Why New Year is a completely unnecessary holiday in the coronavirus season

Only the sky, only the wind, only the joy ahead. This is how many of us feel about the New Year. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that they did. One way or another, but growing up, we suddenly realize that this family holiday is gradually losing its appeal. In the end, we do not have a fun holiday, but sad New Year.

Editorial "Site" He wants to immediately find out why this is happening and that everyone around him has decided to walk with sour faces. Unfortunately, there are a couple of objective reasons. Let’s find out together which of them can spoil our mood during the holidays.

Sad New Year

As we age, we are getting older. We're getting old. We generally enjoy less and less things in life: we want peace, comfort, not to go anywhere and do nothing. On the one hand, it is perfect, but on the other hand, this holiday once again reminds us that life is fleeting. year It came to an end. Yes, a new one has begun, but what happens next?

The human community has entered a new phase of existence - pandemic and quarantine. Yes, we are used to it, yes, it does not cause that primitive horror. Nevertheless, there are a number of restrictions that paralyze many social spheres. Most likely, to spend a holiday in a large noisy company will not work. Except somewhere in the country, outside the city.

It is regrettable to admit that not all families enjoy idyllic relationships. There's usually one or two. toxicThe presence of which strains everyone else. We are forced to gather together, the holiday is family, but after it is quite possible not the most pleasant aftertaste. Even presents don't work.

Traditionally, we prepare a lot of food for the New Year. Our man does not think these days without a plentiful number of dishes and a long feast. But they have to be cooked. And then eat. And then wash the dishes. They say that I do not like to receive guests! There's a mess everywhere, dirty plates. And they haven't come yet!

There are days when something happens on holidays. fails. For example, a refrigerator that stores a ton of delicious things. And there's nothing you can do about it, because all the masters celebrate too. And all the elevators. All plumbers. That's it. In general, tune in for about a week of waiting, and you will have to eat goodies as soon as possible.

Holidays are holidays, but life goes on. Yes, you can get distracted for a few days, but loans, mortgages and other similar problems do not go away. Thoughts about these things can cloud the holiday. In addition, there may be such dissonance: everyone is happy, but you can have a completely different mood, right?

It is clear that everything can be completely wrong and we are a little hyped up here. But, to be honest, this holiday really feels different. Maybe not better or worse, just different. Share in the comments what you think about this and how things are with the New Year. Will you? gift And do you expect them from others?


Sad New Year It happens at least once in your life. We sincerely wish you to avoid this feeling, do not let it happen again. Make life easier and don’t forget to smile. The world is simple, and there is no need to look for complex answers to simple and understandable questions. From us a bonus in the form of an article about New Year signs. Save it in bookmarks so you don't have to look.


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