The modesty and charm of Russian ghetto in Hamburg
Let's first understand whether it is possible to call gamburzhsky Neuallermöhe ghetto area or not?
59 photos via morseanen
2. If the ghetto, the ghetto Russian Does it?
What is broadcasting our wealth of knowledge and a source for formunyh battles - Wikipedia? Taaaks, here: the "ghetto - metropolitan areas where ethnic minorities live, voluntarily or by force».
If you trust Wikipedia, the Allermyue undoubtedly ghetto. In the street where my mother lives, there are four homes. There lives exactly one representative of the titular nation - a harmless German drunkard who every day of solidarity with neighbors on the balcony hangs flags of their countries.
All except him, or Russian-speaking immigrants, or the Poles
6. There are neighborhoods inhabited exclusively by Turks, Persians, Indians and Afghans. If you go to the main promenade Noyallermyue then often catches the touching moment when you meet on the way the entire globe, but no true Aryan
13. When gamburzhskoy get-together someone asked where I was from, alluding to my accent, I said one word - "allermyue." Then clicked his interlocutor either knowingly or immediately switched to Russian.
The sign on the pharmacy, eloquently reveals the demographics of the area better than any official data
14. Consequently, Noyallermyue exactly ghetto.
On the other hand, what we know about the ghetto? Imagination draws us bouncing tuning Cadillacs, broad-shouldered, tattooed boys in baseball caps with the pit bull, rolled hydrant and fountain of water, graffiti, cassette mafon with repakom (gettoblaster) and Jesse slut with pink hair.
All of this in Noyallermyue at least in the daytime will not see. Although gangster car is still there
16. But such pictures more on the brochures from the album "Beverly Hills" looks like. Although, if you go a little further, it is not quite Beverly Hills
18. But let us, I will not again shock about the cleanliness of migrants. I then described Noyallermyue dirty cesspool, a worthy visit Varlamov.
Just so influenced me look of gloomy district gamburzhskoy Christmas night, when residents had shot firecrackers and champagne corks, and the budget had not yet finished firing payrolls utilities.
On the other hand, handouts Allermyue attract new residents with tales of "opportunities for your children to swim in the shop and a school canoeing on the wonderful channels»
19. I do not know, yet dubious pleasure pave the fairway on the marsh mud.
In general, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Just not in the middle of an ass of course.
And clean, of course. The area is quite clean
20. There are of course some of the costs. That this tile, probably, put special rapid cut "Cotton Fergana" from Moscow. Out of them Varlamov!
21. Except Hafen City, Noyallermyue - the new district of Hamburg. It is officially recognized only in 2011. Snipped off and connect the two district Noyallermyue East and West Noyallermyue from border areas - old and Allermyue Bergedorf respectively.
Build area began in the late eighties, when razlomav Berlin Wall in Hamburg gushing crowd of poor relatives from the GDR. All this loud krovinochku darling needed somewhere to settle. Since this people to the life in the West was not very fit, I have decided to settle them all in one place for better control and preferably away from civilization. For poor families amiss swamps and vacant lots around the autobahn from Hamburg Bergedorf to the village, to the east of the city.
It was then, along with Berlin, the grandest building in Germany. Not every year in one fell swoop create the area for 25,000 inhabitants. Later mishpuhe GDR decided to settle the rest of the "ostblok" of Russian Germans and Poles of German. And there Turkestan Afghanistan tightened.
And appeared on the map gamburzhskoy wonderful new area Neuallermöhe. The most green area in the city, with a brand-new houses, with picturesque canals and lakes, from which, however, turn up his nose any Western German
22. Well, right, and an empty net! What for they want us here! Have Noyallermyue its own charm. This kind of German civilization itself with the highest level of European comfort, but with preservation of the spiritual component with the motherland.
National minorities are always trying to come together, feel the family, because in principle they all have common problems and joys. While one of the nats- or religious minorities do not become a majority, of course. And complete freedom, both at home and no stifling embrace of the German Ordnung: he likes to bawl songs, he likes to yell obscenities godfather, he likes pivchika on the bench, he likes the crankshaft in the parking under the windows to loop.
Hosh golyshmanom the balcony Shiga
23. In the morning, going on a glade Indians and Pakistanis and chopped cricket. And after the game on the field Stela mists curry. Exotic? Exotic!
24. Well, where else can you see how the Turks and the Chinese eat pasties Siberian advertising café in Russian?
25. Let's go a little paraёnu.
The western part, Neuallermöhe West, a little more prestigious and quiet. Almost all of it is built up by private houses terraced building
27. It is very well maintained. Each courtyard is full of flowers
28. Waste bins in yellow exhibited outside - they are taken in the morning scavengers
29. Nothing decorates a residential area as childish malevnya chalk on the pavement
30. In the western part there is even a private lake with sandy beach
31. Of course, tanning under the power lines is not as golden as the Maldives, however, have a bottle and sit by the campfire for a Russian man is more important
32. Why not Ryazanschine? Push to birch only
34. All the same boys go fishing under the bridge ...
36. ... grandfather Capito drinks and remembers the bitter sweet
37. "Bitch-blyatska-motska" - is heard over the ear. Poles gathered in the working day for pivchanskomu
38. underground garage for the ghetto is not provided. These houses were lucky a little more
39. Bridges in Allermyue more than boutiques
41. The duty on the bridges is important is riding in a car with flashing lights
42. This is not the headquarters of NASA, is the most characteristic feature of the ghetto - a satellite dish
43. Four balconies - four different ways of life: someone flowers, whom the junk, while others ignore the real theory of materialism
44. And about the canoe poster did not lie!
45. The school has someone parked motorcycle racing. Whether a teacher, or student. And you teacher touring racing motorcycles? Is that fizruk probably
46. Schoolgirls
47. The whole area around the school shaved gardeners at zero. All paths to the school in Allermyue conducted so that children do not cross roads
48. Decor territory
49. Playground
50. delights: in a relatively small area Allermyue huge soccer complex with these four football fields and three mini-golf. Engaged in here a bunch of sections of different ages. Boys and girls. All grown-up: in gear, with the judges, coaches and fans
51. In the yards wonderful mini-football fields with rubber coating. They never empty, there are always battles colored children. Now I understand why Germany - the leading football powers. Now it is clear how such a heap of talent, with more immigrants from
52. The children all day until dark really beat kicking a soccer ball instead of a joystick
The complex for the whole family, like our rural clubs. There is a restaurant, banquet room, children's room
53. All the shops are gathered in one area of the square adjacent to the subway station. More than any other stores in the area are no blocks. On the one hand convenient that all the stores together and side by side, on the other - are kept clean.
Shops to cover all the needs of residents Noyallermyue - there is a premium supermarket Edeka, have more budget Penny. There is a Turkish shop, which traditionally fresh vegetables, olives and pita bread. There is a pharmacy, a post office, bank, hair salon, restaurant, two cafes, a doctor and a dentist. Bowling is not just.
54. In the middle of the square there is some kind of spiral phallic sex pussy
55. Well, if necessary, need to climb
56. railway bridge these fields. Very picturesque
57. Metro station decided to decorate photos and drawings slum district. Cool, this is nowhere to be seen again
58. And here everything seems beautiful and wonderful here
But look at these eternal pyanchuzhek who staked out exactly where in the local tea house with football broadcasts and bookmakers, and necessarily so happy that dumped here. Because the system is even and comfortable, but closed. A closed system - a swamp.
59. But the cozy swamp. His.
59 photos via morseanen

