Election humor in Ukrainian (cat approves)
Billboard frightened politicians. Continued under the cut
The inscription on the billboard reads: I learned that the grandson voted for the "regions", rewrote the house for the cat
Posted in [mergetime] 1344888644 [/ mergetime]
Owners Dneprodzerzhinsk billboards (before entering the bridge from the right to the left bank), which houses the PSAs, called the governor and categorically demanded "to deal with this mess." The reason was the concern here this picture:
What crime has seen the head of the regional organization "Party of Regions" in this image - is not clear. Banner does not violate anyone's rights and does not offend anyone's dignity, and even more so - does not contradict the current legislation. And what to post or not to post on their own billboards, established by the law - a private affair of the owner. Now in fact the market economy, is not it? And the time the party nomenklatura and "on-ringer rights" for 20 years have passed ... Or again it is?

The inscription on the billboard reads: I learned that the grandson voted for the "regions", rewrote the house for the cat
Posted in [mergetime] 1344888644 [/ mergetime]
Owners Dneprodzerzhinsk billboards (before entering the bridge from the right to the left bank), which houses the PSAs, called the governor and categorically demanded "to deal with this mess." The reason was the concern here this picture:
What crime has seen the head of the regional organization "Party of Regions" in this image - is not clear. Banner does not violate anyone's rights and does not offend anyone's dignity, and even more so - does not contradict the current legislation. And what to post or not to post on their own billboards, established by the law - a private affair of the owner. Now in fact the market economy, is not it? And the time the party nomenklatura and "on-ringer rights" for 20 years have passed ... Or again it is?
