10 ridiculous treatments
10th place: First, of course, it is impossible not to pay attention to the method of the ancient inhabitants of Mesopotamia: all diseases are treated the same way - were buried up to her neck in hot sand, and on top of pouring water on the tip of the nose. Why the tip - no one knows, but there is speculation that it was the tip of the nose in Mesopotamia is considered the main point of the body. However, assisted or not - is now difficult to say.
9th place: Also a good way - to hang upside down on a flowering vine at a time when the horizon appears the new moon. It is practiced in India It is desirable to read some verses from the Ramayana and sort out the rosary. So, they say, can easily cure diseases of the spine, including lumbalgia, however, it is unclear how to climb on the vine if you crouched half.
8th place: lying motionless on his back 48 hours and keep on breast bowl with water. When the sun will set for the second time, the water will certainly pass all your ailments including scabies and aberration. So say the Thai healers orthodox school.
7th place: Doctors who are struggling with unseemly insects - it was a separate specialty. If someone attacks you - immediately run after a crow lands her on the stand in front of thistle leaves, draw a spider web around him with three threads on each side and call someone that knows how to play the bagpipes - so treated ancient Scots. Incidentally, they are also the first to describe mole - a winged dog eats blankets.
6th place: three days in a dark room in a society of 20 monkeys. So treated in Rhodesia. The only thing that allows the patient - three peeled stalks of sugar cane and a cup of water a day. They say all diseases as a hand shoots.
5th place: In China, recommended to sit still for two weeks and prayers.
4th place: The Australian Aborigines are still in the trunk of the tree on which there is a nest of bees.
3rd place: Honey therapy is often resorted to Cleopatra. First, you need to thoroughly bee bite - it angered them special people, and then applied to the bites honeycomb. Cleopatra never seriously ill.
2nd place: Druids urged patients to the infusion of toxic herbs and mushrooms. However, it had to drink before you get sick, for prevention. When modern scientists have learned the recipe for this infusion, they were horrified. Now, such doses of such agents in a combination is considered fatal.
1st place: an ancient way of the Navajo Indians. This treat toothache, stomach cramps, back problems, burns and serious injuries. It should be at midnight, when there is no moon, to go to the mountain and stand facing east, to touch his nose, then to the right and left ear and have a tincture of claw leopard litter eagle powder from the shells of turtles and pine bark of a century. If after this will not be jumping like a young bull - so either you have chosen the wrong time, or you got stale turtle.
9th place: Also a good way - to hang upside down on a flowering vine at a time when the horizon appears the new moon. It is practiced in India It is desirable to read some verses from the Ramayana and sort out the rosary. So, they say, can easily cure diseases of the spine, including lumbalgia, however, it is unclear how to climb on the vine if you crouched half.
8th place: lying motionless on his back 48 hours and keep on breast bowl with water. When the sun will set for the second time, the water will certainly pass all your ailments including scabies and aberration. So say the Thai healers orthodox school.
7th place: Doctors who are struggling with unseemly insects - it was a separate specialty. If someone attacks you - immediately run after a crow lands her on the stand in front of thistle leaves, draw a spider web around him with three threads on each side and call someone that knows how to play the bagpipes - so treated ancient Scots. Incidentally, they are also the first to describe mole - a winged dog eats blankets.
6th place: three days in a dark room in a society of 20 monkeys. So treated in Rhodesia. The only thing that allows the patient - three peeled stalks of sugar cane and a cup of water a day. They say all diseases as a hand shoots.
5th place: In China, recommended to sit still for two weeks and prayers.
4th place: The Australian Aborigines are still in the trunk of the tree on which there is a nest of bees.
3rd place: Honey therapy is often resorted to Cleopatra. First, you need to thoroughly bee bite - it angered them special people, and then applied to the bites honeycomb. Cleopatra never seriously ill.
2nd place: Druids urged patients to the infusion of toxic herbs and mushrooms. However, it had to drink before you get sick, for prevention. When modern scientists have learned the recipe for this infusion, they were horrified. Now, such doses of such agents in a combination is considered fatal.
1st place: an ancient way of the Navajo Indians. This treat toothache, stomach cramps, back problems, burns and serious injuries. It should be at midnight, when there is no moon, to go to the mountain and stand facing east, to touch his nose, then to the right and left ear and have a tincture of claw leopard litter eagle powder from the shells of turtles and pine bark of a century. If after this will not be jumping like a young bull - so either you have chosen the wrong time, or you got stale turtle.