Holiday, which is not.
For me, the holiday began in the underpass metro station "Victory Park" - saw a woman and a man in a "vest" in a wheelchair, that it was impossible to throw up. The pair apparently somewhere in a hurry, and the rails of the ramp does not fit the stroller. As a result, Alexander - partially paralyzed invalid of the 2nd group climbed the stairs up, applying not weak effort. Pram upstairs lifted indifferent bystander.
It turned out that Alexander and his wife Irina in a hurry for a meeting of veterans, and where to go really do not know, and probably will be late due to the fact that each outing to the city becomes a kind of obstacle course. "Good ramps at the metro station" Dinamo "and the station" Airport "there is even a special lift for wheelchair users, but it worked only one day - the day of the opening of the station - says Irina. - And underpasses, subways, and most of the streets are delivered so much trouble, that one trip where ever spent half a day ».
26 pics + 6 video
Alexander served in 1996 in the first Chechen in the 7th Airborne Division, but lost his health is not at war, as in the civilian world, in a car accident. The disability pension is about 13 thousand rubles, the pension combat veterans - 1300 rubles. So live quietly with Irina, married, by the way, after Alexander lost his health. It was in the hospital and met ...
Celebrate Veterans Day hostilities July 1 proposed Vladimir Bekeev Voronezh, in the past - Guard sergeant notorious 245th motorized infantry regiment of fast reaction. During the first Chechen due to the treachery of this military unit got into an ambush set by Khattab Yarysh-Mardy and suffered huge losses. Vladimir served in the Second Chechen, but also not escaped the ambush: riding on the armor and exploded on a land mine. He escaped with concussion. God spared me.
As a result, I came up with the holiday, which is celebrated on the fifth year. "The idea came quite simple. We communicate with co-workers on the forums in the "Classmates" and decided to come up with their holiday. First, they wanted to tie the date of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, and then - to the 11th of December (day of the introduction of troops into Chechnya in 1994) ... I persuaded all. I say: do not need to be combined with some kind of date with some latest and the first Sunday, as do sailors and tankers. Let it be an ordinary day, but that in the summer, when all on vacation and when it's warm and sunny, "- said Vladimir. "Officially, this day has not been recognized by anyone, but we're going, and in Moscow and in other cities. In Moscow, 50-70 people gather on a regular basis ", - he added.
Vladimir helping his friend - Guard Petty Officer Dmitri Prudnikov. He served in Chechnya, but lost his right arm in South Ossetia. He lives in Moscow, so the main burden of organizing the holiday falls on him.
The celebration brought together 60-70 people, but all seat at the table, feed a good dinner - the whole affair. No individual sponsors here, everything is done by those who are persuaded to help Dmitri Prudnikov.
The participants of the so-called counter-terrorist organizations (WHO). It seems like not a war at all, but a soldier that does not help. Veterans GRU Vladimir Orlov (second from right) and Max Dirt Bike (second from left) in the mountains of his left leg. After such settle in civilian life and remain a normal human being is not easy. There are guys infrequently and holiday - at least some cause for joy.
Very worthy among veterans of the Caucasus look internationalist warriors "Afghans". Sit such a large group of sincere good men with military awards.
Monument "soldiers-internationalists" in the Victory Park.
And this is all interesting character. Fima arrived from Israel. Himself a veteran of the conflict in Transnistria. I said a few kind words guys, all lamented why so few people gathered. Apparently forgotten features of Russian mentality, we do not have such a unity, as in small nations. But there is kindness and generosity. Fima no one booed, but on the contrary, carried out friendly hoots and applause.
Many came with their entire families with children. Well, when the family is respected feat fathers and brothers.
The promised concert. The sound was excellent. The songs, too. Vladimir Orlov performs songs about life here, and the harsh truth of life of veterans, and the tale of the "Russian bear" and the fight song scouts.
It turned out that even the veterans have its own flag, which they decided to hang between the trees. Motto: "betrayed, but not forgotten", makes once again to reflect on the truth of life.
These guys look even further - on a T word of prayer "Creed", which expressed hope for the resurrection of the dead and eternal life given by the Creator.
That's all.
It turned out that Alexander and his wife Irina in a hurry for a meeting of veterans, and where to go really do not know, and probably will be late due to the fact that each outing to the city becomes a kind of obstacle course. "Good ramps at the metro station" Dinamo "and the station" Airport "there is even a special lift for wheelchair users, but it worked only one day - the day of the opening of the station - says Irina. - And underpasses, subways, and most of the streets are delivered so much trouble, that one trip where ever spent half a day ».
26 pics + 6 video

