The State Duma refused to cancel the transport tax.
The State Duma has rejected a bill repealing the vehicle tax for cars with an engine capacity of less than 150 hp The Parliament decided to reject the idea. Since the transport tax to the budget of the regions, they have to decide what rate to set. Indeed, in the case of cancellation to compensate for falling revenues no one will.
A source.
Under consideration by the State Duma a bill imply a change of the Budget Code. The authors of the document, the deputies from the LDPR Sergey Katasonov and Dmitry Savelyev offered exempt from vehicle tax (TN) car owners engine power does not exceed 150 liters. s., writes "Kommersant". According to them, it would reduce social tension among the citizens "with low incomes».
The dependence of the size of vehicle tax on motor power was installed in Soviet times, and since then, this criterion has not changed. In 2010, the government started talking about how to turn on the motor vehicle tax to the excise tax on fuel, and from the tax itself phased out.
In 2011, CN lowered base rates twice, and the regional government received the right to set the lowering and raising factors - depending on the region transport tax could be 10 times less or more than the base rate. However, in fact, reduced the TN only 7 subjects of the Russian Federation.
In late 2012, Vladimir Putin called for "seek to ensure that all move in quietly from the excise tax and vehicle tax to leave." "We must move in this direction. This is more true: Depending on how much a person goes, and so he buys diesel fuel, gasoline, and so on, and so pays ", - the president said at a meeting with Duma factions.
However, motor vehicle tax and not canceled. One of the authors of the bill Sergei Katasonov believes that the region will be hard on their own to abandon it, because in this case they will receive less money in local budgets. "They think every penny, we can not move on their decision", - said the official publication. Actually, so it was prepared a compromise proposal: abolish the tax only for owners of lower-powered cars, which tend to have low incomes.
Katasonov believes that the positive social impact of such a step will block economic. The argument is an example of the Orenburg area: the budget revenues from transport taxes paid by owners of such cars in 2013 amounted to 450 million rubles, which is ten times less than the revenues from excise taxes.
Nevertheless, the Duma voted against. Deputies believe that the abolition of tax exemptions or the introduction of regional authorities should decide. Member of the Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Raisa Karmazin ("United Russia"), cited the example of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug: there are even incentives for car owners up to 200 hp
If the proposed legislation take compensate for falling revenues in the budget is simply nowhere. "Good to be pious, but we must be fair in relation to other citizens. A 400 million rubles (that fall out of the budget in the same Orenburg region) can build a kindergarten or a house ", - quotes the edition Karmazin. In addition, cars with engine capacity of less than 150 hp It costs an average of 700-800 thousand rubles, so that their owners can not be classified as "poor", according to Karmazin.
A source.

Under consideration by the State Duma a bill imply a change of the Budget Code. The authors of the document, the deputies from the LDPR Sergey Katasonov and Dmitry Savelyev offered exempt from vehicle tax (TN) car owners engine power does not exceed 150 liters. s., writes "Kommersant". According to them, it would reduce social tension among the citizens "with low incomes».
The dependence of the size of vehicle tax on motor power was installed in Soviet times, and since then, this criterion has not changed. In 2010, the government started talking about how to turn on the motor vehicle tax to the excise tax on fuel, and from the tax itself phased out.
In 2011, CN lowered base rates twice, and the regional government received the right to set the lowering and raising factors - depending on the region transport tax could be 10 times less or more than the base rate. However, in fact, reduced the TN only 7 subjects of the Russian Federation.
In late 2012, Vladimir Putin called for "seek to ensure that all move in quietly from the excise tax and vehicle tax to leave." "We must move in this direction. This is more true: Depending on how much a person goes, and so he buys diesel fuel, gasoline, and so on, and so pays ", - the president said at a meeting with Duma factions.
However, motor vehicle tax and not canceled. One of the authors of the bill Sergei Katasonov believes that the region will be hard on their own to abandon it, because in this case they will receive less money in local budgets. "They think every penny, we can not move on their decision", - said the official publication. Actually, so it was prepared a compromise proposal: abolish the tax only for owners of lower-powered cars, which tend to have low incomes.
Katasonov believes that the positive social impact of such a step will block economic. The argument is an example of the Orenburg area: the budget revenues from transport taxes paid by owners of such cars in 2013 amounted to 450 million rubles, which is ten times less than the revenues from excise taxes.
Nevertheless, the Duma voted against. Deputies believe that the abolition of tax exemptions or the introduction of regional authorities should decide. Member of the Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes Raisa Karmazin ("United Russia"), cited the example of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug: there are even incentives for car owners up to 200 hp
If the proposed legislation take compensate for falling revenues in the budget is simply nowhere. "Good to be pious, but we must be fair in relation to other citizens. A 400 million rubles (that fall out of the budget in the same Orenburg region) can build a kindergarten or a house ", - quotes the edition Karmazin. In addition, cars with engine capacity of less than 150 hp It costs an average of 700-800 thousand rubles, so that their owners can not be classified as "poor", according to Karmazin.