Robert Boyle's dream come true. Part 3
Robert Boyle 350 years ago compiled a list of 24 wishes, many of which have come true. In the first two parts, we talked about organ transplantation, telemedicine, agriculture and telescopes. Today we will focus on armor, sea transport, navigation and sleep.
dream come true Robert Boyle. Part 1
dream come true Robert Boyle. Part 2
The content of the list of desires in the original 1662 1) The Prolongation of Life
2) The Recovery of Youth, or at least some of the Marks of It, as New Teeth, New Hair Colour'd as in Youth
3) The Art of Flying
4) The Art of Continuing Long under water and the Exercise of Functioning Freely There
5) The Cure of Wounds at a Distance
6) The Cure of Diseases at a Distance or at least by Transplantation
7) The Attaining Gigantick Dimensions
8) The Emulating of Fish without Engines by Custome and Education only
9) The Acceleration of the Production of Things out of Seed
10) The Transmutation of Metalls
11) The Making of Glass Malleable
12) The Transmutation of Species in Mineralls, Animals and Vegetables
13) The Liquid Alkaest and Other dissolving Menstruums
14) The making of Parabolicall and Hyperbolicall Glasses
15) The Making Armor Light and Extremely Hard
16) The Practicable and Certain Way of Finding Longitudes
17) The Use of Pendulums at Sea and in Journeys, and the Application of it to Watches
18) Potent Druggs to alter or Exalt Imagination, Waking, Memory, and other functions, and appease pain, procure innocent sleep, harmless dreams, etc
19) A Ship to Sail with All Winds and a Ship Not to be Sunk
20) Freedom from necessity for much sleeping exemplify'd by the Operations of Tea and What Happens in Mad-Men
21) Pleasing Dreams and Physicall Exercises by the Egyptian Electuary and by the Fungus mentioned by the French author
22) Great Strength and Agility of Body Exemplify'd by That of Frantick Epileptick and Hystericall Persons
23) Varnishes Perfumable by Rubbing
24) A Perpetuall Light
15) Create a light and extremely strong armor h4> In the 10th century in China there was a "fire spear": the precursor of modern firearms, made of bamboo. Therefore, during the life of Robert Boyle was acutely the establishment of armor protecting from the gun, and other Hackbut: heavy musket in the 17th century could penetrate the breastplate. Until the 1950s vests were more like armor, and during the Korean War, the US Army began using the protection of several layers of nylon or ballistic nylon. In 1980, the United States and the Soviet Union issued Kevlar vests. Now, there are a huge number of different modifications of body armor, including concealed carry.
16) The exact method of determining longitude h4> In 1957, the USSR launched into space the first artificial Earth satellite. Scientists in the US have found that due to the Doppler effect, the frequency received from the satellite signal is increased when approaching and decreases with distance. Knowing your position, you can find out the position and velocity of the satellite, and on the contrary - knowing the position of the satellite, you can define your own speed and coordinates. In 1974, the Americans launched the first satellite system GPS, as in 1984, the Soviet Union began to run GLONASS satellites. Satellite navigation systems designed for the military, but in 1983, after a shot down over the Soviet Union aircraft Korean Airline, decided to create a civilian GPS.
17) Use of the pendulum to the sea and traveling, its use in a wristwatch h4> The prototype of the first mechanical clock, the oldest found by archaeologists, dates from II-III century BC. «Antikythera Mechanism» - device with 37 bronze gears in a wooden case and dial with arrows. The computing device is able to consider elliptic orbits of the Moon, using a sine amendment, which was used gear with a displaced center of rotation. The next stage in the history of mechanical watches steel watch with escapement made in Tang China in 725 AD. A pendulum clock was invented in Germany in 1000, but did not get spread - people missing wheel clock with the battle of the towers, without the minute hand. Galileo in the XVII century the pendulum has improved.
