Gun safes.
Today I want to touch not the weapons, and let's say about the weapons the topic, namely the possession of weapons. For proper storage of weapons is part of the very culture of weapons, which the assurances hoplofobov Rus-mother allegedly not! Look at us and students (one was a moron, so now it 7tysyach billion years will remember!) In school shooting in general.
9 photos + text.
So you've decided to buy a gun and do the paperwork. In addition to the package of documents, you need to attend to the purchase and installation of the safe.
If yurideskih persons (eg private security offices), the law clearly defines how to look Munitions, which -Where, then individuals (ordinary citizens), the law is not so harsh (well, except that if you go beyond the number of trunks, then another song, then this is a collection of requirements and others). And we said, Comrade Mauser law?
162. Citizens of the Russian Federation shall be kept their weapons and ammunition in the community in lockable safe or metal cabinets, boxes of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes, covered in iron under the conditions that ensure the safety of weapons and ammunition, the safety of storage and exclusion access by unauthorized persons.
In other words, if the safe is made of high Plastic words to you no one will say. Whether this is true in theory ...
There is still a requirement, however I could not find where it is registered officially, but without it none of the district did not sign a piece of paper that you all have a safe well. Namely, the safe should be bolted to the wall. With a little skill it takes about 15 minutes, though (to confess) to break down the walls of the three anchor and carry out all guns directly from a safety deposit box is also 15 minutes ...
Should be a safe bolted to the wall for OOOP (in trauma) - this to me is not conducted, because I do not have those.
So what's a safe buy (or do it yourself because the law does not prohibit)? But there are simple criteria as a hammer.
1. For how many trunks want safe?
2- What is the length of weapons?
3- How much money do you have?
The answer to the first question is not complicated at first glance, but! To be honest, I've never met a gun owners who bought a barrel and settled down. Every owner wants to expand or over time your arsenal, or just buy a pair of trunks. So my advice to you is DO NOT BUY SAFE ONE BARREL! Do not waste your time and money. Safe to be "for growth" for at least 3 of the barrel. Do not buy more barrels (different happens in life) there is always what to put in the gun safe (additional shops, bandolier). Personally, I have always in a safe place pathologically lacking. The photo is just an example of a small safe that if something is worth buying only as an extra. (photo)
Many future owners of weapons (Why future? Because who has experience of this will not do) argue, "Why do I need a high safe, if I buy saiga with a folding stock or the same TOZ-106 (death of the chairman of the collective farm.), And they so will climb in the meter safe. The photo TOZ-106. Climb any safe (photo) And here goes 5 years and the owner decides to take a rifled barrel (why is a different topic, for hunting, target shooting or just babahinga). And then he discovers that in a short safe fit only once kalashoid with folded butt, but at the same time standing in the same place with the same saiga folded butt is no longer fit, or fit with difficulty! And about the purchase of the rifle (eg the same Tiger) is not worth stuttering without changing the safe. Again, I repeat! Save time and money! Just buy a safe for growth! (Photo)
Price range of safes for the weapon has a large expansion. Approximately 2500 (photo)
to 500 thousand or higher. (Ohrenet any gun safes from foreign producers). (Photo)
On average, count on a safe economic class (depending on your plan) in the region of 10 TR Some safes are equipped with additional twists such as cradles and upholstery. lodgements like and handy thing, but they can be stupid not to go to the trunk. It is better to buy a specific trunk and installed separately. (Photo)
Immediately a little advice! Safes for weapons need to buy from a company that sells safes or ideally near the manufacturer! Won at the price of about 30% compared with prices in the gun shop!
So you sit in the internet, comparing prices, and choosing an acceptable option for you wondered where is safe to install? I am in my life seen a gun safes in individual offices (the rich). But if you live in an apartment or in a private house, but you do not have your personal account to address global challenges), it becomes a problem. Personally, I found a safe in the bedroom because who would not say, but half of life we sleep and usually in the bedroom ... Just try that safe westering not immediately caught the eye (behind the curtain, behind the door, etc.) Nehru for the people to enter into temptation (suddenly you have a celebration and accidental guests who visited drunk seeing decides to open a safe, and a drunken reckless, so do not provoke an unhealthy interest). In my life I saw a safe that was inside the cabinet. Less has been in the closet that can not be moved because the safe was bolted to the wall ...
Most (if not all) are equipped with a lockable boxes for ammunition department. It is certainly nice, but! Division under the bullets in my safe critically low and there I just kept armory documentation, and took the bullets for the pistol safe with a combination lock. Why is that? There are several reasons. As I'm not trying to cram not vpihuemoe in the cartridge compartment did not prevent more than 150 rounds of 12-caliber. And the child at home. Remember student which I recalled above? House child- this is a problem. Every kid knows where the father holds the keys to the safe (and I still know where to lay the videocassette with porn). And in this case, to hide useless. Children everywhere will climb. And they will be opening the safe and access to ammunition for keys, usually on the same key ring. You can certainly act as a colleague Maverik00, hang on every barrel of additional separate locking (if there will be a photo can show where he has on every single barrel lock).
But I decided to go a little bit the other way. 1- bring up her daughter that she had come off the hand if it is suitable to the safe without me closer meter without menya.2- shared weapons and ammunition. Cutlets separately muhi- separately! And if someone, for some reason, will open my gun safe. That he should look for another and ammunition. why I have a small safe under seven seals? Because the code only I know, and pull me out of this most of the head can be, but voluntarily I had children, even vypimshi not say, for "Negligent storage of firearms, created the conditions for its use by another person, entailed to heavy consequences - is punished by restriction sentence of up to two years, or imprisonment for up to six months, or imprisonment for up to one year. " (The Criminal Code. Article 224). (Photo)
Therefore, buying a weapon, you must assume greater responsibility, and if you go to this step lightly at the time of purchase safe and secure weapons and hence their loved ones, then think again, maybe you do not need it? Maybe you have not "mature enough"? and if you are "mature enough" that you please apply to weapons and all that is connected with it with the utmost seriousness. At this point I probably will end. Your Haupman!
9 photos + text.

