The market for American
The club continues to work for young travelers and this time wanted to be with you, my dear Komrad, visit the market in Rochester, United States.
Photos will be 24. Please do not break.
He called me to him once on a visit to Rochester, a friend and decided we had to look at not stehiyny market. This market operates every weekend and in shape, organization and everything else like our typical post-Soviet market.
And what is the difference between our and the US? But the difference is that the products of local farmers and sold exclusively by Americans. Cleanliness virtually capital. Politseymany keep order on horseback.
Even here selling chicken eggs. Bargaining is possible and even encouraged.
The public? And the audience is different - from vegan athletes to Ethiopians.
That such an interesting character.
We pass on the market and we do not entertain ... not dancing drunken bum, and his grandfather saxophonist. Very cheerful and nice to play well.
I do not like the saxophone? Here's to you guys, nerds, recovered strange sounds and this game I would like to pay them, that would stop raping my ears.
We pass on and encounter the products of the farm hippies. Bread and vegetables. Guys funny and friendly.
Opa! Lids, Bottle opener and other utensils for the dollar! Somewhere I've seen ...
As seen and clothing bazaars.
We go for a long time, and one must eat. The good food stalls dime a dozen. Stumbles on the Polish-Ukrainian cuisine. Halt.
Ordered by Polish Kilbas and fried potatoes with onions. Simply super. That even now I write and remember this taste ... the taste of home food
Well rested, it is time to continue to look for! And once the jackpot! nun sells bread! After the first photo I politely asked not to shoot. Hmm ...
Do not shoot, do not shoot. I go where you can shoot ...
We went to the meat / fish sector in which the mixed smells of smoked fish. Meat sold mainly Turks and fish - Asians.
Libra almost no one has since sold half a kilo (a pound) in boxes.
Spices? for every taste! All yours! There is also a sector with homemade honey and maple syrup.
Ivan da Marya
Choosing pepper ...
Tolkuchka the same as in our markets, but instead privychnoho & quot; @ Ole you are not looking at his feet asshole% ba% d & quot ;, then you politely - "I Am Sorry»
Here is a photo "shaurmyatni" local instance. Many prominent debris underfoot?
And this is my dear grandfather home to salad tomatoes we sell. Another skhodsvto our market, so are the children whose parents are attached to the family business and those with acid mine sit and sell fruktovoschi with a single desire - to sink into the ground with shame)
"I know from afar Rastaman ...» ©
There you have counters. By the way, for such a thing simply send more staff and traffic controllers to resolve traffic jams near the market. Just as we have on the speaker and heard: "The driver of a silver Toyota Camry with the number ololo, pereparkuyte his beautiful and we took her to the edge of the distant" or "documents found in the name Ololoshi Zaololoeva."
He promised 24 photos ... and lied!
I can not share these wonderful graffiti to the market.
And further!
And on this I have everything! Thank you for your attention and patience Komrad!
In conclusion I will say, well, not enough spice to the American market, this is not enough hamovity sellers and desires of all naegorit. None of these profligate who turn inside its fragrance all what you had breakfast outside. No Ashot with perskima sama tasty and Arsen their watermelons. Eh ...
Photos will be 24. Please do not break.

He called me to him once on a visit to Rochester, a friend and decided we had to look at not stehiyny market. This market operates every weekend and in shape, organization and everything else like our typical post-Soviet market.

And what is the difference between our and the US? But the difference is that the products of local farmers and sold exclusively by Americans. Cleanliness virtually capital. Politseymany keep order on horseback.

Even here selling chicken eggs. Bargaining is possible and even encouraged.

The public? And the audience is different - from vegan athletes to Ethiopians.
That such an interesting character.

We pass on the market and we do not entertain ... not dancing drunken bum, and his grandfather saxophonist. Very cheerful and nice to play well.

I do not like the saxophone? Here's to you guys, nerds, recovered strange sounds and this game I would like to pay them, that would stop raping my ears.

We pass on and encounter the products of the farm hippies. Bread and vegetables. Guys funny and friendly.

Opa! Lids, Bottle opener and other utensils for the dollar! Somewhere I've seen ...

As seen and clothing bazaars.

We go for a long time, and one must eat. The good food stalls dime a dozen. Stumbles on the Polish-Ukrainian cuisine. Halt.

Ordered by Polish Kilbas and fried potatoes with onions. Simply super. That even now I write and remember this taste ... the taste of home food

Well rested, it is time to continue to look for! And once the jackpot! nun sells bread! After the first photo I politely asked not to shoot. Hmm ...

Do not shoot, do not shoot. I go where you can shoot ...

We went to the meat / fish sector in which the mixed smells of smoked fish. Meat sold mainly Turks and fish - Asians.

Libra almost no one has since sold half a kilo (a pound) in boxes.

Spices? for every taste! All yours! There is also a sector with homemade honey and maple syrup.

Ivan da Marya

Choosing pepper ...

Tolkuchka the same as in our markets, but instead privychnoho & quot; @ Ole you are not looking at his feet asshole% ba% d & quot ;, then you politely - "I Am Sorry»

Here is a photo "shaurmyatni" local instance. Many prominent debris underfoot?

And this is my dear grandfather home to salad tomatoes we sell. Another skhodsvto our market, so are the children whose parents are attached to the family business and those with acid mine sit and sell fruktovoschi with a single desire - to sink into the ground with shame)

"I know from afar Rastaman ...» ©

There you have counters. By the way, for such a thing simply send more staff and traffic controllers to resolve traffic jams near the market. Just as we have on the speaker and heard: "The driver of a silver Toyota Camry with the number ololo, pereparkuyte his beautiful and we took her to the edge of the distant" or "documents found in the name Ololoshi Zaololoeva."

He promised 24 photos ... and lied!
I can not share these wonderful graffiti to the market.

And further!

And on this I have everything! Thank you for your attention and patience Komrad!
In conclusion I will say, well, not enough spice to the American market, this is not enough hamovity sellers and desires of all naegorit. None of these profligate who turn inside its fragrance all what you had breakfast outside. No Ashot with perskima sama tasty and Arsen their watermelons. Eh ...
