How to cheat the payment terminal
Or how to get out of 5,000 rubles to the account of 10,000 rubles. Leprosy user posted a photo of the two bills that have been verified in the terminal Qiwi and were safely deposited like 10 000 to the account. They look like this:
Most likely forger took the bill nominal value of 5,000, and cut into 2 parts, cut out all the identification part, each of the resulting halves added advantages of smaller portions of bills and automatic QIWI took them for two separate bills and enrolled 10 000.
That is to say, from 5110 rubles got 10,000 rubles. Peering into this complex appliqué a thought that this operation cranked person who is familiar with the system attribute banknote reader terminals. So you need to look for the thief among his.
You have already fled to seek the scissors and glue?
Most likely forger took the bill nominal value of 5,000, and cut into 2 parts, cut out all the identification part, each of the resulting halves added advantages of smaller portions of bills and automatic QIWI took them for two separate bills and enrolled 10 000.
That is to say, from 5110 rubles got 10,000 rubles. Peering into this complex appliqué a thought that this operation cranked person who is familiar with the system attribute banknote reader terminals. So you need to look for the thief among his.
You have already fled to seek the scissors and glue?