Ah, well done!
Surgut newspaper "New Town" opened the nationality of
Surgut newspaper "New Town" opened the nationality of
In today's issue contains the national journalists, and even heroes nyusmerkerov anecdotes
Last week, the State Duma Shamsail Saraliev put forward a proposal to ban specify nationality mentioned in journalistic materials people.
Many journalists, writers, publicists have given a negative assessment of this initiative.
Surgut staff of the newspaper "New Town" went even further, according to the news agency BIA press - in today's issue of each designated national correspondent nyusmerkera anecdotes and even heroes. Thus, they expressed the view that the fight against xenophobia and ethnic conflicts such methods are simply short-sighted and ineffective.
Surgut newspaper "New Town" opened the nationality of
In today's issue contains the national journalists, and even heroes nyusmerkerov anecdotes
Last week, the State Duma Shamsail Saraliev put forward a proposal to ban specify nationality mentioned in journalistic materials people.
Many journalists, writers, publicists have given a negative assessment of this initiative.
Surgut staff of the newspaper "New Town" went even further, according to the news agency BIA press - in today's issue of each designated national correspondent nyusmerkera anecdotes and even heroes. Thus, they expressed the view that the fight against xenophobia and ethnic conflicts such methods are simply short-sighted and ineffective.
