over the world and bathe boots anywhere in the area of Honolulu. Today in Russia there are about 30 000 Special Forces soldiers, but among them has its own elite. That's 600 people who have received the maroon beret - insignia abruptly any superhero costume.
The glorious tradition of rewarding the most powerful maroon beret originated in the late seventies, and finally took shape by 1993. Today, every year for the right to wear his cap the right color compete about 500 people. Cherished headdress get only fifteen of them. Survival Course begins with a traditional test of physical endurance, which imperceptibly turn into a lengthy torture, twelve kilometers of cross-country, forcing the infected area with a mask, overcoming minefields, psychological treatment, a super obstacle after a forced march, ogneshturmovaya band storm the high-rise buildings . All tasks are strictly regulated in time - did not meet the timing fighters go the distance. The final phase of the course includes training matches - the 12-minute battle with three opponents (one of the subjects and two current "Green Beret"). Before this stage, it reaches only 20% of participants. This figure is achieved sequentially increasing loads until until an appropriate screening. As a result, the last soldier of a happy mess, barely standing on his feet, gets a maroon beret, which is 100% confirmed that its owner - a real killing machine. Glory to Russia.

WEAPONS "Green Beret»

The number of armies.
In the source there is a video training fighters.
