The daughter Sobyanin 308m2 apartment in the center of Moscow
In accordance with the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation, Moscow City Election Commission has published information about income and property of a candidate for mayor of Moscow Sergei Sobyanin, his wife and minor daughter for the year 2012.
These particulars downright striking apartment of 308 square meters 1. m in Moscow, owned by a daughter of a civil servant Sobyanin - Olga, born in 1997.
Working with the open database allows us to easily determine that this apartment is located at the address: Moscow, st. Rochdelskaya, 12, Building 1 (the number of the apartment is also known to us). The property Sobyanin OS This living room is on the August 2010
It should be noted that this is - super-elite house in the city center, just next to the White House.
In the same building apartment of 200 square meters 2. m sold for 103, 8 million. rubles. (3, 4 million. Dollars), that recalculation is 17 thousand. Dollars per 1 sq. m.
Accordingly, an apartment of 308 square meters. m belonging to a minor civil servant's daughter Sobyanin, is 5, 27 million. dollars, or 173 million. rubles.
Naturally, the election imposes a special responsibility on candidates who shall exercise the utmost transparency in all that relates to their income and property. And we very much hope that Sergey Sobyanin can explain Moscow voters how the property of his minor daughter could be a huge luxury apartment in the prestigious district of Moscow, a short walk from the Government House, the market value of at least US $ 5 million?
If he bought the apartment, on what income?
For the first time, Sergei Sobyanin declare their income in 2000, as a candidate for governor of the Tyumen region. Its annual revenue for 1999 reached 299 thousand. Rub., Of which 273, 9 thousand. Rub. total payments Duma of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District.
In 2003, along with fellow "United Russia", he published income statement, according to which in 2002 earned a 1, 6 mln. Rubles.
In 2008, its revenue amounted to 3,472,200 rubles, income of his wife - 21 800.
In 2009 - 3,219,776 and 18,586 rubles, respectively.
In 2010 - 4.76 million and 19 300 rubles.
We do not know Sergei Semenovich income for 2003-2007., As well as his wife - but even if we assume that their combined income was not less than in 2008, the maximum amount could hardly make the year 2010 more than 27 million . rub. And it is - if only to save and not to drink or eat.
Thus, the cost of an apartment owned by a state employee Sobyanin, about 6 times more than his possible income for the past 10 years.
According to media reports, this luxury house previously belonged to the Office of Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Ok, maybe a civil servant Sobyanin, who arrived in Moscow from Tyumen, has been endowed with official guides, which then artful image privatized.
Then we should remember that there are certain standards of allocation of housing need.
I do not think more than 20 square meters. meters per family member. A large family is a civil servant Sobyanin, when he was given and allowed to privatize the apartment 308 meters.
Fun fact:
On the ground floor there is a room of 1661.1 square meters, it rents "Company" Golden Age ", which is owned by Igor Chaika, the son of the Attorney-General Yuri Chaika. The main sphere of activity, according to the register of legal entities - "Hairdressing and beauty." If you search a little, you can find that in this house is a beauty salon "Impression".
Hardly do we know when something went there the daughter of a civil servant Olga Sobyanin salon son of a civil servant Igor Yuryevich Chaika.
Well, okay.
Much more is still interested in the question of how to have minor children of civil servants are in the ownership of such apartments.
It is waiting for the applicant to Sobyanin's response to this question is very polite. I urge all members of the media also ask such a question, I'm sure, Muscovites will be interested to hear the answer.
However, as previous questions civil servant Sobyanin ignored then sends a request to the prosecutor's office to verify the legality of buying an apartment or her receipt and subsequent privatization.
Still, five million dollars - this is no joke.
Especially large amounts.
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These particulars downright striking apartment of 308 square meters 1. m in Moscow, owned by a daughter of a civil servant Sobyanin - Olga, born in 1997.
Working with the open database allows us to easily determine that this apartment is located at the address: Moscow, st. Rochdelskaya, 12, Building 1 (the number of the apartment is also known to us). The property Sobyanin OS This living room is on the August 2010

It should be noted that this is - super-elite house in the city center, just next to the White House.
In the same building apartment of 200 square meters 2. m sold for 103, 8 million. rubles. (3, 4 million. Dollars), that recalculation is 17 thousand. Dollars per 1 sq. m.
Accordingly, an apartment of 308 square meters. m belonging to a minor civil servant's daughter Sobyanin, is 5, 27 million. dollars, or 173 million. rubles.
Naturally, the election imposes a special responsibility on candidates who shall exercise the utmost transparency in all that relates to their income and property. And we very much hope that Sergey Sobyanin can explain Moscow voters how the property of his minor daughter could be a huge luxury apartment in the prestigious district of Moscow, a short walk from the Government House, the market value of at least US $ 5 million?
If he bought the apartment, on what income?
For the first time, Sergei Sobyanin declare their income in 2000, as a candidate for governor of the Tyumen region. Its annual revenue for 1999 reached 299 thousand. Rub., Of which 273, 9 thousand. Rub. total payments Duma of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District.
In 2003, along with fellow "United Russia", he published income statement, according to which in 2002 earned a 1, 6 mln. Rubles.
In 2008, its revenue amounted to 3,472,200 rubles, income of his wife - 21 800.
In 2009 - 3,219,776 and 18,586 rubles, respectively.
In 2010 - 4.76 million and 19 300 rubles.
We do not know Sergei Semenovich income for 2003-2007., As well as his wife - but even if we assume that their combined income was not less than in 2008, the maximum amount could hardly make the year 2010 more than 27 million . rub. And it is - if only to save and not to drink or eat.
Thus, the cost of an apartment owned by a state employee Sobyanin, about 6 times more than his possible income for the past 10 years.
According to media reports, this luxury house previously belonged to the Office of Presidential Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Ok, maybe a civil servant Sobyanin, who arrived in Moscow from Tyumen, has been endowed with official guides, which then artful image privatized.
Then we should remember that there are certain standards of allocation of housing need.
I do not think more than 20 square meters. meters per family member. A large family is a civil servant Sobyanin, when he was given and allowed to privatize the apartment 308 meters.

Fun fact:
On the ground floor there is a room of 1661.1 square meters, it rents "Company" Golden Age ", which is owned by Igor Chaika, the son of the Attorney-General Yuri Chaika. The main sphere of activity, according to the register of legal entities - "Hairdressing and beauty." If you search a little, you can find that in this house is a beauty salon "Impression".
Hardly do we know when something went there the daughter of a civil servant Olga Sobyanin salon son of a civil servant Igor Yuryevich Chaika.
Well, okay.
Much more is still interested in the question of how to have minor children of civil servants are in the ownership of such apartments.
It is waiting for the applicant to Sobyanin's response to this question is very polite. I urge all members of the media also ask such a question, I'm sure, Muscovites will be interested to hear the answer.
However, as previous questions civil servant Sobyanin ignored then sends a request to the prosecutor's office to verify the legality of buying an apartment or her receipt and subsequent privatization.
Still, five million dollars - this is no joke.
Especially large amounts.

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