Creative packaging
22 photo.
1. Drink lemon flavor.
2.Vitaminy children Vitaminus Box
3.Prezhde than a box out of the drink will go to waste, it may serve as a child's toy, which was created for the organic juice.
4.Kontsept packing toys for animals: a controversial, but catchy. Design package looks unique, but everyone understands its meaning to the extent of his depravity
5.Tualetnaya water BARBE
Concept Packaging fragrance for real men from the Roma Lazarev Sergey Anenko, Alexander Romanov Anton Khabarova and Helena Horoshiltsevoy.
6.Vodonepronitsaemye Players Walkman
To raise the level of sales waterproof player Walkman, creators dropped them in the water bottles: in this way they are now successfully sold in vending machines swimming pool and gym.
7.Domashnee cookies Telma's Treats
Delivered hot boxes of old boards.
8.Fotokamera Leica
9.Elektrotovary Geniled
10.Maslo and fats FATWORKS
Sol Garcia - the world's first designer, who managed to make the packaging of pork, duck and beef fat attractive.
11.Mindal 23 a Day
12.Parfyum Etnia
On the reverse side of the label to print the map of the most fashionable district of one of the six cities of Valencia. Glass works great uveichitelem.
13.Navoz Real shit
14.Kompaniya, manufactures products under the brand Real shit, not only openly states that trade manure, but also proud of it. Real Shit sold in sealed jars, which retain all the properties of fresh manure.
15.Molochnye products Lactika
Vacuum packaging of dairy products, plays on space, the Milky Way and the consonance with the word "galaxy".
16.Shokolad Kalev
A limited version of the chocolate in support of the traditional Song Festival and Dance Festival, which will take place in Tallinn in the summer of 2014.
17.Gorodskoe cafes WokStreet Cafe
18.Klenovy syrup SKU
20.Produkty vegetarian Vegetal Gourmand
Products for vegans optional packaging too strictly. The composition of the transparent front part of the splits in the side.
21.Supergeroi Red Bull
22.Kofe Morning Fuel
1. Drink lemon flavor.

2.Vitaminy children Vitaminus Box

3.Prezhde than a box out of the drink will go to waste, it may serve as a child's toy, which was created for the organic juice.

4.Kontsept packing toys for animals: a controversial, but catchy. Design package looks unique, but everyone understands its meaning to the extent of his depravity

5.Tualetnaya water BARBE
Concept Packaging fragrance for real men from the Roma Lazarev Sergey Anenko, Alexander Romanov Anton Khabarova and Helena Horoshiltsevoy.

6.Vodonepronitsaemye Players Walkman
To raise the level of sales waterproof player Walkman, creators dropped them in the water bottles: in this way they are now successfully sold in vending machines swimming pool and gym.

7.Domashnee cookies Telma's Treats
Delivered hot boxes of old boards.

8.Fotokamera Leica

9.Elektrotovary Geniled

10.Maslo and fats FATWORKS
Sol Garcia - the world's first designer, who managed to make the packaging of pork, duck and beef fat attractive.

11.Mindal 23 a Day

12.Parfyum Etnia
On the reverse side of the label to print the map of the most fashionable district of one of the six cities of Valencia. Glass works great uveichitelem.

13.Navoz Real shit

14.Kompaniya, manufactures products under the brand Real shit, not only openly states that trade manure, but also proud of it. Real Shit sold in sealed jars, which retain all the properties of fresh manure.

15.Molochnye products Lactika
Vacuum packaging of dairy products, plays on space, the Milky Way and the consonance with the word "galaxy".

16.Shokolad Kalev
A limited version of the chocolate in support of the traditional Song Festival and Dance Festival, which will take place in Tallinn in the summer of 2014.

17.Gorodskoe cafes WokStreet Cafe

18.Klenovy syrup SKU


20.Produkty vegetarian Vegetal Gourmand
Products for vegans optional packaging too strictly. The composition of the transparent front part of the splits in the side.

21.Supergeroi Red Bull

22.Kofe Morning Fuel
