The State Duma has proposed to include in emergencies of all deputies
The lower house of the statement made by all factions of the US and EU sanctions.
The State Duma of the Russian Federation in response to the sanctions lists the US and the EU on a number of deputies and senators offers the West to impose sanctions on 436 members of parliament voted for a law banning gay propaganda. The draft statement (available to the "News") signed by the representatives of all factions of the State Duma - Mikhail Markelov ("United Russia"), Yaroslav Nilov (LDPR), Mikhail Emelyanov ("Fair Russia") and Alexander Yushchenko (CPRF).
The decision of parliament is due to the fact that the list included the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children Elena Mizulina, which is the subject of Crimea hardly supervised.
"The appearance of the list Elena Mizulina clearly shows that this list has no relation to the so-called Crimean topic and confirms once again that the US is trying to restrict the rights of those who have their own clear citizenship. It is also clear that all this political hysteria is a reaction to the initiative adopted by Elena Mizulina law banning gay propaganda among children ", - said in a statement the State Duma.
Deputies remind Obama and European Union officials that the law was supported by representatives of all the factions in the State Duma, and he was voted 436 deputies.
"Therefore, we offer Mr. Obama and gentlemen, European officials include all voted for the statement of deputies of the State Duma on the list of Russian citizens, who are subject to US sanctions and the European Union. We do not trade principles and are not afraid of any sanctions! "- Emphasized in his statement, the parliamentarians.
The document also states that "the decision of Mr. Obama and European officials connected with the alleged wrongful position on Russia held in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol national referendum. They do not like that our fraternal peoples by democratic public procedures, in accordance with the norms and standards of international law almost unanimously decided to self-determination and entry into the Russian Federation. Such a rejection of the will of the people is surprising because the United States and the European Union has always declared its commitment to democracy and advocated for the right of peoples to determine their own destiny ».
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The State Duma of the Russian Federation in response to the sanctions lists the US and the EU on a number of deputies and senators offers the West to impose sanctions on 436 members of parliament voted for a law banning gay propaganda. The draft statement (available to the "News") signed by the representatives of all factions of the State Duma - Mikhail Markelov ("United Russia"), Yaroslav Nilov (LDPR), Mikhail Emelyanov ("Fair Russia") and Alexander Yushchenko (CPRF).
The decision of parliament is due to the fact that the list included the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children Elena Mizulina, which is the subject of Crimea hardly supervised.

"The appearance of the list Elena Mizulina clearly shows that this list has no relation to the so-called Crimean topic and confirms once again that the US is trying to restrict the rights of those who have their own clear citizenship. It is also clear that all this political hysteria is a reaction to the initiative adopted by Elena Mizulina law banning gay propaganda among children ", - said in a statement the State Duma.
Deputies remind Obama and European Union officials that the law was supported by representatives of all the factions in the State Duma, and he was voted 436 deputies.
"Therefore, we offer Mr. Obama and gentlemen, European officials include all voted for the statement of deputies of the State Duma on the list of Russian citizens, who are subject to US sanctions and the European Union. We do not trade principles and are not afraid of any sanctions! "- Emphasized in his statement, the parliamentarians.
The document also states that "the decision of Mr. Obama and European officials connected with the alleged wrongful position on Russia held in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol national referendum. They do not like that our fraternal peoples by democratic public procedures, in accordance with the norms and standards of international law almost unanimously decided to self-determination and entry into the Russian Federation. Such a rejection of the will of the people is surprising because the United States and the European Union has always declared its commitment to democracy and advocated for the right of peoples to determine their own destiny ».
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