Christmas traditions
In Australia, the New Year is the first of January. But in this period there is so hot that the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus giving presents just in bathing suits!
In Italy New Year's Eve no one is surprised when someone gets rid of unnecessary things. Fly right out the window the old planters, unnecessary furniture, clothes and trinkets. Italians believe that the more things stay on the street, the more money will bring good luck and a generous New Year.
In England, decided to comply with the old tradition, "Adm New Year" when the clock strikes twelve, people first open the back door at home, freeing up the old year, and with the last kick of hours plowing the front door, letting in the New Year.
In Spain, before the new year boys and girls draw lots - on scraps of paper were written the names of people of both sexes. Girls learn the names of their "husbands" and young people - "brides." Sometimes doing a procedure for drawing lots near the church, and the resulting vapors to the end of the Christmas holidays behave as lovers.
In the Netherlands and Belgium are very serious about the first day of the new year. People try to behave properly, not to take the money in the debt, and only wear new things. It is believed that man determines his future for the following year. If New Year's Day to spend fun, then so will the entire year.
Another tradition, which adhere to the inhabitants of these countries - the election of the King holiday. Women cook the pie, which is placed a bean or pea. That's the kind of person who will get a piece of pastry with bean becomes king of the whole New Year's Eve, then chooses a queen and retinue.
Residents of Switzerland and Austria celebrate the day of St. Sylvester. This holiday has appeared thanks to the legend, which said that Pope Sylvester was able to catch this monster in the sea. The monster was breaking free in 1000, the year and kill all the people, but this did not happen. Each New Year's people remember this legend, wear funny costumes and called themselves Silvestrklausami.
Muslim nations have made use of the lunar calendar, so the New Year they shifted each time by 11 days in advance. Iran has accepted to celebrate the New Year on March 21.
Bright and unusual celebration takes place in India. Indians living in the north of the country, adorn themselves with different colors juicy shades. In southern India, there is a tradition: women put flowers, chocolates, and others we launched a special tray and on the first day of the New Year kids choose gifts with my eyes closed. In the west of the country decided to celebrate the New Year in late October.
In Burma, the New Year was celebrated the first of April. At this time, there is an incredible heat, so people invented a great way out of this situation: the water festival - Thingyan. In such a sultry period of 7 days residents poured water on each other.
Vietnamese New Year is called "Tet". Celebrating holiday period between January 21 and 19 February. Each year, the exact date of the New Year is changing. People believe that every house inhabited by God, and in the New Year, he flies to heaven to tell how a year has passed, each member of the family.
In Japan, New Year's decided to celebrate on January 1st. The Japanese fear that with wealth and happiness in the house is imbued with the evil spirits. To protect yourself from trouble, people hang bundles of straw in front of the house. As soon as the New Year begins, the Japanese are laughing happily.
New Year in China celebrate during the new moon between January 17 and 19 February. A huge number of lights illuminates the street procession. It is believed that in this way, and illuminated the way to the New Year and fireworks and firecrackers scare away evil spirits
New Year in Greece - it is the day of St. Basil, who was famous for his incredible kindness. The children leave their shoes by the fireplace that St. Basil to put gifts and sweets.

In Italy New Year's Eve no one is surprised when someone gets rid of unnecessary things. Fly right out the window the old planters, unnecessary furniture, clothes and trinkets. Italians believe that the more things stay on the street, the more money will bring good luck and a generous New Year.

In England, decided to comply with the old tradition, "Adm New Year" when the clock strikes twelve, people first open the back door at home, freeing up the old year, and with the last kick of hours plowing the front door, letting in the New Year.

In Spain, before the new year boys and girls draw lots - on scraps of paper were written the names of people of both sexes. Girls learn the names of their "husbands" and young people - "brides." Sometimes doing a procedure for drawing lots near the church, and the resulting vapors to the end of the Christmas holidays behave as lovers.

In the Netherlands and Belgium are very serious about the first day of the new year. People try to behave properly, not to take the money in the debt, and only wear new things. It is believed that man determines his future for the following year. If New Year's Day to spend fun, then so will the entire year.
Another tradition, which adhere to the inhabitants of these countries - the election of the King holiday. Women cook the pie, which is placed a bean or pea. That's the kind of person who will get a piece of pastry with bean becomes king of the whole New Year's Eve, then chooses a queen and retinue.
Residents of Switzerland and Austria celebrate the day of St. Sylvester. This holiday has appeared thanks to the legend, which said that Pope Sylvester was able to catch this monster in the sea. The monster was breaking free in 1000, the year and kill all the people, but this did not happen. Each New Year's people remember this legend, wear funny costumes and called themselves Silvestrklausami.

Muslim nations have made use of the lunar calendar, so the New Year they shifted each time by 11 days in advance. Iran has accepted to celebrate the New Year on March 21.
Bright and unusual celebration takes place in India. Indians living in the north of the country, adorn themselves with different colors juicy shades. In southern India, there is a tradition: women put flowers, chocolates, and others we launched a special tray and on the first day of the New Year kids choose gifts with my eyes closed. In the west of the country decided to celebrate the New Year in late October.

In Burma, the New Year was celebrated the first of April. At this time, there is an incredible heat, so people invented a great way out of this situation: the water festival - Thingyan. In such a sultry period of 7 days residents poured water on each other.

Vietnamese New Year is called "Tet". Celebrating holiday period between January 21 and 19 February. Each year, the exact date of the New Year is changing. People believe that every house inhabited by God, and in the New Year, he flies to heaven to tell how a year has passed, each member of the family.
In Japan, New Year's decided to celebrate on January 1st. The Japanese fear that with wealth and happiness in the house is imbued with the evil spirits. To protect yourself from trouble, people hang bundles of straw in front of the house. As soon as the New Year begins, the Japanese are laughing happily.

New Year in China celebrate during the new moon between January 17 and 19 February. A huge number of lights illuminates the street procession. It is believed that in this way, and illuminated the way to the New Year and fireworks and firecrackers scare away evil spirits
New Year in Greece - it is the day of St. Basil, who was famous for his incredible kindness. The children leave their shoes by the fireplace that St. Basil to put gifts and sweets.