Pistol M1911A1
Hello and Good day!
I wish you, dear YaPovtsy, share the joy of shopping, as well as unpack and examine together the famous gun -M1911A1.
Very briefly, for those who do not know what was going on.
The gun was designed by John Browning after problems with guns during the war with the United States Philippines 1899-1902 years. The war in the islands took a guerilla, Filipinos used knives Chris attacking from ambush, so US soldiers often do not have time to use a rifle or Craig Springfield, who were armed and were forced to use while standing armed with .38 caliber revolvers.
Experience has shown that often before the fight Filipinos taking strong opioids, as a result, in most cases it was impossible to stop the assailant, even a few hits from a small caliber revolver.
In 1904, the US Army conducted a series of tests on the stopping power of various weapons, so-called tests Thompson-LaGarde (under the leadership of Infantry Colonel John Thompson, later General, the man who would be the developer of Thompson submachine gun, and Surgeon-Major Luis Lagarde) . Various ammunition fired both living and dead livestock, and on human remains). The conclusion was made by the following - in order to put into service an army revolver or pistol was effective in the short run, the caliber should be at least .45.
According to unconfirmed rumors, John Thompson told John Browning on the findings of the tests before the announcement of official results that gave Browning certain head start in the development of its new automatic pistol based on the Colt and Colt 1902 1905.
Heh, I skidded wow "a little" in history.
I will try to write shorter and does not go into detail, sorry. :)
So the gun Browning wins Army competition in 1911 and officially adopted by the US Army in the same year under the title "M1911".
First used in 1916 by the troops in the war with Mexico, is then used during the First World War, where he received a well-deserved reputation as a reliable and powerful weapons. As an illustration, reliability and power, there would be appropriate to bring the story of Sergeant Alvin York, who fired six M1911 six attackers shot him in the bayonet charge German October 8, 1918 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvin_C._York )
In 1926, the design was slightly modified, and a new gun received the name «Government M1911A1»
The gun was held the Second World War, the war in Korea and Vietnam, and has proven itself well.
M1911A1 pistol remained the official US Army until 1985, after which he was replaced by Beretta M9 9mm caliber.
But this does not mean that the gun, which is over 100 years old, finished his service and became a collector. Many US police units, as well as special forces, still use this design in various versions.
Not later, in 2012, MARSOC (Marine Special Operation Command - US Marine commandos) ordered from Colt pistols and 12,000 new M45A1 - improved Colts, with all sorts of additions in the form of strips for the body kit, night sighting devices, and so on.
Fuhhh ... This, my friends, is very brief history of the gun. :)
In general, a legendary weapon.
I must say that after the success of Colt weapons other companies began to copy design of the gun, with various changes, additions and improvements.
At the present time this pistol is made by dozens of different weapons companies around the world under different names, but usually the number 1911 in the model name is present on the Ruger SR1911 to Remington 1911R1.
Pistolel this - a long-standing dream of mine, a piece of history in the United States it is very popular among people who are interested in weapons. Almost every issue of the magazine of any weapon will be advertising this pistol from another manufacturer, ranging from budget version, and ending with tailor-made weapon for big money.
As here - plenty of different options and proposals from different companies.
But back to reality. Dreaming about the gun I certainly wanted to, but did not buy.
Quite expensive, he himself, as well as ammunition. Prices start at $ 500, plus $ 26 for a box of 50 cartridges. Conceived. Especially with the current shortage of ammunition, even when the money is not the fact that you buy.
But each time you visit gun shops I heard this voice from the left shoulder, which is familiar to every lover of weapons in such cases ... :) - "What do you mean, take sure, look at them after selling today! :) Do you want to learn how to shoot a legend? Try at least? And if you are not very expensive to be, You take, huh? Here, for you, what the maximum amount? Come on, maybe go to a compromise, and you obyazuesh himself not to drink, such as beer for two months, such as saving, and pay for the purchase of this? Come on, TAKE NOW SEE WHAT A BEAUTIFUL !!!! »
For a long time I fought these thoughts, and only looked at different models in stores, I picked up, then read about them on the Internet, and licking his lips. :)
As a result, my friends, I got this gun as a gift for Father's Day (a holiday in the US, where congratulate their dads, and of all men) from his beloved wife. :)