So you've decided to buy a gun and do the paperwork. In addition to the package of documents, you need to attend to the purchase and installation of the safe.
If yurideskih persons (eg private security offices), the law clearly defines how to look Munitions, which -Where, then individuals (ordinary citizens), the law is not so harsh (well, except that if you go beyond the number of trunks, then another song, then this is a collection of requirements and others). And we said, Comrade Mauser law?
162. Citizens of the Russian Federation shall be kept their weapons and ammunition in the community in lockable safe or metal cabinets, boxes of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes, covered in iron under the conditions that ensure the safety of weapons and ammunition, the safety of storage and exclusion access by unauthorized persons.
In other words, if the safe is made of high Plastic words to you no one will say. Whether this is true in theory ...
There is still a requirement, however I could not find where it is registered officially, but without it none of the district did not sign a piece of paper that you all have a safe well. Namely, the safe should be bolted to the wall. With a little skill it takes about 15 minutes, though (to confess) to break down the walls of the three anchor and carry out all guns directly from a safety deposit box is also 15 minutes ...
Should be a safe bolted to the wall for OOOP (in trauma) - this to me is not conducted, because I do not have those.
So what's a safe buy (or do it yourself because the law does not prohibit)? But there are simple criteria as a hammer.
1. For how many trunks want safe?
2- What is the length of weapons?
3- How much money do you have?
The answer to the first question is not complicated at first glance, but! To be honest, I've never met a gun owners who bought a barrel and settled down. Every owner wants to expand or over time your arsenal, or just buy a pair of trunks. So my advice to you is DO NOT BUY SAFE ONE BARREL! Do not waste your time and money. Safe to be "for growth" for at least 3 of the barrel. Do not buy more barrels (different happens in life) there is always what to put in the gun safe (additional shops, bandolier). Personally, I have always in a safe place pathologically lacking. The photo is just an example of a small safe that if something is worth buying only as an extra. (photo)

