The Swiss voted against mass immigration
On Sunday, the Swiss passed a referendum, the results of which should change the existing immigration policy. It was held under the slogan "against mass immigration", at the suggestion of right-wing party UDC, which holds the majority of seats in parliament.
If the majority of citizens will vote "for" a change of immigration policy, it can lead to the resignation of the government and the review of relations with the European Union. In other words, domestic and foreign policy crisis.
The fact is that after entering in 2002 by virtue of the provisions on free circulation between Switzerland and the EU, the country is expected to not more than 8 thousands of European migrants. So, at least, promised to the Swiss authorities, trying to appease the opponents of the law. In fact, it turned out that on average per year to Switzerland in search of employment and a stable economic situation come to 80 thousand Europeans.
Therefore, increased immigration has become one of the most hotly debated issues of political debate in Switzerland. In case, if the referendum defeat the enemy "mass immigration", six of the seven ministers that make up the government must resign. So says the author of a referendum, the deputy Hans Grunder, as all six ministers are left-wing parties were in favor of preserving the existing norms.
In addition to the change of government, the referendum could affect the relations of Switzerland with the EU. Within five years, Zurich and Brussels were intense negotiations about the opening of Swiss borders to secure provisions for the free circulation. Their abolition would entail dissatisfaction with European politicians.
A referendum is held in Switzerland on the principle of "double majority". By simple majority of voters added to the results of the canton. According to preliminary data, by a small margin, only 0, 4% of the vote, defeated opponents provisions on free circulation between Switzerland and the EU. Such data are published by the Institute of Public Opinion GfS. Remain uncounted votes in the biggest cantons of Zurich and Bern.
In Switzerland, home to only 8 million inhabitants. The referendum was attended by about 56% with the right to vote, which is 12 points higher than normal. This shows the importance of the issue to a referendum for the Swiss.
A source.
If the majority of citizens will vote "for" a change of immigration policy, it can lead to the resignation of the government and the review of relations with the European Union. In other words, domestic and foreign policy crisis.

The fact is that after entering in 2002 by virtue of the provisions on free circulation between Switzerland and the EU, the country is expected to not more than 8 thousands of European migrants. So, at least, promised to the Swiss authorities, trying to appease the opponents of the law. In fact, it turned out that on average per year to Switzerland in search of employment and a stable economic situation come to 80 thousand Europeans.
Therefore, increased immigration has become one of the most hotly debated issues of political debate in Switzerland. In case, if the referendum defeat the enemy "mass immigration", six of the seven ministers that make up the government must resign. So says the author of a referendum, the deputy Hans Grunder, as all six ministers are left-wing parties were in favor of preserving the existing norms.
In addition to the change of government, the referendum could affect the relations of Switzerland with the EU. Within five years, Zurich and Brussels were intense negotiations about the opening of Swiss borders to secure provisions for the free circulation. Their abolition would entail dissatisfaction with European politicians.
A referendum is held in Switzerland on the principle of "double majority". By simple majority of voters added to the results of the canton. According to preliminary data, by a small margin, only 0, 4% of the vote, defeated opponents provisions on free circulation between Switzerland and the EU. Such data are published by the Institute of Public Opinion GfS. Remain uncounted votes in the biggest cantons of Zurich and Bern.
In Switzerland, home to only 8 million inhabitants. The referendum was attended by about 56% with the right to vote, which is 12 points higher than normal. This shows the importance of the issue to a referendum for the Swiss.
A source.