Airport eyes of the pilot
Pilots go to the premises through a separate entrance to the terminal building. Just like everyone else, they undergo a complete inspection:
The airport is divided into two zones: the clean and the dirty. Clean zone - a zone inside the airport, which can be accessed only after passing inspection. Everything else terminal building called dirty area:
Immediately after viewing the entire crew passes a medical examination:
Here pilots receive flight mission, which will be made to all other marks on the flight. Medical examination can take place no earlier than 2 hours before departure and no later than one hour. The doctor measures pressure and pulse. Looks at the pilot and evaluate its condition. If you suspect may be conducted additional tests:
In the next room senior flight attendants receive a kit. After the flight, they give them back. Content kits is constantly updated, and a special doctor ensures that all drugs were unexpired date of validity:
After medical examination pilots descend one floor down and enter the briefing room:
At the end of the hall, in the box, the second pilot receives documentation on the plane in a suitcase impressive size. It always has an assistant commander. A kind of hazing:
Middle of the room is a large table at which pilots ready to fly. Learn routing documents approach procedures at the destination airport, check the weather forecast on the route, choosing the best route, determine the amount of fuel required, choose the alternate aerodrome, etc .:
Here you get information about the weather in all parts of the flight, wind speed and direction at altitudes possible turbulence. The entire route is divided into sections, and the pilots know in advance the expected effect of turbulence on each of them:
In S7 Airlines in the briefing room table set separate from the computer where the aircraft commander (FAC) can view additional information about the flight:
If the commander in doubt due to weather conditions, it may consult with the duty meteorologist:
The controller on the alignment assistant commander completes and delivers a sheet with information about the flight. It entered information such as flight number, direction, board room, the weight of the loaded aircraft (AC), total refueling, fuel for taxiing, takeoff fuel, fuel for the flight, flight time and the number of seats. With this information, it is determined where the aircraft will be the center of mass:
After the finalization of the FAC is a senior flight attendant and holds him for instruction:
The company's philosophy AIRBUS is that the crew should not fly. So every time the FAC and copilot different. And also with the flight attendants. They know each other already in the lounge before the flight:
There is also a senior flight attendant gives instructions to the crew:
After graduating from pilot training suited to the dispatcher and tells him that he decided to carry out the flight:
By airplane pilots go on a special van. By the way, for the airline each such trip costs 1000 rubles:
On the territory of the apron all people should move in a green vest. Pilots are no exception:
On the plane, no ignition key is turned and it button. Conducted initial verification system:
The co-pilot by inspection of the aircraft. Verifies the absence of checks «Remove Before Flight» on the front landing gear, & quot; because if fitted chassis not be removed:
Visually inspect the nose for damage:
Checks the status of the sensors. In no case should not be icy:
Technical door must be kept tightly closed:
Visually inspect the blades of the engine:
If they are iced over, then call a technician and warmed them:
Filling hatch (black hole in the middle of the wing) must be kept tightly closed:
Examines lift devices and static dischargers (rods sticking out of the wing):
Examines the nozzle of the engine:
Checks tail stabilizers. They should be set to 0:
The state of the parking brake shoes and boots
After the external examination of the co-pilot returned to the cabin, and, together with the FAC, a complete verification of on-board systems:
On board there is a crib, which is used by pilots:
When operating correctly, no light should not burn:
Check all fuses:
In the case of strong sun pilots can omit the orange curtains:

The airport is divided into two zones: the clean and the dirty. Clean zone - a zone inside the airport, which can be accessed only after passing inspection. Everything else terminal building called dirty area:

Immediately after viewing the entire crew passes a medical examination:

Here pilots receive flight mission, which will be made to all other marks on the flight. Medical examination can take place no earlier than 2 hours before departure and no later than one hour. The doctor measures pressure and pulse. Looks at the pilot and evaluate its condition. If you suspect may be conducted additional tests:

In the next room senior flight attendants receive a kit. After the flight, they give them back. Content kits is constantly updated, and a special doctor ensures that all drugs were unexpired date of validity:

After medical examination pilots descend one floor down and enter the briefing room:

At the end of the hall, in the box, the second pilot receives documentation on the plane in a suitcase impressive size. It always has an assistant commander. A kind of hazing:

Middle of the room is a large table at which pilots ready to fly. Learn routing documents approach procedures at the destination airport, check the weather forecast on the route, choosing the best route, determine the amount of fuel required, choose the alternate aerodrome, etc .:

Here you get information about the weather in all parts of the flight, wind speed and direction at altitudes possible turbulence. The entire route is divided into sections, and the pilots know in advance the expected effect of turbulence on each of them:

In S7 Airlines in the briefing room table set separate from the computer where the aircraft commander (FAC) can view additional information about the flight:

If the commander in doubt due to weather conditions, it may consult with the duty meteorologist:

The controller on the alignment assistant commander completes and delivers a sheet with information about the flight. It entered information such as flight number, direction, board room, the weight of the loaded aircraft (AC), total refueling, fuel for taxiing, takeoff fuel, fuel for the flight, flight time and the number of seats. With this information, it is determined where the aircraft will be the center of mass:

After the finalization of the FAC is a senior flight attendant and holds him for instruction:

The company's philosophy AIRBUS is that the crew should not fly. So every time the FAC and copilot different. And also with the flight attendants. They know each other already in the lounge before the flight:

There is also a senior flight attendant gives instructions to the crew:

After graduating from pilot training suited to the dispatcher and tells him that he decided to carry out the flight:

By airplane pilots go on a special van. By the way, for the airline each such trip costs 1000 rubles:

On the territory of the apron all people should move in a green vest. Pilots are no exception:

On the plane, no ignition key is turned and it button. Conducted initial verification system:

The co-pilot by inspection of the aircraft. Verifies the absence of checks «Remove Before Flight» on the front landing gear, & quot; because if fitted chassis not be removed:

Visually inspect the nose for damage:

Checks the status of the sensors. In no case should not be icy:

Technical door must be kept tightly closed:

Visually inspect the blades of the engine:

If they are iced over, then call a technician and warmed them:

Filling hatch (black hole in the middle of the wing) must be kept tightly closed:

Examines lift devices and static dischargers (rods sticking out of the wing):

Examines the nozzle of the engine:

Checks tail stabilizers. They should be set to 0:

The state of the parking brake shoes and boots

After the external examination of the co-pilot returned to the cabin, and, together with the FAC, a complete verification of on-board systems:

On board there is a crib, which is used by pilots:

When operating correctly, no light should not burn:

Check all fuses:

In the case of strong sun pilots can omit the orange curtains:
