15 facts about FM Dostoevsky
1. In Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel "The Possessed" cynical and arrogant way Stavrogin you will be more understandable if you know one caveat. In the original manuscript of the novel is the recognition of Stavrogin about * asilovanii nine girls, who then hanged herself. Publication of this fact withdrawn.
2. Dostoevsky, last held in revolutionary organization bespredelschik Petrashevskii, in the novel "Demons" describes the members of this organization. Implying demons revolutionaries, Fyodor directly writes about his former partner in crime - it was "... unnatural and anti-state society person in thirteen", speaks of them as "... a cattle voluptuous society" and that it was "... not socialists, and swindlers ... ". For true candor about revolutionaries Lenin called names Fyodor Dostoevsky "arhiskverny Dostoevsky."
3. In 1859, Dostoevsky retired from the army "sickness" and received permission to live in Tver. At the end of the year he moved to St. Petersburg and together with his brother Michael began to publish a magazine "Time", then "Epoch", combining a great editorial work with the author: wrote journalistic and literary critiques, polemical notes, works of art. After his brother's death from magazines left a huge amount of debt that Fyodor had to pay almost to the end of life.
4. admirers Fyodor Dostoyevsky, it is known that the sin of patricide in "The Brothers Karamazov" is based on Ivan, but no clear reason for the crime. In the original manuscript of "The Brothers Karamazov" contains the true cause of the crime. It turns out, the son of Ivan killed his father F.P.Karamazova due to the fact that the father of a young child on iloval * * Ivan sod mskim sin, in general, for ped * Filia. In the print media, this fact was not included.
5. Dostoevsky widely used actual topography of St. Petersburg in the description of places of his novel "Crime and Punishment." As recognized by the writer, the description of the court in which Raskolnikov hides things stolen from his apartment lender, it was from personal experience - when one day walking around the city, Dostoevsky wrapped in a deserted yard in order to relieve themselves.
6. His sensibility is clearly beyond the limits of normal. When any outdoor beauty told him "no", he fainted. And if she says "yes", the result often was the same.
7. To say that Dostoevsky had increased lo * sualnostyu, means almost nothing to say. This physiological properties was so developed in him, that, despite all the efforts to hide it, unwittingly breaks out - in the words, attitudes, actions. This, of course, noticed around and laughed at him. Turgenev called him "Russian Marquis de Sade." Unable to cope with sensual fire, he resorted to the services of pro * titutok. But many of them, once tasted love Dostoevsky, then refused his proposals: too unusual, and, most importantly, his love was painful.
8. Save the depths of depravity could only one way: the beloved woman. And when this appeared in his life, Dostoevsky transformed. It was she, Anna, was for him and the angel savior, and an assistant, and the very lo * sualnoy toy with which it was possible to do without feelings of guilt and remorse. She was 20, he - 45. Anna was young and inexperienced, and did not see anything strange in those intimate relationships, which offered her husband. On * Elijah and the pain she felt for granted. Even if she did not approve of, or she did not like what he wanted, she did not tell him "no", and showed no way his displeasure. Once she wrote: "I am ready to spend the rest of his life, standing in front of him on his knees." His pleasure is placed above all else. He was her God ...
9. Introduction to the future wife Anna Snitkina had a very difficult period in the life of the writer. He laid the moneylenders for pennies literally everything that he could, even his padded coat, however, remained behind it urgent debts of several thousand rubles. At this point, Dostoevsky signed with the publisher Strellovskim fantastic bonded contract under which he was, firstly, to sell him all his pre-written works, and secondly, by a certain date to write a new one. The main point was an article in the contract, according to which in case of failure of the new novel by the deadline Strellovsky in continuing nine years will emit way they like everything that Dostoevsky writes with no remuneration.
Despite the bonded contract has enabled Dostoevsky to pay off the most aggressive lenders and escape from the rest abroad. But after returning it turned out that before putting a new novel in a hundred and fifty pages of month left, while Fyodor Mikhailovich not written a single line. Friends asked him to use the services of "Ghostwriter", but he refused. Then they told him to invite at least stenographer, who was a young Anna Snitkina. The novel "The Gambler" was written (or rather, dictated Snitkina) for 26 days and delivered on time! And in the circumstances again extraordinary - especially Strellovsky left town, and Dostoevsky had to leave the manuscript on receipt of the bailiff, where he lived the publisher.
