Who died 800 years ago, the monk found on the legs sticking out of the rock

walk along the beach is over for residents of Wales archaeological discovery. We examine the woman noticed the rock sticking out of her legs, which, as it turned out to belong to the ancient monk, who died about 800 years ago. Mandy Ivington was walking along the beach when she saw two bones sticking out of the rock. After photographing the remains, she sent their leading coastal archaeologist Karl James Langford.

"At first I thought that a woman made a mistake, but when went to see for myself, I found the grave of an ancient, eroded by sea," - said 39-year-old Langford. Archaeologist admits that he first saw the two hip bones sticking out of the edge of the eroded rocks. University teacher said that this stretch of coast in South Wales in the Middle Ages Cistercian monks used as a burial ground.

"Not far from here I lived the monastic community. Assign it with the remains of allowing the fact that discovered the bones belonged to a man from 25 to 30 years "- said Langford. Langford, who heads the local Archaeological Society, said that winter storms have caused enormous bathing areas of the British coastline, which allowed scientists to discover precious archaeological sites.

The cemetery is listed archaeological monuments protected by the Royal Commission on the ancient monuments of Wales. In the registry, he is listed as an "unofficial burial site, which was used in the congregation." In 2012, another member of the Archaeological Society made a speech in which he said that during the studies concluded that the dumping found on rocks, probably dating back to the post-medieval period (1485-1901).

Langford says that archaeologists are doing everything possible so that all the findings of archaeological value, have been studied before the sea swallowed them. "I take my students to the Orkney every year and we try to document the findings. Unfortunately, this is not always obtained. On the east coast around Norfolk erosion has been going on since time immemorial, and now it has started on the west coast. Any settlement along the South Wales that will not exist in 10 years, since the rock is completely disappear, "- he told the Daily Mail.
Source: fedpost.ru/sobytiya/44927-umershego-800-let-nazad-monaxa-nashli-po-torchashhim-iz.html