Traps (24 photos)
Kapok (Turk. Kapkan) - a device for catching animals, consisting of a spring (usually steel), exciting arcs (tongs) neck or leg stepped on the beast. Trap is the most painful instrument umervschleniya victim. When the animal enters the trap, steel teeth stranglehold slam in his paw (muzzle, tail, wing), crushing bones, muscles and causing excruciating pain. Such pain as if our hand accidentally fell sharply in the metal door slammed shut.
Some females who were cubs, bite off yourself paw to escape. Subsequently, they often die from blood loss or infection.
In traps located in the trees, birds, squirrels and other animals hang in the air crush on legs, wings or neck.
Slow and terrible, death comes. Being trapped in a few hours, or even days, some animals die from cold or starvation long before the hunter comes. If the animal is still alive, hunters do not shoot him, so as not to damage the fur. Animals hit on the head, chest crush them, fold the neck or stepping on the throat and strangle them. If the trap has got a dog, cat, birds, rodents or other animals, fur which low-value, hunters often simply thrown away, doomed to a painful death.
The law in many countries either completely prohibits trapping or obliges owners check them every 24 hours. The use of traps is permitted only in Russia, Canada and the United States.
Some females who were cubs, bite off yourself paw to escape. Subsequently, they often die from blood loss or infection.
In traps located in the trees, birds, squirrels and other animals hang in the air crush on legs, wings or neck.
Slow and terrible, death comes. Being trapped in a few hours, or even days, some animals die from cold or starvation long before the hunter comes. If the animal is still alive, hunters do not shoot him, so as not to damage the fur. Animals hit on the head, chest crush them, fold the neck or stepping on the throat and strangle them. If the trap has got a dog, cat, birds, rodents or other animals, fur which low-value, hunters often simply thrown away, doomed to a painful death.
The law in many countries either completely prohibits trapping or obliges owners check them every 24 hours. The use of traps is permitted only in Russia, Canada and the United States.