Prohibition is not the cartoon "Well, wait a minute!" And porn
We were deceived, we disagree. The ban, "Well, wait a minute!" Misunderstood and simply inflated this fuss.
Bashorga read today, and came across a quote in the Abyss:
2012-08-31 23:05 # AA-233292
We got "nupogodilschiki." Go to the site has the Ministry of Culture and see Film Registry. This Swedish porn "Just you wait!" Is limited to viewing and not a cartoon.
I'm not one of those who trusts around. Went to the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, I went to the Film Registry, and yes, the facts in the quotation was correct.
As you can see, do not trust the news too, as journalists like all exaggerated and a little fib.
PS: I'm still reminded of it in the VC in the same group zapostili news is that the type of color pryamougolnichka down on a tube of toothpaste, shampoo and so on. It shows how much chemistry. This news shared 20k people (!), And everyone believed it to be true, but in fact the truth is very simple - the box is necessary for the robot skleyshika / Welder Kutch-ve labels for bonding / welding package and the color selected The contrasting relative to the color of the Packing for a better recognition of the marker.
So trust, but better check yourself.
Bashorga read today, and came across a quote in the Abyss:
2012-08-31 23:05 # AA-233292
We got "nupogodilschiki." Go to the site has the Ministry of Culture and see Film Registry. This Swedish porn "Just you wait!" Is limited to viewing and not a cartoon.
I'm not one of those who trusts around. Went to the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, I went to the Film Registry, and yes, the facts in the quotation was correct.
As you can see, do not trust the news too, as journalists like all exaggerated and a little fib.
PS: I'm still reminded of it in the VC in the same group zapostili news is that the type of color pryamougolnichka down on a tube of toothpaste, shampoo and so on. It shows how much chemistry. This news shared 20k people (!), And everyone believed it to be true, but in fact the truth is very simple - the box is necessary for the robot skleyshika / Welder Kutch-ve labels for bonding / welding package and the color selected The contrasting relative to the color of the Packing for a better recognition of the marker.
So trust, but better check yourself.