Many future owners of weapons (Why future? Because who has experience of this will not do) argue, "Why do I need a high safe, if I buy saiga with a folding stock or the same TOZ-106 (death of the chairman of the collective farm.), And they so will climb in the meter safe. The photo TOZ-106. Climb any safe (photo) And here goes 5 years and the owner decides to take a rifled barrel (why is a different topic, for hunting, target shooting or just babahinga). And then he discovers that in a short safe fit only once kalashoid with folded butt, but at the same time standing in the same place with the same saiga folded butt is no longer fit, or fit with difficulty! And about the purchase of the rifle (eg the same Tiger) is not worth stuttering without changing the safe. Again, I repeat! Save time and money! Just buy a safe for growth! (Photo)

Price range of safes for the weapon has a large expansion. Approximately 2500 (photo)

to 500 thousand or higher. (Ohrenet any gun safes from foreign producers). (Photo)

On average, count on a safe economic class (depending on your plan) in the region of 10 TR Some safes are equipped with additional twists such as cradles and upholstery. lodgements like and handy thing, but they can be stupid not to go to the trunk. It is better to buy a specific trunk and installed separately. (Photo)

Immediately a little advice! Safes for weapons need to buy from a company that sells safes or ideally near the manufacturer! Won at the price of about 30% compared with prices in the gun shop!
So you sit in the internet, comparing prices, and choosing an acceptable option for you wondered where is safe to install? I am in my life seen a gun safes in individual offices (the rich). But if you live in an apartment or in a private house, but you do not have your personal account to address global challenges), it becomes a problem. Personally, I found a safe in the bedroom because who would not say, but half of life we sleep and usually in the bedroom ... Just try that safe westering not immediately caught the eye (behind the curtain, behind the door, etc.) Nehru for the people to enter into temptation (suddenly you have a celebration and accidental guests who visited drunk seeing decides to open a safe, and a drunken reckless, so do not provoke an unhealthy interest). In my life I saw a safe that was inside the cabinet. Less has been in the closet that can not be moved because the safe was bolted to the wall ...
Most (if not all) are equipped with a lockable boxes for ammunition department. It is certainly nice, but! Division under the bullets in my safe critically low and there I just kept armory documentation, and took the bullets for the pistol safe with a combination lock. Why is that? There are several reasons. As I'm not trying to cram not vpihuemoe in the cartridge compartment did not prevent more than 150 rounds of 12-caliber. And the child at home. Remember student which I recalled above? House child- this is a problem. Every kid knows where the father holds the keys to the safe (and I still know where to lay the videocassette with porn). And in this case, to hide useless. Children everywhere will climb. And they will be opening the safe and access to ammunition for keys, usually on the same key ring. You can certainly act as a colleague Maverik00, hang on every barrel of additional separate locking (if there will be a photo can show where he has on every single barrel lock).
But I decided to go a little bit the other way. 1- bring up her daughter that she had come off the hand if it is suitable to the safe without me closer meter without menya.2- shared weapons and ammunition. Cutlets separately muhi- separately! And if someone, for some reason, will open my gun safe. That he should look for another and ammunition. why I have a small safe under seven seals? Because the code only I know, and pull me out of this most of the head can be, but voluntarily I had children, even vypimshi not say, for "Negligent storage of firearms, created the conditions for its use by another person, entailed to heavy consequences - is punished by restriction sentence of up to two years, or imprisonment for up to six months, or imprisonment for up to one year. " (The Criminal Code. Article 224). (Photo)

Therefore, buying a weapon, you must assume greater responsibility, and if you go to this step lightly at the time of purchase safe and secure weapons and hence their loved ones, then think again, maybe you do not need it? Maybe you have not "mature enough"? and if you are "mature enough" that you please apply to weapons and all that is connected with it with the utmost seriousness. At this point I probably will end. Your Haupman!