2. If the ghetto, the ghetto Russian Does it?
What is broadcasting our wealth of knowledge and a source for formunyh battles - Wikipedia? Taaaks, here: the "ghetto - metropolitan areas where ethnic minorities live, voluntarily or by force».
If you trust Wikipedia, the Allermyue undoubtedly ghetto. In the street where my mother lives, there are four homes. There lives exactly one representative of the titular nation - a harmless German drunkard who every day of solidarity with neighbors on the balcony hangs flags of their countries.
All except him, or Russian-speaking immigrants, or the Poles




6. There are neighborhoods inhabited exclusively by Turks, Persians, Indians and Afghans. If you go to the main promenade Noyallermyue then often catches the touching moment when you meet on the way the entire globe, but no true Aryan







13. When gamburzhskoy get-together someone asked where I was from, alluding to my accent, I said one word - "allermyue." Then clicked his interlocutor either knowingly or immediately switched to Russian.
The sign on the pharmacy, eloquently reveals the demographics of the area better than any official data

14. Consequently, Noyallermyue exactly ghetto.
On the other hand, what we know about the ghetto? Imagination draws us bouncing tuning Cadillacs, broad-shouldered, tattooed boys in baseball caps with the pit bull, rolled hydrant and fountain of water, graffiti, cassette mafon with repakom (gettoblaster) and Jesse slut with pink hair.
All of this in Noyallermyue at least in the daytime will not see. Although gangster car is still there


16. But such pictures more on the brochures from the album "Beverly Hills" looks like. Although, if you go a little further, it is not quite Beverly Hills


18. But let us, I will not again shock about the cleanliness of migrants. I then described Noyallermyue dirty cesspool, a worthy visit Varlamov.
Just so influenced me look of gloomy district gamburzhskoy Christmas night, when residents had shot firecrackers and champagne corks, and the budget had not yet finished firing payrolls utilities.
On the other hand, handouts Allermyue attract new residents with tales of "opportunities for your children to swim in the shop and a school canoeing on the wonderful channels»

19. I do not know, yet dubious pleasure pave the fairway on the marsh mud.
In general, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Just not in the middle of an ass of course.
And clean, of course. The area is quite clean

20. There are of course some of the costs. That this tile, probably, put special rapid cut "Cotton Fergana" from Moscow. Out of them Varlamov!

