The most famous long-lived animals
Immortality - the cherished dream of mankind. However, whatever the average duration of human life, occasionally there is information about an increasing number of animals, the length of life is not comparable to our.
Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment was the oldest inhabitant of our planet - she lived 122 years and 164 days (February 21, 1875 - August 4, 1997). Jeanne has survived both world during her life of mankind landed on the moon, and the Internet was born. However, for some animals 122 years - only half his life.
10 animals and pictures for presentation via topnews
1. bivalve species Arctica islandica - 507 years.
Shellfish Arcticidae family lives in the North Atlantic Ocean. These mollusks are living at a depth of 400 meters. The north - the closer to the shore settle shellfish. They live a very long time - the oldest specimens found have lived 507 and 375 years. (Manfred Heyde)
2. The Bowhead Whale, 122 years.
Keith dark with no dorsal fin can grow up to 20 meters in length. Its weight varies from 75 to 100 tons. More than a blue whale weighs only. Bowhead Whale lives only in the Arctic and sub-Arctic waters. View bowhead whale is in the status of "being in danger."
3. Giant Turtle - 256 years.
The zoo in Calcutta, India resided Advaita (Sanskrit, "the one and only") 250-pound male giant tortoise. Advaita was one of the oldest animals on earth. When he lived in the mansion of the British general Robert Clive of the East India Company. The zoo Kalkutty brought him 130 years ago. In March 2006, the turtle is dead, and his armor was given to the examination.
4. koi "Hanako" - 226 years
Domesticated Koi contain decorative purposes in small garden ponds. They vary in color and size, and patterns on the scales. The most common colors - red, black, yellow, white, blue and cream. Age fish learn by the number of rings on the scales. The oldest carp proved to Hanako. July 7th, 1977, he died at the age of 226 years. (Stan Shebs)
5. geoduck - 168 years.
Geoduck clam is the largest edible family Hiatellidae. Translated from the Indian geoduck translated "dig deep." Find geoduck can be in the majority in the state of Washington and British Columbia. They are the longest lived animal on earth. The oldest geoduck was 168 years old. (Seattle PI)
6. Sturgeon - 125 years.
Sturgeon is a bony fish that live in the sea water off the coast of Eurasia and North America, in rivers and lakes. Typically, the length of the fish is 2-3 meters. In April 2012, employees of the Department of Natural Resources Wisconsin tag marked 125 years of sturgeon weighing 108 kg, were released into the wild. (Wisonsin Department of Natural Resources)
7. roughy - 149 years.
Bolshegolov this large fish of the family Trachichthyidae, inhabiting the western and eastern Pacific and off the coast of Chile, at a depth of 180 to 1,800 meters. Color of live fish - bright red, after death it becomes pale - orange or yellowish. The oldest big-it was 149 years.
8. The European pearl - 210-250 years.
It is a rare species from the family of pearl presnovodonyh Margaritiferidae. It is this kind produces high-quality pearls, which for many years has produced people. Russian scientist Valery Zyuganov recently discovered that this mollusk no signs of aging, and they live about 210-250 years. (Joel Berglund)
9. The red sea urchin - 200 years.
From the name of the hedgehog it does not follow that it must be red. The color of this species varies from pink to almost black. He lived in the Pacific Ocean, from Alaska to California. He lives in shallow water on the rocky shores. Round body covered with sharp spines hedgehog length up to 8 cm, which grow on a solid shell. The oldest member of the species about 200 years. (Kirt L. Onthank)
10. Lamellibrachia luymesi - 170 years.
Lamellibrachia luymesi -type family Siboglinidae tube worms living in deep water. You can find them in the northern Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 500-800 meters. Each worm can reach a length of more than three meters, though growing very slowly. Life expectancy of more than 170 years. (Charles Fisher)
Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment was the oldest inhabitant of our planet - she lived 122 years and 164 days (February 21, 1875 - August 4, 1997). Jeanne has survived both world during her life of mankind landed on the moon, and the Internet was born. However, for some animals 122 years - only half his life.
10 animals and pictures for presentation via topnews
1. bivalve species Arctica islandica - 507 years.
Shellfish Arcticidae family lives in the North Atlantic Ocean. These mollusks are living at a depth of 400 meters. The north - the closer to the shore settle shellfish. They live a very long time - the oldest specimens found have lived 507 and 375 years. (Manfred Heyde)

2. The Bowhead Whale, 122 years.
Keith dark with no dorsal fin can grow up to 20 meters in length. Its weight varies from 75 to 100 tons. More than a blue whale weighs only. Bowhead Whale lives only in the Arctic and sub-Arctic waters. View bowhead whale is in the status of "being in danger."

3. Giant Turtle - 256 years.
The zoo in Calcutta, India resided Advaita (Sanskrit, "the one and only") 250-pound male giant tortoise. Advaita was one of the oldest animals on earth. When he lived in the mansion of the British general Robert Clive of the East India Company. The zoo Kalkutty brought him 130 years ago. In March 2006, the turtle is dead, and his armor was given to the examination.

4. koi "Hanako" - 226 years
Domesticated Koi contain decorative purposes in small garden ponds. They vary in color and size, and patterns on the scales. The most common colors - red, black, yellow, white, blue and cream. Age fish learn by the number of rings on the scales. The oldest carp proved to Hanako. July 7th, 1977, he died at the age of 226 years. (Stan Shebs)

5. geoduck - 168 years.
Geoduck clam is the largest edible family Hiatellidae. Translated from the Indian geoduck translated "dig deep." Find geoduck can be in the majority in the state of Washington and British Columbia. They are the longest lived animal on earth. The oldest geoduck was 168 years old. (Seattle PI)

6. Sturgeon - 125 years.
Sturgeon is a bony fish that live in the sea water off the coast of Eurasia and North America, in rivers and lakes. Typically, the length of the fish is 2-3 meters. In April 2012, employees of the Department of Natural Resources Wisconsin tag marked 125 years of sturgeon weighing 108 kg, were released into the wild. (Wisonsin Department of Natural Resources)

7. roughy - 149 years.
Bolshegolov this large fish of the family Trachichthyidae, inhabiting the western and eastern Pacific and off the coast of Chile, at a depth of 180 to 1,800 meters. Color of live fish - bright red, after death it becomes pale - orange or yellowish. The oldest big-it was 149 years.

8. The European pearl - 210-250 years.
It is a rare species from the family of pearl presnovodonyh Margaritiferidae. It is this kind produces high-quality pearls, which for many years has produced people. Russian scientist Valery Zyuganov recently discovered that this mollusk no signs of aging, and they live about 210-250 years. (Joel Berglund)

9. The red sea urchin - 200 years.
From the name of the hedgehog it does not follow that it must be red. The color of this species varies from pink to almost black. He lived in the Pacific Ocean, from Alaska to California. He lives in shallow water on the rocky shores. Round body covered with sharp spines hedgehog length up to 8 cm, which grow on a solid shell. The oldest member of the species about 200 years. (Kirt L. Onthank)

10. Lamellibrachia luymesi - 170 years.
Lamellibrachia luymesi -type family Siboglinidae tube worms living in deep water. You can find them in the northern Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 500-800 meters. Each worm can reach a length of more than three meters, though growing very slowly. Life expectancy of more than 170 years. (Charles Fisher)
