Decisive, energetic, but not too thoughtful ("sawdust in my head - yes, yes, yes!") Bear Winnie the Pooh.
First of all, I must say - reading this to think about the fairy tale A. Milne. In the extreme case of the Soviet cartoon. Welshman Allan Milne, a native of the western margin of the Celtic world, has put in his novel initiatory message of deep rooted in tradition druid, and a native of the eastern margin of the same Celtic, galitsiets Hitruk no less brilliantly caught that message, reflecting one of the key moments in his novel Cartoons - or rather, three cartoons - remember the famous Celtic triad ...
Disney also profane pop music - remember, as a nightmare !!! At least until the end of the reading material.
So look into the characters. Who to contact?
Decisive, energetic, but not too thoughtful ("sawdust in my head - yes, yes, yes!") Medvezhonoe Winnie the Pooh.
He roars, spoiling for a fight, he sings of his own boastful rhymes and consumes huge amounts of honey.
In Celtic tradition, the bear - a symbol of the warrior caste. Celtic warriors are noisy, shouting, boasting, spoiling for a fight, sing verses sobsstvennogo compositions usually devoted to his beloved, to consume huge quantities helnoy honey.
next - Piglet inconspicuous. But do not be fooled! In fact - it is a conductor and mentor somewhere Winnie the Pooh
Boar, wild boar - in Celtic mythology symbol druid priest.
Warrior and poet Pooh wants to grab the honey. To do this he must overshit climbing the tree vyokoe. I think, in the mythology of sophisticated readers may have guessed that the tree - is the World Tree, and honey - the essence of the mead of poetry, the poet coveted. Naturally, the attempt to achieve their own ends Meda complete collapse, and then Winnie hurry to such a seemingly weak and inconspicuous Piglet - without our warrior-bear can not climb a tree. It Piglet owns the means of ascent to the upper world, encoded in the form of balloons.
And here it is one of the deepest moments of the film.
Color "balls" - the colors of the two younger Druid orders - blue, the color of the Order of Bards and Poets, which, judging by the colors of clan-covered cage pants, he belongs to Piglet (Pooh, as often, Celtic Warriors, going without clothes) and green, the color-Ovates healers.
Order of Bards Ovates lower orders, and the rudiments of poetry taught there. Winnie should choose it. But, like any kultsky hero, obsessed bear pride. He takes hold of a prestigious blue ball, imagining himself already if not held Bard, is willing to take the title and not wanting to be associated with the wood sheets in the middle between heaven and earth and the sky.
Before the expedition Winnie covers himself ritual painting as any to go camping celtic warrior. Posing as a cloud, he appeals to the patron saint of soldiers - Taranis Thunderer.
But a fatal error has already been made - and proud hero is defeated in the clash with harsh Keepers Honey. Descend back helps him the same Piglet, as we see, to the end of fulfilling its role as a conductor.
Simple lesson of the story - that the soldier should not interfere in areas where all his indomitable vitality does not compensate for a quiet and modest wisdom inconspicuous appearance druid.
Rabbit in the second movie - Bo Aire, the third estate, obliged to feed not only the Druids modest but hungry soldiers.
However, if the warrior is abusing the right feeding, it can get into the "stalemate."
And now the third, he's the last cartoon.
the story of a sad donkey Eeyore, who lost in the tail thorns, and conducting days of mourning for the imperfection of the world to which no one comes to birthday gifts and do not bring ...
Whose symbolism images are thorns and ass - I think do not need reminding. In medieval Ireland, prior to the final treatment, the relationship between Christian and pagan community are minimized. In particular - with the Christians did not exchange gifts.
And military estate (Vinnie) "convinces" the other friends to come on holiday to Eeyore. although in the Celtic lands, and there was no "baptism by fire and sword" to the extent in which it happened in Russia and in other European countries, but the military estate yet adopted Christianity among the first and contributed to its spread.
He brings pot. Pot, so plays an important role in the world of Winnie - it is certainly a magical Celtic cauldron of plenty, transforirovavshiysya in the Middle Ages in the Grail. It symbolizes wealth - both spiritual and earthly, material. However, honey pot devours itself Winnie - catty allusion to the fact that the kings and warriors baptized Celts too hurried to share with his church wealth. Bard Piglet prninosit green ball Ovate - but the ball bursts, and more unfit to ascend to the upper world. Spirit of the Druidic rites and texts sent Christianity vanished, leaving only the form - but Eeyore and the content.
Rabbit feast sabotage - as elsewhere, the peasantry is adjacent to the new faith latest.
Here are just a owl, the mysterious ... rather mysterious Owl ... Who is he? Judge breggon? Supreme druid? Or the High King? What is the symbolism of the tail, the Lost and The Damned Eeyore attached to the bell Owl and Eeyore as they returned?
Disney also profane pop music - remember, as a nightmare !!! At least until the end of the reading material.
So look into the characters. Who to contact?
Decisive, energetic, but not too thoughtful ("sawdust in my head - yes, yes, yes!") Medvezhonoe Winnie the Pooh.