Dostoevsky made a young girl (she was then 20 years old, he-45) proposal and received consent.
10. Mother Anna's Snitkina (second wife) was solid landlady and her daughter gave for many thousands of dowry in the form of money, utensils and apartment building.
11. Anna Snitkina at a young age led life kapitalistki-landlady and after her marriage to Fyodor Mikhailovich, immediately set about his financial affairs.
It primarily pacified numerous creditors late brother Michael, explaining to them that it is better to get a little long and than not get at all.
Then he turned his gaze on the business publication of books and found her husband, again, things are quite wild. So, for the right to publish a popular novel "The Possessed" Dostoevsky offered 500 rubles, "copyright", and the payment of installments for two years. At the same time, as it turned out, printing, provided the writer's fame name, gladly printed book with a deferred payment for six months. In the same way it was possible to buy and paper for printing.
It would seem that under such conditions is very beneficial to publish their books themselves. However, brave soon goes bust because publishers booksellers monopoly, of course, they quickly blocked the oxygen. But the 26-year-old girl was too tough for them.
As a result, published Anna Grigoryevna "Demons" instead of the proposed 500 rubles publishers 'copyright' family brought Dostoevsky 4000 rubles net income. In the future, it is not only self-publish and sell books of her husband, but also dealt with, as it is now said, Wholesale of books by other authors, aimed at regions.
Say that Fyodor free got one of the best managers of his modernity - is to say half the truth. After all, this is still the manager and devotedly loved him, have children and patiently led for peanuts (giving hard earned thousand creditors) Housekeeping. In addition, all 14 years old married Anna also worked free from her husband stenographer.
12. In a letter to Anna Dostoevsky was often not kept and filled them with a variety of e * otic allusions: "I kiss you every minute in my dreams all, every minute passionately. Especially love the fact that about says: And the subject of sim lovely - he delighted and intoxicated. This item is a whole constantly in all kinds of and intends to kiss a lifetime. Oh, as a whole, as a whole! Anka, do not say that it's rude, but because what I do is that I can not judge me ... I kiss the fingers of your feet, then your lips, then what "delighted and intoxicated me." These words were written by him in 57 years.
13. Anna remained faithful to her husband before his end. In the year of his death, she was only 35 years old, but she found her washed-female life and devoted himself to the service of his name. She has published his complete works, collected his letters and notes, made friends write his biography, founded a school of Dostoevsky in Staraya Russa, she wrote memoirs. In 1918, the last year of her life, Anna Fosdick came begins composer Sergei Prokofiev and asked to make his album, "dedicated to the sun," any record. She wrote: "The sun of my life - Fyodor Dostoevsky. Anna Dostoyevskaya ... »
14. Dostoevsky was incredibly jealous. Bouts of jealousy covered it suddenly, appearing often on level ground. He might suddenly return home an hour - and begin to rummage cabinets and look under all the beds! Or for no reason at all to the neighbor jealous - feeble old man.
The reason for the outbreak of jealousy could serve as a trifle. For example: if a woman is too long looking at such and such, or - too big smile so and so!
Dostoevsky will work out for the second wife Anna Snitkina some rules that she, at his request, will be to continue to adhere to not walk in tight dresses, men do not smile, do not laugh in conversation with them without lipstick, not to let the eye ... And indeed, with Henceforth Anna will behave with the utmost restraint and men dryly.
15. In 1873 Dostoevsky began to edit the newspaper-magazine "Citizen", which was not limited to editorial work, deciding to print their own publicist, memoirs, literary-critical essays, satires, stories. This diversity "bathed" unity of intonation and opinions of the author, leading an ongoing dialogue with the reader. So began to create a "Diary of a Writer", which Dostoevsky spent the last years a lot of energy by turning it into a report on the impressions of the most important phenomena of social and political life, and set out on its pages, their political, religious, aesthetic convictions.
