At three stations in Antarctica establish ground equipment GLONASS

Novolazarevskaya station i>
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin recently publicly protested US refusal to place ground equipment for GLONASS, which allows to increase the accuracy of the system. The refusal of the Federal Communications Agency-founded the fact that the Russian system to have a license to transmit a radio signal (Section 301 of the Communications Act 1984). The unofficial reason for the ban - the fact that this dual-use system that can be used for military purposes, such as precision-guided missiles at targets.
However, the failure does not prevent the Americans to establish ground equipment elsewhere. So, the next Antarctic summer of metal containers with the new ground equipment GLONASS will be installed on the foundations of three stations in Antarctica , according to TASS. < br />
Work on the construction of the foundation and flyovers have already started at Novolazarevskaya station.
"This year, such work will be performed by employees of Federal Space Agency and the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet at three stations. At Novolazarevskaya they have already begun, will be carried out later in the progress and the East "- said the correspondent. TASS chief of the Russian Antarctic Expedition (RAE) Valery Lukin.
Currently station system of differential correction and monitoring GLONASS is already functioning at the Antarctic station Bellingshausen.

Crawler Transporter DT-30 Knight with marching residential unit "Kharkovchanka" at Novolazarevskaya station; © vandysheff i>
The GLONASS system determines the location of the object, up to 2 8 meters. This year, the accuracy will be increased to 1, 4 meters, in 2020 - to 60 cm , in the future - up to 10 centimeters .
Well, as the failure of the US to deploy paramilitary equipment Russia in their territory instructed to deal and Roscosmos Non-commercial partnership GLONASS to March 2015. They will provide data on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of unfair practices in the field of navigation in the United States that Russia intends to submit for consideration by the UN Committee on Space.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/244081/