He roars, spoiling for a fight, he sings of his own boastful rhymes and consumes huge amounts of honey.
In Celtic tradition, the bear - a symbol of the warrior caste. Celtic warriors are noisy, shouting, boasting, spoiling for a fight, sing verses sobsstvennogo compositions usually devoted to his beloved, to consume huge quantities helnoy honey.

next - Piglet inconspicuous. But do not be fooled! In fact - it is a conductor and mentor somewhere Winnie the Pooh

Boar, wild boar - in Celtic mythology symbol druid priest.

Warrior and poet Pooh wants to grab the honey. To do this he must overshit climbing the tree vyokoe. I think, in the mythology of sophisticated readers may have guessed that the tree - is the World Tree, and honey - the essence of the mead of poetry, the poet coveted. Naturally, the attempt to achieve their own ends Meda complete collapse, and then Winnie hurry to such a seemingly weak and inconspicuous Piglet - without our warrior-bear can not climb a tree. It Piglet owns the means of ascent to the upper world, encoded in the form of balloons.

And here it is one of the deepest moments of the film.
Color "balls" - the colors of the two younger Druid orders - blue, the color of the Order of Bards and Poets, which, judging by the colors of clan-covered cage pants, he belongs to Piglet (Pooh, as often, Celtic Warriors, going without clothes) and green, the color-Ovates healers.
Order of Bards Ovates lower orders, and the rudiments of poetry taught there. Winnie should choose it. But, like any kultsky hero, obsessed bear pride. He takes hold of a prestigious blue ball, imagining himself already if not held Bard, is willing to take the title and not wanting to be associated with the wood sheets in the middle between heaven and earth and the sky.
Before the expedition Winnie covers himself ritual painting as any to go camping celtic warrior. Posing as a cloud, he appeals to the patron saint of soldiers - Taranis Thunderer.

But a fatal error has already been made - and proud hero is defeated in the clash with harsh Keepers Honey. Descend back helps him the same Piglet, as we see, to the end of fulfilling its role as a conductor.
Simple lesson of the story - that the soldier should not interfere in areas where all his indomitable vitality does not compensate for a quiet and modest wisdom inconspicuous appearance druid.
Rabbit in the second movie - Bo Aire, the third estate, obliged to feed not only the Druids modest but hungry soldiers.

However, if the warrior is abusing the right feeding, it can get into the "stalemate."
And now the third, he's the last cartoon.
the story of a sad donkey Eeyore, who lost in the tail thorns, and conducting days of mourning for the imperfection of the world to which no one comes to birthday gifts and do not bring ...

Whose symbolism images are thorns and ass - I think do not need reminding. In medieval Ireland, prior to the final treatment, the relationship between Christian and pagan community are minimized. In particular - with the Christians did not exchange gifts.
And military estate (Vinnie) "convinces" the other friends to come on holiday to Eeyore. although in the Celtic lands, and there was no "baptism by fire and sword" to the extent in which it happened in Russia and in other European countries, but the military estate yet adopted Christianity among the first and contributed to its spread.
He brings pot. Pot, so plays an important role in the world of Winnie - it is certainly a magical Celtic cauldron of plenty, transforirovavshiysya in the Middle Ages in the Grail. It symbolizes wealth - both spiritual and earthly, material. However, honey pot devours itself Winnie - catty allusion to the fact that the kings and warriors baptized Celts too hurried to share with his church wealth. Bard Piglet prninosit green ball Ovate - but the ball bursts, and more unfit to ascend to the upper world. Spirit of the Druidic rites and texts sent Christianity vanished, leaving only the form - but Eeyore and the content.
Rabbit feast sabotage - as elsewhere, the peasantry is adjacent to the new faith latest.
Here are just a owl, the mysterious ... rather mysterious Owl ... Who is he? Judge breggon? Supreme druid? Or the High King? What is the symbolism of the tail, the Lost and The Damned Eeyore attached to the bell Owl and Eeyore as they returned?

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