18) Powerful drugs that modify or improve the imagination, awakening, memory and other functions, pain; drugs to help sleep and dream h4> Scientists and doctors have developed an incredible number of different drugs and medicines for any purpose. Biotechnology continues to develop. But in Russia over references to specific drugs or psychotropic substances in a normal article or photograph them soon, probably will be go to jail for two years, so the details of this dream will not be Boyle.
19) A ship that can go in any wind, not sinking h4> The oldest canoe-odnoderevka was made around 6300 BC. In 2,500 BC, we walked and cargo and passenger ships, propelled by poles, oars and sails. For a long time it took to create the sail to move against the wind.
20) Freedom from the need to sleep a lot h4> Unfortunately, the data on the duration of sleep in the 17th century to compare with the age of 21 I have not found. But now, people often think about sleep efficiency. For example, the Solar Impulse pilots to fly nonstop on solar energy in the cabin volume of two cubic meters is necessary to manage to relax. To do this, they use techniques of self-hypnosis and meditation.
dream come true Robert Boyle. Part 1
dream come true Robert Boyle. Part 2
The content of the list of desires in the original 1662 1) The Prolongation of Life
2) The Recovery of Youth, or at least some of the Marks of It, as New Teeth, New Hair Colour'd as in Youth
3) The Art of Flying
4) The Art of Continuing Long under water and the Exercise of Functioning Freely There
5) The Cure of Wounds at a Distance
6) The Cure of Diseases at a Distance or at least by Transplantation
7) The Attaining Gigantick Dimensions
8) The Emulating of Fish without Engines by Custome and Education only
9) The Acceleration of the Production of Things out of Seed
10) The Transmutation of Metalls
11) The Making of Glass Malleable
12) The Transmutation of Species in Mineralls, Animals and Vegetables
13) The Liquid Alkaest and Other dissolving Menstruums
14) The making of Parabolicall and Hyperbolicall Glasses
15) The Making Armor Light and Extremely Hard
16) The Practicable and Certain Way of Finding Longitudes
17) The Use of Pendulums at Sea and in Journeys, and the Application of it to Watches
18) Potent Druggs to alter or Exalt Imagination, Waking, Memory, and other functions, and appease pain, procure innocent sleep, harmless dreams, etc
19) A Ship to Sail with All Winds and a Ship Not to be Sunk
20) Freedom from necessity for much sleeping exemplify'd by the Operations of Tea and What Happens in Mad-Men
21) Pleasing Dreams and Physicall Exercises by the Egyptian Electuary and by the Fungus mentioned by the French author
22) Great Strength and Agility of Body Exemplify'd by That of Frantick Epileptick and Hystericall Persons
23) Varnishes Perfumable by Rubbing
24) A Perpetuall Light
15) Create a light and extremely strong armor h4> In the 10th century in China there was a "fire spear": the precursor of modern firearms, made of bamboo. Therefore, during the life of Robert Boyle was acutely the establishment of armor protecting from the gun, and other Hackbut: heavy musket in the 17th century could penetrate the breastplate. Until the 1950s vests were more like armor, and during the Korean War, the US Army began using the protection of several layers of nylon or ballistic nylon. In 1980, the United States and the Soviet Union issued Kevlar vests. Now, there are a huge number of different modifications of body armor, including concealed carry.
vest Improved OTV i>
16) The exact method of determining longitude h4> In 1957, the USSR launched into space the first artificial Earth satellite. Scientists in the US have found that due to the Doppler effect, the frequency received from the satellite signal is increased when approaching and decreases with distance. Knowing your position, you can find out the position and velocity of the satellite, and on the contrary - knowing the position of the satellite, you can define your own speed and coordinates. In 1974, the Americans launched the first satellite system GPS, as in 1984, the Soviet Union began to run GLONASS satellites. Satellite navigation systems designed for the military, but in 1983, after a shot down over the Soviet Union aircraft Korean Airline, decided to create a civilian GPS.
