Holders whose? it put ...
Drugs and ammunition is a classic Cop bases. We go with a partner for the search. They caught the thief dokazuhi little in appearance guy is not guilty, but was in the wrong place at the wrong time ...
For this opera is not to imprison the guilty not the most pleasant thing, but any operas knows what it is. Sometimes when I have accomplished one thing, and for another plant, as they say, for what could. So what bases happen. But it is quite another matter, and so ...
We feel somewhere inside that man is not guilty, most everything is just the opposite. And here it is, that is to blame. We write out a search warrant, and my companion go to his apartment. It does not prescribe in our territory, but not very far.
The search is not grateful and frankly unpleasant, dig into other people's things, but still not in the best apartments, and more generally nasty, short horror complete.
We arrive at a place in the apartment as I remember the older sister of the detainee. Announces the search, to invite witnesses. More on the road we planned to do everything quickly. If you eat on a search for hardened criminals spend a full shakedown, look everywhere, even in the refrigerator, behind the window, rattling parquet, a lot of places to hide, about everything I will not tell.
So, there's another story decide to do everything quick. Take witnesses from neighboring apartments and formally carried out only in the same room where he lived arrested.
We provide all registered in the minutes and bows.
The car gets a teammate from his pocket and showed me ammunition. I'm surprised: - How, why not designed?
I was still young and not experienced opera, so much surprised, but listen carefully to his story:
- Young guy, you can see that is not the culprit, the cartridges were in the bedside table in plain view. Who in childhood did not have anything forbidden? I also had ammunition. If they withdraw, he inexperience confirm that they are indeed his, and to judge good appendage to the criminal case. The chance to stay on the loose at times less. In short saw quietly pocketed.
- And yet the most important point, that neither the home nor the neighbors would not believe the two operas that are so easy to find bullets in the bedside table at the beginning of the search. From the outside it looks like a classic mentoring the bases.
Of course I was curious and asked the accused about the bullets and he told me that he really, traded with friends to something, in his opinion, less valuable. And it is feared that they will emerge during the search.
Man eventually acquitted. I confess that it was good news for me. This thief was never caught, well, at least while I was working in this department.
Personally, I think it is better to leave one guilty in freedom, than to put an innocent man.
And how do you think that all you think about this?
Author: nemihail.livejournal.com/

For this opera is not to imprison the guilty not the most pleasant thing, but any operas knows what it is. Sometimes when I have accomplished one thing, and for another plant, as they say, for what could. So what bases happen. But it is quite another matter, and so ...
We feel somewhere inside that man is not guilty, most everything is just the opposite. And here it is, that is to blame. We write out a search warrant, and my companion go to his apartment. It does not prescribe in our territory, but not very far.
The search is not grateful and frankly unpleasant, dig into other people's things, but still not in the best apartments, and more generally nasty, short horror complete.
We arrive at a place in the apartment as I remember the older sister of the detainee. Announces the search, to invite witnesses. More on the road we planned to do everything quickly. If you eat on a search for hardened criminals spend a full shakedown, look everywhere, even in the refrigerator, behind the window, rattling parquet, a lot of places to hide, about everything I will not tell.
So, there's another story decide to do everything quick. Take witnesses from neighboring apartments and formally carried out only in the same room where he lived arrested.
We provide all registered in the minutes and bows.
The car gets a teammate from his pocket and showed me ammunition. I'm surprised: - How, why not designed?
I was still young and not experienced opera, so much surprised, but listen carefully to his story:
- Young guy, you can see that is not the culprit, the cartridges were in the bedside table in plain view. Who in childhood did not have anything forbidden? I also had ammunition. If they withdraw, he inexperience confirm that they are indeed his, and to judge good appendage to the criminal case. The chance to stay on the loose at times less. In short saw quietly pocketed.
- And yet the most important point, that neither the home nor the neighbors would not believe the two operas that are so easy to find bullets in the bedside table at the beginning of the search. From the outside it looks like a classic mentoring the bases.
Of course I was curious and asked the accused about the bullets and he told me that he really, traded with friends to something, in his opinion, less valuable. And it is feared that they will emerge during the search.
Man eventually acquitted. I confess that it was good news for me. This thief was never caught, well, at least while I was working in this department.
Personally, I think it is better to leave one guilty in freedom, than to put an innocent man.
And how do you think that all you think about this?
Author: nemihail.livejournal.com/