Meet, Global Navigation Satellite System - the Russian satellite navigation system.
The basis of the system should be 24 satellites, moving above the Earth in three orbital planes with an inclination of 64, of 8 °, and a height of 19,100 km.
When bringing the number of active satellites to 18, on the territory of Russia is provided almost 100% continuous navigation. In the rest of the globe at the same time breaks in the navigation can reach one and a half hours. Near-continuous navigation throughout the globe is provided with full orbital group of 24 satellites.
The measuring principle is similar to the American system GPS (NAVSTAR). The first GLONASS satellite was launched into orbit by the Soviet Union on October 12, 1982. September 24, 1993 the system was officially put into operation.
According to the General Designer Yuri Urlichich GLONASS, full coverage of the territory of Russia is planned in early 2008 and the global scale of the system will reach the beginning of 2010.
I wonder how will behave GLONASS, for example, in this case:
The joke, of course
They say it's American counterpart, made in 1993:
Information from Wikipedia

The basis of the system should be 24 satellites, moving above the Earth in three orbital planes with an inclination of 64, of 8 °, and a height of 19,100 km.
When bringing the number of active satellites to 18, on the territory of Russia is provided almost 100% continuous navigation. In the rest of the globe at the same time breaks in the navigation can reach one and a half hours. Near-continuous navigation throughout the globe is provided with full orbital group of 24 satellites.
The measuring principle is similar to the American system GPS (NAVSTAR). The first GLONASS satellite was launched into orbit by the Soviet Union on October 12, 1982. September 24, 1993 the system was officially put into operation.
According to the General Designer Yuri Urlichich GLONASS, full coverage of the territory of Russia is planned in early 2008 and the global scale of the system will reach the beginning of 2010.
I wonder how will behave GLONASS, for example, in this case:

The joke, of course

They say it's American counterpart, made in 1993:

Information from Wikipedia