I Choose, of course, myself, but a gift from her. :)
Fathers Day was on Sunday, so I could not wait until Monday to go and buy. :)
I must say that with the choice, I decided long ago, and he knew exactly what I want, and options for something special happened.
The fact that we live in a state where, unfortunately, can not buy any gun you like, you can only choose from the list of permitted.
Therefore, the choice was initially limited to the following manufacturers:
Rock Island Armory
Auto Ordnance
Para Ordnance
Sig Sauer
Smith & Wesson
Rock Island and Para Ordnance soon disappeared, after reading various reviews on the internet, talking with friends, and articles about the quality of customer service these companies if you have problems with a gun.
Well, then in my price range it was, in fact, only Auto Ordnance and Ruger, Ruger And at 150 dollars more expensive.
Auto Ordnance - known company, it was founded by John Thompson and famous for the production of Thompson submachine gun, the famous Tommy Ghana "Chicago typewriter", a favorite weapon of gangsters.
In 1999 the company was bought by a young and very aggressive in the US market of weapons by Kahr Arms, Auto Ordnance so it is now a division of Kahr.
Kahr is known for its quality and high level of customer service, so that the choice was made in favor of this option (well, and the difference of $ 150, of course, also played a role;))
And finally, Monday !!! Making coveted purchase! :)
Here's a plastic box brought out of the store.
Let's open! Surprisingly - much less of stuff than usual. There are no booklets NRA, there otstrelennyh sleeves. Only from Kahr leaflet and instructions for use.
Aside paper. Included - gun, unfortunately only one store, and the castle. Very succinctly. :)
Here he is! Almost a full copy of the Colt Army. Is that the stamps and other cheeks handle here - wood. The original was plastic and without inscriptions US. The store was schёchkami and plastic, but I liked it, a little bit "more tightly" He showed smaller gaps.
Shop at 7 rounds. I do not get enough attention from others. Hug me and sundry. one in the barrel. Total - 8 max.
PS Oh, and what I "attention" signed up, do one of the barrel?
The stamp on the shell shutter
General form. Yes, that nobody said nothing about TB - the gun has been previously tested for the absence of cartridges in the store and in the barrel, the cartridges are locked in a personal safe, they are not in the room, so that all safety regulations are met.
I am seen as a topic on Yap, where the owner showed and talked about another copy of the 1911 air pistol Glacier. Pneumatics that I really liked, and mind - almost one to one. And here the difference is small. Air Pistol, as I understand, you can always put on a safety lever. And this can not be, unless the hammer is cocked, the fuse does not go up.
Only when I cocked the trigger here. On these photos can be seen, and automatic safety. Even if the trigger is cocked and the trigger is pulled - the shot will not happen as long as the circuit breaker is pressed on the handle.
Like here. Usually it is pressed automatically if you take the gun in his hand.
Cheeks handles, wood here. As already mentioned - was in the original plastic.
On the other hand.
The trunk.
Gun placed on slide stop.
Front and rear sights, as you can see, very simple, and not very comfortable. If you shoot at targets dark or in the dark - the sights "lost" against the background of the target. Incidentally, in this model, they are not regulated in any way (but, as shown by the shooting - to me and no adjustment was required, accurately adjusted at the factory for my eyes)
For those who had never fired a pistol or a revolver - a little different from the technique of shooting, such as rifles. For a precise shot from korotkostvola need to focus on the fly, rather than a goal or pillar. Sighting picture should look like this, that is, you focus on the fly, while trying to bring about a slot in the rear sight smeared on a par with a clear eye for beauty spot height. The goal in this case, too, will be obscured for a look, that's fine.
As has already been said - such sighting devices it is difficult to make, there is no bright spots on either entirely, or at gunpoint, on what to focus the mind. It requires practice. On target with a black center - all the trouble, all blends, so buy the target with a red ten. If, God forbid, have to use - ask beforehand robber put a red or orange cap.
I show the process of partial disassembly. Part Names in Russian are taken here, and so they'll use: m.fastmarksman.ru/4a_m1911.php
Picture taken from the same place, to make it easier to understand what is at stake.
Here is a description of details:
Details pistol "Colt" M1911: 1 - housing-bolt; 2 - Total: 3 - ejector; 4 - the drummer with a spring; 5 - the directing plug; b - barrel; 7 -serga; 8 - Tube; 9- return spring; 10 - the guide rod; 11 - uncoupler; 12 - sear; 13 - the trigger; 14 - trigger craving: 15 - frame; 16 - slide catch; 17 - magazine catch with spring; 18 - safety lever; 19 - descent; 20 - release the spring; 21 - an automatic safety device; 22 - action spring with a button; 23 - liner; 24 - shop; 25 - cheek.
