Swiss deprived Muslim burqa
In Ticino, the southern canton of Switzerland, the people voted against the burqa. According to the results of the referendum held on September 22 in the southern province, more than half of the Swiss find it unacceptable to wear clothes that cover the face. A vote in matters tightening constitution nor the veil nor the niqab were not named directly, on public trial was submitted initiative to ban "to hide their faces on the streets or in public parks." Political correctness deceived no one: all the inhabitants of the canton clear against any clothing items aimed to change the constitution of the canton, ITAR-TASS reported. Author of the initiative, 61-year-old politician and former journalist Giorgio Giringelli explains that it is a preventive measure solves the problem of the spread of the burqa dramatically.
Muslims make up 2 percent of 340,000th population of the canton of Ticino. Total profess Islam in Switzerland 400 thousand people, it is about 5 percent of the total population. In 2009, a national referendum the Swiss voted to ban the construction of new minarets in the country.
Muslims make up 2 percent of 340,000th population of the canton of Ticino. Total profess Islam in Switzerland 400 thousand people, it is about 5 percent of the total population. In 2009, a national referendum the Swiss voted to ban the construction of new minarets in the country.