"Diary of a Writer" was a huge success and led many people to enter into correspondence with the author. In fact it was the first live journal.

2. Dostoevsky, last held in revolutionary organization bespredelschik Petrashevskii, in the novel "Demons" describes the members of this organization. Implying demons revolutionaries, Fyodor directly writes about his former partner in crime - it was "... unnatural and anti-state society person in thirteen", speaks of them as "... a cattle voluptuous society" and that it was "... not socialists, and swindlers ... ". For true candor about revolutionaries Lenin called names Fyodor Dostoevsky "arhiskverny Dostoevsky."
3. In 1859, Dostoevsky retired from the army "sickness" and received permission to live in Tver. At the end of the year he moved to St. Petersburg and together with his brother Michael began to publish a magazine "Time", then "Epoch", combining a great editorial work with the author: wrote journalistic and literary critiques, polemical notes, works of art. After his brother's death from magazines left a huge amount of debt that Fyodor had to pay almost to the end of life.
4. admirers Fyodor Dostoyevsky, it is known that the sin of patricide in "The Brothers Karamazov" is based on Ivan, but no clear reason for the crime. In the original manuscript of "The Brothers Karamazov" contains the true cause of the crime. It turns out, the son of Ivan killed his father F.P.Karamazova due to the fact that the father of a young child on iloval * * Ivan sod mskim sin, in general, for ped * Filia. In the print media, this fact was not included.
5. Dostoevsky widely used actual topography of St. Petersburg in the description of places of his novel "Crime and Punishment." As recognized by the writer, the description of the court in which Raskolnikov hides things stolen from his apartment lender, it was from personal experience - when one day walking around the city, Dostoevsky wrapped in a deserted yard in order to relieve themselves.
6. His sensibility is clearly beyond the limits of normal. When any outdoor beauty told him "no", he fainted. And if she says "yes", the result often was the same.
7. To say that Dostoevsky had increased lo * sualnostyu, means almost nothing to say. This physiological properties was so developed in him, that, despite all the efforts to hide it, unwittingly breaks out - in the words, attitudes, actions. This, of course, noticed around and laughed at him. Turgenev called him "Russian Marquis de Sade." Unable to cope with sensual fire, he resorted to the services of pro * titutok. But many of them, once tasted love Dostoevsky, then refused his proposals: too unusual, and, most importantly, his love was painful.
8. Save the depths of depravity could only one way: the beloved woman. And when this appeared in his life, Dostoevsky transformed. It was she, Anna, was for him and the angel savior, and an assistant, and the very lo * sualnoy toy with which it was possible to do without feelings of guilt and remorse. She was 20, he - 45. Anna was young and inexperienced, and did not see anything strange in those intimate relationships, which offered her husband. On * Elijah and the pain she felt for granted. Even if she did not approve of, or she did not like what he wanted, she did not tell him "no", and showed no way his displeasure. Once she wrote: "I am ready to spend the rest of his life, standing in front of him on his knees." His pleasure is placed above all else. He was her God ...
9. Introduction to the future wife Anna Snitkina had a very difficult period in the life of the writer. He laid the moneylenders for pennies literally everything that he could, even his padded coat, however, remained behind it urgent debts of several thousand rubles. At this point, Dostoevsky signed with the publisher Strellovskim fantastic bonded contract under which he was, firstly, to sell him all his pre-written works, and secondly, by a certain date to write a new one. The main point was an article in the contract, according to which in case of failure of the new novel by the deadline Strellovsky in continuing nine years will emit way they like everything that Dostoevsky writes with no remuneration.
Despite the bonded contract has enabled Dostoevsky to pay off the most aggressive lenders and escape from the rest abroad. But after returning it turned out that before putting a new novel in a hundred and fifty pages of month left, while Fyodor Mikhailovich not written a single line. Friends asked him to use the services of "Ghostwriter", but he refused. Then they told him to invite at least stenographer, who was a young Anna Snitkina. The novel "The Gambler" was written (or rather, dictated Snitkina) for 26 days and delivered on time! And in the circumstances again extraordinary - especially Strellovsky left town, and Dostoevsky had to leave the manuscript on receipt of the bailiff, where he lived the publisher.