Because right now, almost everyone has a smartphone that can determine the location with high accuracy, it can be considered a dream come true Boyle.
history navigators i>
17) Use of the pendulum to the sea and traveling, its use in a wristwatch h4> The prototype of the first mechanical clock, the oldest found by archaeologists, dates from II-III century BC. «Antikythera Mechanism» - device with 37 bronze gears in a wooden case and dial with arrows. The computing device is able to consider elliptic orbits of the Moon, using a sine amendment, which was used gear with a displaced center of rotation. The next stage in the history of mechanical watches steel watch with escapement made in Tang China in 725 AD. A pendulum clock was invented in Germany in 1000, but did not get spread - people missing wheel clock with the battle of the towers, without the minute hand. Galileo in the XVII century the pendulum has improved.
One of the important parts of the design of mechanical watches - oscillating system. Pendulum - one of its varieties. But the clock with a pendulum must stand still - they can not be used in transport, and for each latitude should be adjust separately - that is in the journey time to learn complicated.
Inventors Christiaan Huygens and Robert Hooke independently created another kind of oscillating mechanism - based on fluctuations of spring-loaded body. Balancing mechanism can be used in portable clock - and in any position that the pendulum clock and the clock tower is not available.
In 1957, there were quartz watch - they oscillator stabilized crystal oscillator. And to determine the position of spacecraft, satellites, ballistic missiles and for GPS and GLONASS are required especially precise atomic clock - for example, clocks FOCS 1 have an error of one second in 30 million years.
Modern wristwatch can be used anywhere, and moreover - they can work well in the water, if they have the appropriate degree of protection.
18) Powerful drugs that modify or improve the imagination, awakening, memory and other functions, pain; drugs to help sleep and dream h4> Scientists and doctors have developed an incredible number of different drugs and medicines for any purpose. Biotechnology continues to develop. But in Russia over references to specific drugs or psychotropic substances in a normal article or photograph them soon, probably will be go to jail for two years, so the details of this dream will not be Boyle.
19) A ship that can go in any wind, not sinking h4> The oldest canoe-odnoderevka was made around 6300 BC. In 2,500 BC, we walked and cargo and passenger ships, propelled by poles, oars and sails. For a long time it took to create the sail to move against the wind.
The first steamboat built in 1783. horizontal single cylinder steam engine rotated two paddle wheels on the sides and led "piroskaf" in motion. In 1787, American James Ramsey makes a boat with jet drive unit, use the energy of steam. In the same year, his compatriot introduced steam ship with two rows of oars. In 1912, a transatlantic steamer "Titanic" sank in the North Atlantic. Power plant of the two four-cylinder steam engines and steam turbines was 55,000 horsepower. The maximum speed of the ship was 42 km / h.
Later, there were nuclear submarines, the construction of the engine similar to paroturbohod. Many of the ship's nuclear power plants driven by steam - heated water in the steam generator due to heat generation in the process of disintegration of the nuclear fuel rather than burning coal. The world's first nuclear-powered ships were civilian icebreaker "Lenin" in 1959.
The water vehicle often use internal combustion engines - for example, civilian boats.
Now maritime transport carries a large part of the cargo throughout the world, including oil, chemical products, and containers with all types of cargo. Vehicles on water continues to depend on the weather, but the dependence of these reduced compared with the classical sailing ships era Boyle.
20) Freedom from the need to sleep a lot h4> Unfortunately, the data on the duration of sleep in the 17th century to compare with the age of 21 I have not found. But now, people often think about sleep efficiency. For example, the Solar Impulse pilots to fly nonstop on solar energy in the cabin volume of two cubic meters is necessary to manage to relax. To do this, they use techniques of self-hypnosis and meditation.
Resting in a stage of "deep" sleep. To better rest, you need to spend at this stage of the maximum share of the total sleep time. Now there are many «smart watches» and sports bracelets, which monitors sleep and show the time in each stage. But these gadgets occasionally fail, leading to lawsuits to developer .
The wearable devices sometimes use the technology of "smart" alarms. The gadget is not the owner wakes up at a specified time and in a certain time interval, focusing on the phase of "rapid" sleep. So the user can get a rest, even if not slept for a long time.
Salvador Dali. Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening i>
Source: geektimes.ru/post/247546/
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