250. It is not corrected.
From a letter (from 27 August 1811), the Kingdom of Sardinia envoy at the Russian court of Count Joseph de Maistre (1753--1821). In the letter, the Count wrote to his government about new laws established by Emperor Alexander I. It is possible that the Sardinian envoy paraphrase a famous phrase of the philosopher and educator Charles Louis Montesquieu from his works "The Spirit of Laws": "Every nation deserves their fate».
Joseph de Maistre held in Russia for 14 years (1803 to 1817), wrote the book "St. Petersburg Nights", which, like his other works, had a definite influence on the work of many Russian writers.
Meaning of the expression: if the government is bad, immoral, ineffective, then blame the citizens of the country that allow such a government to exist, can not control it, and so on. D.
From a letter (from 27 August 1811), the Kingdom of Sardinia envoy at the Russian court of Count Joseph de Maistre (1753--1821). In the letter, the Count wrote to his government about new laws established by Emperor Alexander I. It is possible that the Sardinian envoy paraphrase a famous phrase of the philosopher and educator Charles Louis Montesquieu from his works "The Spirit of Laws": "Every nation deserves their fate».
Joseph de Maistre held in Russia for 14 years (1803 to 1817), wrote the book "St. Petersburg Nights", which, like his other works, had a definite influence on the work of many Russian writers.
Meaning of the expression: if the government is bad, immoral, ineffective, then blame the citizens of the country that allow such a government to exist, can not control it, and so on. D.