Click on the tube 8 to release the guide sleeve 5.
Begins to turn the guide sleeve 5 clockwise (handle gun on the table, the trunk)
Hold the finger tube 8 so as not to fly away, dokruchivaem sleeve 5 in a clockwise direction until the end.
This frees the return spring 9, which can now be gently released.
Remove the tube 8, the casing shutter return back to the slot on the housing coincides with the slide stop, remove the slide stop
You can then remove the cover lock and pull the recoil spring guide rod 9 and 10
Further, the guide sleeve is pulled out, it takes its turn to the end position by turning counterclockwise, that is.
Now you can remove the barrel, you can see the earring from the circuit 7, the most important element of Browning.
The gun in an incomplete removal.
Schemes locking bolt of the gun (taken somewhere from the Internet, unfortunately kept for a long time, and I can not find a reference to the original. It seems to me that this was an article of one of the owners or trainers of the Moscow shooting club abroad). As can be seen from the scheme, with the shot when the earring is rotated, it "takes away" the barrel down from the casing shutter disengaging notch on the barrel and the grooves on the gate, allowing the casing to move on, to throw out the used sleeve and guiding a new cartridge from the magazine into the barrel. The system developed by Browning and called a warp gate locking trunk.
The system is popular to this day, pistols Glock, Ruger and many others use modified Browning system so far. Thus, when the gun is put on the slide stop, the barrel is not securely fastened, and they can "chat", and part of the trunk looks "up" when viewed from the side, as here (this is a Glock 19, a photo is not mine)
In M1911 "hanging out" with the statement on stem the slide stop is noticeably smaller than the Glock, but there, too.
Separately, the trunk to show the recess, which cling to the notches on the valve casing.
Separately, the gate to show the slots. Yin and Yang
Rifling in the barrel, then highlight flashlight
And then, without a flashlight. If I am not mistaken, 6 grooves.
Wearing. Well, here it is. I, in general, very rarely wear something with them, practically only if the food at the shooting range. There is no need, in the normal living area, and I'm not a bill collector.
So do not bother with the purchase of holsters for concealed carrying, and bought a simple belt, Blackhawck number 5. He sits like a glove! When large size T-shirt - you can even hide this holster on his belt.
On the other hand.
The bar on the left - a plastic, hard. The bar on the right - soft. Therefore otstёgivaniya strap-holder simply press your thumb on a solid strip
The button opens a flick of a finger, and you can get a weapon.
Little about patrons. We now have with any practically cartridges but the shot - the trouble. There is nothing anywhere. So sometimes come across here such items in stores.
This, folks, home crafts are sold at a local gun shops. Someone typed liners, and washed it down with his own ammo for sale, in this case with bullets wad-cutter. I bought a couple of boxes of what looked back. Because of the shape of bullets were problems, they often get stuck, or rather constantly, while being pulled from the shape, clinging to the edge of the chamber. One box somehow had shot, lying second. Standing, most importantly, not much smaller!
After these failures bought only normal. For example, these. From June 17 he had shot about 1,000 rounds, no problem at all.
Compare with a cartridge 9mm luger. Bullet exactly 2 times heavier at 9mm - roughly 7.5 grams, at 45ACP - 15 grams.
Overall impression of the shooting - wonderful. I was expecting more out of this caliber, I was pleasantly surprised, apparently compensates for the mass of steel pistol out, the feelings of a lot more comfortable to shoot than 9mm of modern plastic, Ruger SR9C noticeable "biting" in this regard.
As I wrote, though front and rear sights can not be adjusted on my model, but they appeared to my eyes exactly in the place, extremely pleased. I get out of this gun to shoot well. It's not in the sense that I am a good shot, not at all. In my opinion all the guns are more accurate than those who hold them in their hands. :) Just for me this turned out to be convenient and probably quite heavy, so as not to have time to "twitch" when fired, which leads to better results.
End like this photo. I think that this weapon has a place in one photograph with the magazines of the war years. May I have it, and a new, but almost the same, which saved the lives of many soldiers and brought the overall victory in the war.
So let my gun while learning from magazines, what he can do, and I will learn from it to shoot.
All great weekend guys!
PS sources used for a story about the history:
I wish you, dear YaPovtsy, share the joy of shopping, as well as unpack and examine together the famous gun -M1911A1.