Alexander served in 1996 in the first Chechen in the 7th Airborne Division, but lost his health is not at war, as in the civilian world, in a car accident. The disability pension is about 13 thousand rubles, the pension combat veterans - 1300 rubles. So live quietly with Irina, married, by the way, after Alexander lost his health. It was in the hospital and met ...
Celebrate Veterans Day hostilities July 1 proposed Vladimir Bekeev Voronezh, in the past - Guard sergeant notorious 245th motorized infantry regiment of fast reaction. During the first Chechen due to the treachery of this military unit got into an ambush set by Khattab Yarysh-Mardy and suffered huge losses. Vladimir served in the Second Chechen, but also not escaped the ambush: riding on the armor and exploded on a land mine. He escaped with concussion. God spared me.

As a result, I came up with the holiday, which is celebrated on the fifth year. "The idea came quite simple. We communicate with co-workers on the forums in the "Classmates" and decided to come up with their holiday. First, they wanted to tie the date of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, and then - to the 11th of December (day of the introduction of troops into Chechnya in 1994) ... I persuaded all. I say: do not need to be combined with some kind of date with some latest and the first Sunday, as do sailors and tankers. Let it be an ordinary day, but that in the summer, when all on vacation and when it's warm and sunny, "- said Vladimir. "Officially, this day has not been recognized by anyone, but we're going, and in Moscow and in other cities. In Moscow, 50-70 people gather on a regular basis ", - he added.


Vladimir helping his friend - Guard Petty Officer Dmitri Prudnikov. He served in Chechnya, but lost his right arm in South Ossetia. He lives in Moscow, so the main burden of organizing the holiday falls on him.
The celebration brought together 60-70 people, but all seat at the table, feed a good dinner - the whole affair. No individual sponsors here, everything is done by those who are persuaded to help Dmitri Prudnikov.





The participants of the so-called counter-terrorist organizations (WHO). It seems like not a war at all, but a soldier that does not help. Veterans GRU Vladimir Orlov (second from right) and Max Dirt Bike (second from left) in the mountains of his left leg. After such settle in civilian life and remain a normal human being is not easy. There are guys infrequently and holiday - at least some cause for joy.


Very worthy among veterans of the Caucasus look internationalist warriors "Afghans". Sit such a large group of sincere good men with military awards.




Monument "soldiers-internationalists" in the Victory Park.

And this is all interesting character. Fima arrived from Israel. Himself a veteran of the conflict in Transnistria. I said a few kind words guys, all lamented why so few people gathered. Apparently forgotten features of Russian mentality, we do not have such a unity, as in small nations. But there is kindness and generosity. Fima no one booed, but on the contrary, carried out friendly hoots and applause.

Many came with their entire families with children. Well, when the family is respected feat fathers and brothers.

The promised concert. The sound was excellent. The songs, too. Vladimir Orlov performs songs about life here, and the harsh truth of life of veterans, and the tale of the "Russian bear" and the fight song scouts.



It turned out that even the veterans have its own flag, which they decided to hang between the trees. Motto: "betrayed, but not forgotten", makes once again to reflect on the truth of life.



These guys look even further - on a T word of prayer "Creed", which expressed hope for the resurrection of the dead and eternal life given by the Creator.
That's all.
