The development of GLONASS

2008 Anecdote: "The Prime Minister of Russia saved from imminent death crew of the program" Vesti ", putting it well-aimed shot tiger caught in a trap. Putin fired from devices for remote immobilization of animals and hit her in the shoulder blade. When the animal is asleep, he puts on a prime GPS-osheynik

- Why GPS, GLONASS instead?
- Portable GLONASS collar has two handles on both sides of the case for carrying the personnel in the amount of four people. If you wear it on the animal, you will always know where it is - the same place where you put the collar. " Now the situation has changed, and GLONASS is used increasingly. The most interesting gadgets that work with the Russian satellite navigation system in our collection. GLONASS - a satellite navigation system, the Russian response to the US GPS system and its twin on the principle of operation. And this abbreviation stands as the global navigation satellite system. And if a couple of years, mostly about GLONASS only joking, now for sale a large number of electronic gadgets that use the Russian satellite navigation system. Starting with the navigators and ending those same collars ... Here we must note an important point: the GLONASS not "compete" with GPS, and all user devices available on the market, able to work with the signals of both systems at the same time. Thus, it appears that GLONASS and GPS insure each druga.

The most popular "dual-system gadgets" - a car navigators. Among the novelties of this class - Lexand SG-615 HD. As you know, the more satellites "see" the navigator, the less time it starts, the more accurate the coordinates. Reliable signal reception at Lexand can not prevent any electromagnetic "smog" cities or terrain features, or riding in the canyons of streets with modern high-rise buildings, which cover a large part of the sky. With an integrated FM-transmitter navigator can output sound from the device directly to the audio avtomobilya.

Also, the use of two-system chips found in such devices as video recorders. ASV-RF03 - car video recorder with built-in GPS / GLONASS receiver. In addition to recording the traffic situation in the video, this device several times per second stores information about the coordinates and skorosti.

GLONASS receiver sets and Russian cars. For example, on the dashboard Lada Kalina and engineers were able to accommodate 4, 3 inch navigator. All clues about the maneuvers voice sounded right through the onboard audiosistemu.

One of the first collar with GLONASS was presented Vladimir Putin for his Labrador Koni. With built-in GLONASS / GPS-module with integrated collar tracker receives the exact coordinates, and a built-in GSM-module transmits them. Thus, even if the dog "walks by himself", the owner will know where to look for a pet. For large dogs ves170 grammovna collar is acceptable, but for the puppies and decorative rocks need more gadgets easier and pokompaktnee.

Widely implemented support for GLONASS and smartphone manufacturers. With the signals of the navigation system must operate on smartphones Apple (iPhone 4s), Nokia (series Lumia), some HTC, Huawei, Samsung and even some Chinese Android-backgrounds. But other, less agile developers, announced about the readiness to release similar devices on the market.
Source: mirfactov.com/
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