Very briefly, for those who do not know what was going on.
The gun was designed by John Browning after problems with guns during the war with the United States Philippines 1899-1902 years. The war in the islands took a guerilla, Filipinos used knives Chris attacking from ambush, so US soldiers often do not have time to use a rifle or Craig Springfield, who were armed and were forced to use while standing armed with .38 caliber revolvers.
Experience has shown that often before the fight Filipinos taking strong opioids, as a result, in most cases it was impossible to stop the assailant, even a few hits from a small caliber revolver.
In 1904, the US Army conducted a series of tests on the stopping power of various weapons, so-called tests Thompson-LaGarde (under the leadership of Infantry Colonel John Thompson, later General, the man who would be the developer of Thompson submachine gun, and Surgeon-Major Luis Lagarde) . Various ammunition fired both living and dead livestock, and on human remains). The conclusion was made by the following - in order to put into service an army revolver or pistol was effective in the short run, the caliber should be at least .45.
According to unconfirmed rumors, John Thompson told John Browning on the findings of the tests before the announcement of official results that gave Browning certain head start in the development of its new automatic pistol based on the Colt and Colt 1902 1905.
Heh, I skidded wow "a little" in history.
I will try to write shorter and does not go into detail, sorry. :)
So the gun Browning wins Army competition in 1911 and officially adopted by the US Army in the same year under the title "M1911".
First used in 1916 by the troops in the war with Mexico, is then used during the First World War, where he received a well-deserved reputation as a reliable and powerful weapons. As an illustration, reliability and power, there would be appropriate to bring the story of Sergeant Alvin York, who fired six M1911 six attackers shot him in the bayonet charge German October 8, 1918 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvin_C._York )
In 1926, the design was slightly modified, and a new gun received the name «Government M1911A1»
The gun was held the Second World War, the war in Korea and Vietnam, and has proven itself well.
M1911A1 pistol remained the official US Army until 1985, after which he was replaced by Beretta M9 9mm caliber.
But this does not mean that the gun, which is over 100 years old, finished his service and became a collector. Many US police units, as well as special forces, still use this design in various versions.
Not later, in 2012, MARSOC (Marine Special Operation Command - US Marine commandos) ordered from Colt pistols and 12,000 new M45A1 - improved Colts, with all sorts of additions in the form of strips for the body kit, night sighting devices, and so on.
Fuhhh ... This, my friends, is very brief history of the gun. :)
In general, a legendary weapon.
I must say that after the success of Colt weapons other companies began to copy design of the gun, with various changes, additions and improvements.
At the present time this pistol is made by dozens of different weapons companies around the world under different names, but usually the number 1911 in the model name is present on the Ruger SR1911 to Remington 1911R1.
Pistolel this - a long-standing dream of mine, a piece of history in the United States it is very popular among people who are interested in weapons. Almost every issue of the magazine of any weapon will be advertising this pistol from another manufacturer, ranging from budget version, and ending with tailor-made weapon for big money.
As here - plenty of different options and proposals from different companies.
But back to reality. Dreaming about the gun I certainly wanted to, but did not buy.
Quite expensive, he himself, as well as ammunition. Prices start at $ 500, plus $ 26 for a box of 50 cartridges. Conceived. Especially with the current shortage of ammunition, even when the money is not the fact that you buy.
But each time you visit gun shops I heard this voice from the left shoulder, which is familiar to every lover of weapons in such cases ... :) - "What do you mean, take sure, look at them after selling today! :) Do you want to learn how to shoot a legend? Try at least? And if you are not very expensive to be, You take, huh? Here, for you, what the maximum amount? Come on, maybe go to a compromise, and you obyazuesh himself not to drink, such as beer for two months, such as saving, and pay for the purchase of this? Come on, TAKE NOW SEE WHAT A BEAUTIFUL !!!! »
For a long time I fought these thoughts, and only looked at different models in stores, I picked up, then read about them on the Internet, and licking his lips. :)
As a result, my friends, I got this gun as a gift for Father's Day (a holiday in the US, where congratulate their dads, and of all men) from his beloved wife. :)
I Choose, of course, myself, but a gift from her. :)
Fathers Day was on Sunday, so I could not wait until Monday to go and buy. :)
I must say that with the choice, I decided long ago, and he knew exactly what I want, and options for something special happened.
The fact that we live in a state where, unfortunately, can not buy any gun you like, you can only choose from the list of permitted.
Therefore, the choice was initially limited to the following manufacturers:
Rock Island Armory
Auto Ordnance
Para Ordnance
Sig Sauer
Smith & Wesson
Rock Island and Para Ordnance soon disappeared, after reading various reviews on the internet, talking with friends, and articles about the quality of customer service these companies if you have problems with a gun.
Well, then in my price range it was, in fact, only Auto Ordnance and Ruger, Ruger And at 150 dollars more expensive.
Auto Ordnance - known company, it was founded by John Thompson and famous for the production of Thompson submachine gun, the famous Tommy Ghana "Chicago typewriter", a favorite weapon of gangsters.
In 1999 the company was bought by a young and very aggressive in the US market of weapons by Kahr Arms, Auto Ordnance so it is now a division of Kahr.
Kahr is known for its quality and high level of customer service, so that the choice was made in favor of this option (well, and the difference of $ 150, of course, also played a role;))
And finally, Monday !!! Making coveted purchase! :)

