The doctor died in his hospital, without waiting for aid
In Volgograd, doctors demanded that a colleague with a heart attack called an ambulance, because the clinic was no doctor on duty.
70-year-old Valery Gorelov died of a heart attack at the gate of the clinic where he worked 35 years as deputy chief doctor
On that day, a man was riding on the usual route to visit his wife, who was treated at a hospital. From the house to the clinic a former doctor to get a taxi, and at the gates of a medical institution suddenly felt a pain in my heart. Retired try to get to the hospital, but fell in the yard.
Continuing further. - The man fell down, threw himself if, at the gate. I saw it when he went back. While parked the car and ran for help, went past the two women in white coats, but did not pay any attention. The only one who tried to help was a hospital security guard. He ran into the registry, but it turned out that the clinic is not the duty doctor who can help, and he was advised to call an ambulance for the dying - an eyewitness told Life News Sergey Timofeev.
Honored Doctor of Russia 15 minutes writhing in pain at the gates of the hospital, but colleagues have not come to his aid.
Only when the ambulance arrived at the door of the hospital, doctors found in a patient of his former boss, but nothing could help the doctor. According to experts, Valery Gorelov died of a heart attack.
- Who Investigative Committee checks into the death of Valery Gorelov. Including version is considered that men are to blame for the death of physicians did not have time to help. If this is confirmed, it will be a criminal case - told Life News SU TFR in the Volgograd region.
His guilt in the death of Dr. physicians do not recognize. The hospital claimed that Gorelov has died on the way to the hospital in a taxi car, but the driver did not notice.
- On Sunday at eight in the morning in the hospital, of course, very few specialists, but to every request for assistance we respond promptly. If Gorelov came to us alive, we would have not refused to help him, - said the deputy chief physician at the medical unit of the Volgograd regional clinical hospital № 3 Vladimir Kuslin.
70-year-old Valery Gorelov died of a heart attack at the gate of the clinic where he worked 35 years as deputy chief doctor
On that day, a man was riding on the usual route to visit his wife, who was treated at a hospital. From the house to the clinic a former doctor to get a taxi, and at the gates of a medical institution suddenly felt a pain in my heart. Retired try to get to the hospital, but fell in the yard.
Continuing further. - The man fell down, threw himself if, at the gate. I saw it when he went back. While parked the car and ran for help, went past the two women in white coats, but did not pay any attention. The only one who tried to help was a hospital security guard. He ran into the registry, but it turned out that the clinic is not the duty doctor who can help, and he was advised to call an ambulance for the dying - an eyewitness told Life News Sergey Timofeev.
Honored Doctor of Russia 15 minutes writhing in pain at the gates of the hospital, but colleagues have not come to his aid.
Only when the ambulance arrived at the door of the hospital, doctors found in a patient of his former boss, but nothing could help the doctor. According to experts, Valery Gorelov died of a heart attack.
- Who Investigative Committee checks into the death of Valery Gorelov. Including version is considered that men are to blame for the death of physicians did not have time to help. If this is confirmed, it will be a criminal case - told Life News SU TFR in the Volgograd region.
His guilt in the death of Dr. physicians do not recognize. The hospital claimed that Gorelov has died on the way to the hospital in a taxi car, but the driver did not notice.
- On Sunday at eight in the morning in the hospital, of course, very few specialists, but to every request for assistance we respond promptly. If Gorelov came to us alive, we would have not refused to help him, - said the deputy chief physician at the medical unit of the Volgograd regional clinical hospital № 3 Vladimir Kuslin.

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