Today in Lviv will speak in Russian
In solidarity with Lviv Donetsk passes into Ukrainian
Today, on February 26 in Lviv will speak in Russian, in solidarity with the East and South of Ukraine.
Reportedly, the initiative is not approved, writes 032.ua.
The initiators are Lviv activists who do not want in the Ukrainian parliament to use their status to split Ukraine.
In turn, Donetsk, civil society activists have decided to support the initiative calling for the residents of Lviv and the East and South of Ukraine February 26 to communicate in the Ukrainian language.
"Dire 26 I'll donechchanin spіlkuvatisya ukraїnskoyu movoyu. Same Tsey day in Lviv Passed Zahid, scho set of Meta Show Verhovnіy Radі, that mieszkancom Shіdnih that Pіvdennih regіonіv scho deyakі polіtichnі dії not toil nіchogo spіlnogo s spravzhnіm Bazhanov ukrajins'koho people. Tom Misto Leva 26, go to fierce rosіysku MOV "- write Donetsk lead.
As previously reported, representatives of the Lviv intelligentsia appealed to the Verkhovna Rada of the new Cabinet and Acting President calling to pursue a balanced language policy and "not to impose Donetsk residents or residents of the Crimea Galician way of life».
Source society.lb.ua/life/2014/02/26/25720...dnya_lvove.html
Today, on February 26 in Lviv will speak in Russian, in solidarity with the East and South of Ukraine.
Reportedly, the initiative is not approved, writes 032.ua.
The initiators are Lviv activists who do not want in the Ukrainian parliament to use their status to split Ukraine.
In turn, Donetsk, civil society activists have decided to support the initiative calling for the residents of Lviv and the East and South of Ukraine February 26 to communicate in the Ukrainian language.
"Dire 26 I'll donechchanin spіlkuvatisya ukraїnskoyu movoyu. Same Tsey day in Lviv Passed Zahid, scho set of Meta Show Verhovnіy Radі, that mieszkancom Shіdnih that Pіvdennih regіonіv scho deyakі polіtichnі dії not toil nіchogo spіlnogo s spravzhnіm Bazhanov ukrajins'koho people. Tom Misto Leva 26, go to fierce rosіysku MOV "- write Donetsk lead.
As previously reported, representatives of the Lviv intelligentsia appealed to the Verkhovna Rada of the new Cabinet and Acting President calling to pursue a balanced language policy and "not to impose Donetsk residents or residents of the Crimea Galician way of life».
Source society.lb.ua/life/2014/02/26/25720...dnya_lvove.html