Here's a plastic box brought out of the store.

Let's open! Surprisingly - much less of stuff than usual. There are no booklets NRA, there otstrelennyh sleeves. Only from Kahr leaflet and instructions for use.

Aside paper. Included - gun, unfortunately only one store, and the castle. Very succinctly. :)

Here he is! Almost a full copy of the Colt Army. Is that the stamps and other cheeks handle here - wood. The original was plastic and without inscriptions US. The store was schёchkami and plastic, but I liked it, a little bit "more tightly" He showed smaller gaps.

Shop at 7 rounds. I do not get enough attention from others. Hug me and sundry. one in the barrel. Total - 8 max.
PS Oh, and what I "attention" signed up, do one of the barrel?

The stamp on the shell shutter

General form. Yes, that nobody said nothing about TB - the gun has been previously tested for the absence of cartridges in the store and in the barrel, the cartridges are locked in a personal safe, they are not in the room, so that all safety regulations are met.

I am seen as a topic on Yap, where the owner showed and talked about another copy of the 1911 air pistol Glacier. Pneumatics that I really liked, and mind - almost one to one. And here the difference is small. Air Pistol, as I understand, you can always put on a safety lever. And this can not be, unless the hammer is cocked, the fuse does not go up.

Only when I cocked the trigger here. On these photos can be seen, and automatic safety. Even if the trigger is cocked and the trigger is pulled - the shot will not happen as long as the circuit breaker is pressed on the handle.

Like here. Usually it is pressed automatically if you take the gun in his hand.

Cheeks handles, wood here. As already mentioned - was in the original plastic.

On the other hand.

The trunk.

Gun placed on slide stop.

Front and rear sights, as you can see, very simple, and not very comfortable. If you shoot at targets dark or in the dark - the sights "lost" against the background of the target. Incidentally, in this model, they are not regulated in any way (but, as shown by the shooting - to me and no adjustment was required, accurately adjusted at the factory for my eyes)

For those who had never fired a pistol or a revolver - a little different from the technique of shooting, such as rifles. For a precise shot from korotkostvola need to focus on the fly, rather than a goal or pillar. Sighting picture should look like this, that is, you focus on the fly, while trying to bring about a slot in the rear sight smeared on a par with a clear eye for beauty spot height. The goal in this case, too, will be obscured for a look, that's fine.
As has already been said - such sighting devices it is difficult to make, there is no bright spots on either entirely, or at gunpoint, on what to focus the mind. It requires practice. On target with a black center - all the trouble, all blends, so buy the target with a red ten. If, God forbid, have to use - ask beforehand robber put a red or orange cap.

I show the process of partial disassembly. Part Names in Russian are taken here, and so they'll use: m.fastmarksman.ru/4a_m1911.php
Picture taken from the same place, to make it easier to understand what is at stake.
Here is a description of details:
Details pistol "Colt" M1911: 1 - housing-bolt; 2 - Total: 3 - ejector; 4 - the drummer with a spring; 5 - the directing plug; b - barrel; 7 -serga; 8 - Tube; 9- return spring; 10 - the guide rod; 11 - uncoupler; 12 - sear; 13 - the trigger; 14 - trigger craving: 15 - frame; 16 - slide catch; 17 - magazine catch with spring; 18 - safety lever; 19 - descent; 20 - release the spring; 21 - an automatic safety device; 22 - action spring with a button; 23 - liner; 24 - shop; 25 - cheek.

