Go hunting for groundhogs, goes hunting.
Today we publish a report not quite familiar. It is made from the frames of the future documentary filmmaker Baurzhan Dosmagambetova. Together with a team of hunters marmots, he went into the steppe. Then we give the floor to the author.
This winter, hunters from one friend I heard that such fishing marmots. Nicholas told me that every year he and his team received a license for a month, and leaves the steppe to live and hunt marmots. I like filmmakers and fans of hunting, it was interesting to visit, participate, and if possible to shoot the whole process and the people who are engaged in it. I bought in addition some audio-visual equipment, came five days and all filmed there. Now I mount a short documentary and plan to send it to festivals. One of the topics will be fierce and composure that people have to be for the benefit of the animals themselves. The film will be a lot of blood and murder, so that "green" is exactly affected. But I hope that the smart viewer will realize that in fact a film about people who love nature and know it well.
Nicholas has been fishing for 35 years. Hunt's father had taught him, and in this area he went immediately after the army. Fires of all weapons and stands on different fields for several months of the year. Dedicated nature all my life and know all about the local animals. Now Nicholas is working hunters and hunting.
Surcin fishing is conducted in Kazakhstan since 1947. Where fishing is not conducted for many years, marmot family die because the elderly do not give young breed. And where there are fishing grounds, there is marmot population is not reduced and to prevent the likelihood of the spread of diseases such as the flu and distemper. Another important reason for fishing - a marmot fat. It is widely used in medicine and cosmetics, have medicinal properties and is useful for the skin. Marmot skins are very warm and become more popular in recent years. Marmot meat is very clean and quite tasty.
Simultaneously in the working average somewhere 30 teams. Our two teams had a license for 600 heads of marmots.
Age marmot can be identified by the teeth, size and color of the skin. Quite simply, if the teeth are yellow and large, the old groundhog.
A trap is placed at a distance of marmot burrows chain. When injected into the trap of a marmot can get into the hole and not szharitsya the sun.
When checking the traps come across different animals, they are released into the wild. Young marmots also released, while those older than two years, immediately killing, breaking the cervical vertebra. Instantly and painlessly.
This small marmot (slang called a "mouse"). He was immediately released. Traps put on a weak force to break bones young and that they can live on.
Got ferret. Very evil and predatory animal that eats marmot.
It has sharp teeth and almost all of it is made up of muscles.
Release and let go.
The traps also caught the birds, foxes, badgers, saying that there were even wolves. This is due to the fact that the marmots many enemies who are trying to get into their burrows.
After checking the traps were going to shoot. In some regions, it is impossible to shoot marmots, as the animal does not admit to his car. But in the place where we were, marmots are not afraid of noise of vehicles.
Nicholas shoots from his old melkashki. Shoot very accurately. Every shot misses marmots in the area of the ear, where cervical vertebra, and the animal soon dies. It is very important to kill the woodchuck, not hurt, otherwise it zapolzet or fall into the hole.
Each arrow is assistant that runs to get a shot Groundhog until he slid into the hole. Nicholas makes his eldest son Kolya.
If the groundhog is on the left side of the machine, the gun leans on the bar door, if the groundhog is right, the support becomes a hood.

This winter, hunters from one friend I heard that such fishing marmots. Nicholas told me that every year he and his team received a license for a month, and leaves the steppe to live and hunt marmots. I like filmmakers and fans of hunting, it was interesting to visit, participate, and if possible to shoot the whole process and the people who are engaged in it. I bought in addition some audio-visual equipment, came five days and all filmed there. Now I mount a short documentary and plan to send it to festivals. One of the topics will be fierce and composure that people have to be for the benefit of the animals themselves. The film will be a lot of blood and murder, so that "green" is exactly affected. But I hope that the smart viewer will realize that in fact a film about people who love nature and know it well.

Nicholas has been fishing for 35 years. Hunt's father had taught him, and in this area he went immediately after the army. Fires of all weapons and stands on different fields for several months of the year. Dedicated nature all my life and know all about the local animals. Now Nicholas is working hunters and hunting.

Surcin fishing is conducted in Kazakhstan since 1947. Where fishing is not conducted for many years, marmot family die because the elderly do not give young breed. And where there are fishing grounds, there is marmot population is not reduced and to prevent the likelihood of the spread of diseases such as the flu and distemper. Another important reason for fishing - a marmot fat. It is widely used in medicine and cosmetics, have medicinal properties and is useful for the skin. Marmot skins are very warm and become more popular in recent years. Marmot meat is very clean and quite tasty.
Simultaneously in the working average somewhere 30 teams. Our two teams had a license for 600 heads of marmots.

Age marmot can be identified by the teeth, size and color of the skin. Quite simply, if the teeth are yellow and large, the old groundhog.



A trap is placed at a distance of marmot burrows chain. When injected into the trap of a marmot can get into the hole and not szharitsya the sun.
When checking the traps come across different animals, they are released into the wild. Young marmots also released, while those older than two years, immediately killing, breaking the cervical vertebra. Instantly and painlessly.

This small marmot (slang called a "mouse"). He was immediately released. Traps put on a weak force to break bones young and that they can live on.

Got ferret. Very evil and predatory animal that eats marmot.

It has sharp teeth and almost all of it is made up of muscles.

Release and let go.

The traps also caught the birds, foxes, badgers, saying that there were even wolves. This is due to the fact that the marmots many enemies who are trying to get into their burrows.

After checking the traps were going to shoot. In some regions, it is impossible to shoot marmots, as the animal does not admit to his car. But in the place where we were, marmots are not afraid of noise of vehicles.

Nicholas shoots from his old melkashki. Shoot very accurately. Every shot misses marmots in the area of the ear, where cervical vertebra, and the animal soon dies. It is very important to kill the woodchuck, not hurt, otherwise it zapolzet or fall into the hole.

Each arrow is assistant that runs to get a shot Groundhog until he slid into the hole. Nicholas makes his eldest son Kolya.


If the groundhog is on the left side of the machine, the gun leans on the bar door, if the groundhog is right, the support becomes a hood.