Ladies trams
Almost all drivers Minsk trams - women. The actual numbers only confirm the observation. Representatives of the profession, opening for "Salidarnastsi" the doors of their cabins, openly shared not only the secrets of their work, but also the fact why choose this way of life.
Source: Solidarity
Minsk, like most European capitals, has become a city tram in 1929. Since then, the routes are often changed, updated rolling stock. Daily Minsk trams carry about 180-190 thousand people in nine city routes, a year - more than 72 million passengers.
According to the observations, the lion's share of those who run the tram - it's the fair sex. Indeed, 293 of the 315 drivers - women.
- More than 96 per cent. We employ drivers of different age groups - says "Salidarnastsi" deputy director of the Transport Alla Penyushkina. - There is a constant influx of young people. You yourself may have noticed how many young beauties drives our tram.
We meet with Anastasia Pakhomov, which manages the tram five years.
- It's not much, and not too little - says Nastya. - There are women who for twenty years working there and most newcomers. So I am among them, somewhere in the first third.
Asked what led her to the tram driver, 27-year-old Anastasia replied: "Perhaps the fate»
- I've always liked the way. Before, I was a bartender, and then decided: I want to change something in their lives. With girlfriend decided to apply to the carbs. Trained ... and here I am five years I drive passengers.
To control the tram driver's license is not required (although interlocutor leads and the car). According to our heroine, in this work there is nothing monotonous or boring. Smiling, she continued:
- Some people think that if you travel on the same routes every day, all around quickly bored. But it is not. Always something going on. For example, motorists are often "surprised" (though I am to them quietly). Well, will call the driver on the track, so I'll skip it. Or you need to go, to translate the arrows. It happens that breaks the tram and we must deal with it itself.
Anastasia often goes to work on the weekends:
- Even my husband sometimes does not stand up, angry. While I understand my profession, since he last worked as a trolley driver. I am very diligent people. What else can seem monotonous, contrary calms me and helps to concentrate. I work with pleasure.
Depending on the schedule of the day is brought to go from six to nine hours. The main thing "in a month to accumulated 174 hours».
On the day when "Salidarnasts" had a chance to ride on the route №6, Anastasia Pakhomov went the route in the second shift. She returned to the park is relatively early, around 23.00.
Photo 8
Further, "the route": to drive a tram depot, says the magazine, touch up make-up, pack up and ... home. Back in his "home" tram engaged cleaners.
Photo 10
Photo 11
But drivers who go in the first shift, working day begins early in the morning.
4.20 The duty tram takes me, a reporter on the "Partisan". In the car for five people.
Someone looks out the window, thinking about her, someone communicating with colleagues. Normal-looking tram, only with the words "dzyazhurny."
Photo 15
Ten minutes 'flight' on the rails through the waking Minsk - and here we are in the botanical park tram. At the exit of the park already expect their cars a few women conductors.
Drivers say that they love their job and passengers. The latter - even careless, noisy or drunk. "If only everything was in order, and shift ended without incident," - they explain. Apparently, the "ladies trams" who daily carry a small army of Minsk residents, triggered maternal instinct:)
Posted in [mergetime] 1361027666 [/ mergetime]
Source: Solidarity

Minsk, like most European capitals, has become a city tram in 1929. Since then, the routes are often changed, updated rolling stock. Daily Minsk trams carry about 180-190 thousand people in nine city routes, a year - more than 72 million passengers.
According to the observations, the lion's share of those who run the tram - it's the fair sex. Indeed, 293 of the 315 drivers - women.
- More than 96 per cent. We employ drivers of different age groups - says "Salidarnastsi" deputy director of the Transport Alla Penyushkina. - There is a constant influx of young people. You yourself may have noticed how many young beauties drives our tram.
We meet with Anastasia Pakhomov, which manages the tram five years.
- It's not much, and not too little - says Nastya. - There are women who for twenty years working there and most newcomers. So I am among them, somewhere in the first third.
Asked what led her to the tram driver, 27-year-old Anastasia replied: "Perhaps the fate»

- I've always liked the way. Before, I was a bartender, and then decided: I want to change something in their lives. With girlfriend decided to apply to the carbs. Trained ... and here I am five years I drive passengers.

To control the tram driver's license is not required (although interlocutor leads and the car). According to our heroine, in this work there is nothing monotonous or boring. Smiling, she continued:
- Some people think that if you travel on the same routes every day, all around quickly bored. But it is not. Always something going on. For example, motorists are often "surprised" (though I am to them quietly). Well, will call the driver on the track, so I'll skip it. Or you need to go, to translate the arrows. It happens that breaks the tram and we must deal with it itself.

Anastasia often goes to work on the weekends:
- Even my husband sometimes does not stand up, angry. While I understand my profession, since he last worked as a trolley driver. I am very diligent people. What else can seem monotonous, contrary calms me and helps to concentrate. I work with pleasure.

Depending on the schedule of the day is brought to go from six to nine hours. The main thing "in a month to accumulated 174 hours».

On the day when "Salidarnasts" had a chance to ride on the route №6, Anastasia Pakhomov went the route in the second shift. She returned to the park is relatively early, around 23.00.

Photo 8

Further, "the route": to drive a tram depot, says the magazine, touch up make-up, pack up and ... home. Back in his "home" tram engaged cleaners.

Photo 10

Photo 11

But drivers who go in the first shift, working day begins early in the morning.

4.20 The duty tram takes me, a reporter on the "Partisan". In the car for five people.

Someone looks out the window, thinking about her, someone communicating with colleagues. Normal-looking tram, only with the words "dzyazhurny."

Photo 15

Ten minutes 'flight' on the rails through the waking Minsk - and here we are in the botanical park tram. At the exit of the park already expect their cars a few women conductors.
Drivers say that they love their job and passengers. The latter - even careless, noisy or drunk. "If only everything was in order, and shift ended without incident," - they explain. Apparently, the "ladies trams" who daily carry a small army of Minsk residents, triggered maternal instinct:)
Posted in [mergetime] 1361027666 [/ mergetime]
