It so happened that the music in my life has played and still plays a big role. From the moment when an uncle brought from distant Siberia, Ukraine and imported cassettes imported the records. And the ending of the current collection in flac and ape. Era reels, I almost did not find, well, there were, of course, the parents write on coils and I even used them, but I seized mania in the era of the arrival of cassettes. And for many years they have become a source of my musical education.
There were changes in preferences and tastes, new idols appear, sometimes returning old but nice heaviness expensive proprietary cassettes, impeccable build quality, perfect sound forever etched in memory. Everyone remembers the famous rewind a pencil)). Many disassembled and glued the torn tape (nail polish). How disappointing it was when the tape "chewed" Relations roller expensive and rare BASF ... I do not know how anyone, but we in the late '80s to get a good block of cassettes it was oh so not easy. And the price tag on them, sometimes rolls over speculators. But until then what seemed magical flavor svezheraspechatannogo TDK, JVC, Denon, Maxell.
Not that I regret about this period, like the now almost all you can find and listen to the great sound quality on the Internet, but shifting its collection could not help but share with you a part of its treasures))
Posted in [mergetime] 1394044722 [/ mergetime]
It's not all of course, but at least once ordered)))
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There were changes in preferences and tastes, new idols appear, sometimes returning old but nice heaviness expensive proprietary cassettes, impeccable build quality, perfect sound forever etched in memory. Everyone remembers the famous rewind a pencil)). Many disassembled and glued the torn tape (nail polish). How disappointing it was when the tape "chewed" Relations roller expensive and rare BASF ... I do not know how anyone, but we in the late '80s to get a good block of cassettes it was oh so not easy. And the price tag on them, sometimes rolls over speculators. But until then what seemed magical flavor svezheraspechatannogo TDK, JVC, Denon, Maxell.
Not that I regret about this period, like the now almost all you can find and listen to the great sound quality on the Internet, but shifting its collection could not help but share with you a part of its treasures))



Posted in [mergetime] 1394044722 [/ mergetime]
It's not all of course, but at least once ordered)))
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