Dostoevsky made a young girl (she was then 20 years old, he-45) proposal and received consent.
10. Mother Anna's Snitkina (second wife) was solid landlady and her daughter gave for many thousands of dowry in the form of money, utensils and apartment building.
11. Anna Snitkina at a young age led life kapitalistki-landlady and after her marriage to Fyodor Mikhailovich, immediately set about his financial affairs.
It primarily pacified numerous creditors late brother Michael, explaining to them that it is better to get a little long and than not get at all.
Then he turned his gaze on the business publication of books and found her husband, again, things are quite wild. So, for the right to publish a popular novel "The Possessed" Dostoevsky offered 500 rubles, "copyright", and the payment of installments for two years. At the same time, as it turned out, printing, provided the writer's fame name, gladly printed book with a deferred payment for six months. In the same way it was possible to buy and paper for printing.
It would seem that under such conditions is very beneficial to publish their books themselves. However, brave soon goes bust because publishers booksellers monopoly, of course, they quickly blocked the oxygen. But the 26-year-old girl was too tough for them.
As a result, published Anna Grigoryevna "Demons" instead of the proposed 500 rubles publishers 'copyright' family brought Dostoevsky 4000 rubles net income. In the future, it is not only self-publish and sell books of her husband, but also dealt with, as it is now said, Wholesale of books by other authors, aimed at regions.
Say that Fyodor free got one of the best managers of his modernity - is to say half the truth. After all, this is still the manager and devotedly loved him, have children and patiently led for peanuts (giving hard earned thousand creditors) Housekeeping. In addition, all 14 years old married Anna also worked free from her husband stenographer.
12. In a letter to Anna Dostoevsky was often not kept and filled them with a variety of e * otic allusions: "I kiss you every minute in my dreams all, every minute passionately. Especially love the fact that about says: And the subject of sim lovely - he delighted and intoxicated. This item is a whole constantly in all kinds of and intends to kiss a lifetime. Oh, as a whole, as a whole! Anka, do not say that it's rude, but because what I do is that I can not judge me ... I kiss the fingers of your feet, then your lips, then what "delighted and intoxicated me." These words were written by him in 57 years.
13. Anna remained faithful to her husband before his end. In the year of his death, she was only 35 years old, but she found her washed-female life and devoted himself to the service of his name. She has published his complete works, collected his letters and notes, made friends write his biography, founded a school of Dostoevsky in Staraya Russa, she wrote memoirs. In 1918, the last year of her life, Anna Fosdick came begins composer Sergei Prokofiev and asked to make his album, "dedicated to the sun," any record. She wrote: "The sun of my life - Fyodor Dostoevsky. Anna Dostoyevskaya ... »
14. Dostoevsky was incredibly jealous. Bouts of jealousy covered it suddenly, appearing often on level ground. He might suddenly return home an hour - and begin to rummage cabinets and look under all the beds! Or for no reason at all to the neighbor jealous - feeble old man.
The reason for the outbreak of jealousy could serve as a trifle. For example: if a woman is too long looking at such and such, or - too big smile so and so!
Dostoevsky will work out for the second wife Anna Snitkina some rules that she, at his request, will be to continue to adhere to not walk in tight dresses, men do not smile, do not laugh in conversation with them without lipstick, not to let the eye ... And indeed, with Henceforth Anna will behave with the utmost restraint and men dryly.
15. In 1873 Dostoevsky began to edit the newspaper-magazine "Citizen", which was not limited to editorial work, deciding to print their own publicist, memoirs, literary-critical essays, satires, stories. This diversity "bathed" unity of intonation and opinions of the author, leading an ongoing dialogue with the reader. So began to create a "Diary of a Writer", which Dostoevsky spent the last years a lot of energy by turning it into a report on the impressions of the most important phenomena of social and political life, and set out on its pages, their political, religious, aesthetic convictions.
"Diary of a Writer" was a huge success and led many people to enter into correspondence with the author. In fact it was the first live journal.