Meet Francis!
Tearjerker under the cut.
Please, do not break, about 30 photos and text. My translation in conjunction with Google Translate.
Francis was found in a box in a cold February night. At first they thought he was dead. He was cold and did not issue any sound. Soon, however, we noticed that the puppy is breathing ...
Francis was taken to a local animal shelter called «CARA». After a visit to the vet revealed that the puppy was in a deep coma.
People «CARA» done everything possible to bring him back to life. He was kept in the warmth and comfort. And on Valentine's Day, organized a party in his honor.
Francis visited a lot of visitors. Large ...
And small ...
... And even fluffy!
Many left Francis valentine, full of warm words and good wishes.
And a miracle happened, Francis began to emit sounds ... and soon opened his eyes!
Francis began working physical therapist. He began is restored. He began to open his eyes and lifted his head ...
... Stand on the feet ...
... And walk!
This puppy was a fighter.
More parties
Fashion events
And the sessions with a therapist
... And look how far we've come!
Francis is now a happy, healthy puppy!
Made friends!
I celebrate Christmas!
People «CARA» decided to leave him in the orphanage as a mascot, and not give it to another family. He takes part in special events and helps them raise funds for other animals in need.
He grew
Follow the cardboard boxes that can seemingly be empty ...
That's all I wanted to say! Thank you!
... And Francis says thank you!
Please, do not break, about 30 photos and text. My translation in conjunction with Google Translate.

Francis was found in a box in a cold February night. At first they thought he was dead. He was cold and did not issue any sound. Soon, however, we noticed that the puppy is breathing ...

Francis was taken to a local animal shelter called «CARA». After a visit to the vet revealed that the puppy was in a deep coma.


People «CARA» done everything possible to bring him back to life. He was kept in the warmth and comfort. And on Valentine's Day, organized a party in his honor.
Francis visited a lot of visitors. Large ...

And small ...

... And even fluffy!

Many left Francis valentine, full of warm words and good wishes.

And a miracle happened, Francis began to emit sounds ... and soon opened his eyes!

Francis began working physical therapist. He began is restored. He began to open his eyes and lifted his head ...

... Stand on the feet ...

... And walk!


This puppy was a fighter.

More parties

Fashion events



And the sessions with a therapist


... And look how far we've come!




Francis is now a happy, healthy puppy!

Made friends!

I celebrate Christmas!


People «CARA» decided to leave him in the orphanage as a mascot, and not give it to another family. He takes part in special events and helps them raise funds for other animals in need.

He grew

Follow the cardboard boxes that can seemingly be empty ...
That's all I wanted to say! Thank you!
... And Francis says thank you!