21. Except Hafen City, Noyallermyue - the new district of Hamburg. It is officially recognized only in 2011. Snipped off and connect the two district Noyallermyue East and West Noyallermyue from border areas - old and Allermyue Bergedorf respectively.
Build area began in the late eighties, when razlomav Berlin Wall in Hamburg gushing crowd of poor relatives from the GDR. All this loud krovinochku darling needed somewhere to settle. Since this people to the life in the West was not very fit, I have decided to settle them all in one place for better control and preferably away from civilization. For poor families amiss swamps and vacant lots around the autobahn from Hamburg Bergedorf to the village, to the east of the city.
It was then, along with Berlin, the grandest building in Germany. Not every year in one fell swoop create the area for 25,000 inhabitants. Later mishpuhe GDR decided to settle the rest of the "ostblok" of Russian Germans and Poles of German. And there Turkestan Afghanistan tightened.
And appeared on the map gamburzhskoy wonderful new area Neuallermöhe. The most green area in the city, with a brand-new houses, with picturesque canals and lakes, from which, however, turn up his nose any Western German

22. Well, right, and an empty net! What for they want us here! Have Noyallermyue its own charm. This kind of German civilization itself with the highest level of European comfort, but with preservation of the spiritual component with the motherland.
National minorities are always trying to come together, feel the family, because in principle they all have common problems and joys. While one of the nats- or religious minorities do not become a majority, of course. And complete freedom, both at home and no stifling embrace of the German Ordnung: he likes to bawl songs, he likes to yell obscenities godfather, he likes pivchika on the bench, he likes the crankshaft in the parking under the windows to loop.
Hosh golyshmanom the balcony Shiga

23. In the morning, going on a glade Indians and Pakistanis and chopped cricket. And after the game on the field Stela mists curry. Exotic? Exotic!

24. Well, where else can you see how the Turks and the Chinese eat pasties Siberian advertising café in Russian?

25. Let's go a little paraёnu.
The western part, Neuallermöhe West, a little more prestigious and quiet. Almost all of it is built up by private houses terraced building


27. It is very well maintained. Each courtyard is full of flowers

28. Waste bins in yellow exhibited outside - they are taken in the morning scavengers

29. Nothing decorates a residential area as childish malevnya chalk on the pavement

30. In the western part there is even a private lake with sandy beach

31. Of course, tanning under the power lines is not as golden as the Maldives, however, have a bottle and sit by the campfire for a Russian man is more important

32. Why not Ryazanschine? Push to birch only


34. All the same boys go fishing under the bridge ...


36. ... grandfather Capito drinks and remembers the bitter sweet

37. "Bitch-blyatska-motska" - is heard over the ear. Poles gathered in the working day for pivchanskomu

38. underground garage for the ghetto is not provided. These houses were lucky a little more

39. Bridges in Allermyue more than boutiques


41. The duty on the bridges is important is riding in a car with flashing lights

42. This is not the headquarters of NASA, is the most characteristic feature of the ghetto - a satellite dish

43. Four balconies - four different ways of life: someone flowers, whom the junk, while others ignore the real theory of materialism

44. And about the canoe poster did not lie!

45. The school has someone parked motorcycle racing. Whether a teacher, or student. And you teacher touring racing motorcycles? Is that fizruk probably

46. Schoolgirls

47. The whole area around the school shaved gardeners at zero. All paths to the school in Allermyue conducted so that children do not cross roads

48. Decor territory

49. Playground

50. delights: in a relatively small area Allermyue huge soccer complex with these four football fields and three mini-golf. Engaged in here a bunch of sections of different ages. Boys and girls. All grown-up: in gear, with the judges, coaches and fans

51. In the yards wonderful mini-football fields with rubber coating. They never empty, there are always battles colored children. Now I understand why Germany - the leading football powers. Now it is clear how such a heap of talent, with more immigrants from

52. The children all day until dark really beat kicking a soccer ball instead of a joystick
The complex for the whole family, like our rural clubs. There is a restaurant, banquet room, children's room

53. All the shops are gathered in one area of the square adjacent to the subway station. More than any other stores in the area are no blocks. On the one hand convenient that all the stores together and side by side, on the other - are kept clean.
Shops to cover all the needs of residents Noyallermyue - there is a premium supermarket Edeka, have more budget Penny. There is a Turkish shop, which traditionally fresh vegetables, olives and pita bread. There is a pharmacy, a post office, bank, hair salon, restaurant, two cafes, a doctor and a dentist. Bowling is not just.

54. In the middle of the square there is some kind of spiral phallic sex pussy

55. Well, if necessary, need to climb

56. railway bridge these fields. Very picturesque

57. Metro station decided to decorate photos and drawings slum district. Cool, this is nowhere to be seen again

58. And here everything seems beautiful and wonderful here
But look at these eternal pyanchuzhek who staked out exactly where in the local tea house with football broadcasts and bookmakers, and necessarily so happy that dumped here. Because the system is even and comfortable, but closed. A closed system - a swamp.

59. But the cozy swamp. His.