Click on the tube 8 to release the guide sleeve 5.

Begins to turn the guide sleeve 5 clockwise (handle gun on the table, the trunk)

Hold the finger tube 8 so as not to fly away, dokruchivaem sleeve 5 in a clockwise direction until the end.

This frees the return spring 9, which can now be gently released.

Remove the tube 8, the casing shutter return back to the slot on the housing coincides with the slide stop, remove the slide stop

You can then remove the cover lock and pull the recoil spring guide rod 9 and 10

Further, the guide sleeve is pulled out, it takes its turn to the end position by turning counterclockwise, that is.

Now you can remove the barrel, you can see the earring from the circuit 7, the most important element of Browning.

The gun in an incomplete removal.

Schemes locking bolt of the gun (taken somewhere from the Internet, unfortunately kept for a long time, and I can not find a reference to the original. It seems to me that this was an article of one of the owners or trainers of the Moscow shooting club abroad). As can be seen from the scheme, with the shot when the earring is rotated, it "takes away" the barrel down from the casing shutter disengaging notch on the barrel and the grooves on the gate, allowing the casing to move on, to throw out the used sleeve and guiding a new cartridge from the magazine into the barrel. The system developed by Browning and called a warp gate locking trunk.

The system is popular to this day, pistols Glock, Ruger and many others use modified Browning system so far. Thus, when the gun is put on the slide stop, the barrel is not securely fastened, and they can "chat", and part of the trunk looks "up" when viewed from the side, as here (this is a Glock 19, a photo is not mine)
In M1911 "hanging out" with the statement on stem the slide stop is noticeably smaller than the Glock, but there, too.

Separately, the trunk to show the recess, which cling to the notches on the valve casing.

Separately, the gate to show the slots. Yin and Yang

Rifling in the barrel, then highlight flashlight

And then, without a flashlight. If I am not mistaken, 6 grooves.

Wearing. Well, here it is. I, in general, very rarely wear something with them, practically only if the food at the shooting range. There is no need, in the normal living area, and I'm not a bill collector.
So do not bother with the purchase of holsters for concealed carrying, and bought a simple belt, Blackhawck number 5. He sits like a glove! When large size T-shirt - you can even hide this holster on his belt.

On the other hand.

The bar on the left - a plastic, hard. The bar on the right - soft. Therefore otstёgivaniya strap-holder simply press your thumb on a solid strip

The button opens a flick of a finger, and you can get a weapon.

Little about patrons. We now have with any practically cartridges but the shot - the trouble. There is nothing anywhere. So sometimes come across here such items in stores.

This, folks, home crafts are sold at a local gun shops. Someone typed liners, and washed it down with his own ammo for sale, in this case with bullets wad-cutter. I bought a couple of boxes of what looked back. Because of the shape of bullets were problems, they often get stuck, or rather constantly, while being pulled from the shape, clinging to the edge of the chamber. One box somehow had shot, lying second. Standing, most importantly, not much smaller!

After these failures bought only normal. For example, these. From June 17 he had shot about 1,000 rounds, no problem at all.

Compare with a cartridge 9mm luger. Bullet exactly 2 times heavier at 9mm - roughly 7.5 grams, at 45ACP - 15 grams.
Overall impression of the shooting - wonderful. I was expecting more out of this caliber, I was pleasantly surprised, apparently compensates for the mass of steel pistol out, the feelings of a lot more comfortable to shoot than 9mm of modern plastic, Ruger SR9C noticeable "biting" in this regard.
As I wrote, though front and rear sights can not be adjusted on my model, but they appeared to my eyes exactly in the place, extremely pleased. I get out of this gun to shoot well. It's not in the sense that I am a good shot, not at all. In my opinion all the guns are more accurate than those who hold them in their hands. :) Just for me this turned out to be convenient and probably quite heavy, so as not to have time to "twitch" when fired, which leads to better results.

End like this photo. I think that this weapon has a place in one photograph with the magazines of the war years. May I have it, and a new, but almost the same, which saved the lives of many soldiers and brought the overall victory in the war.
So let my gun while learning from magazines, what he can do, and I will learn from it to shoot.
All great weekend guys!
PS sources used for a story about the history:
