Most great design from the designer (25 photos)
Inventor of the designer's name was Jaroslav Wanzl, and in 1925 the firm "Mercury", he began to manufacture iron of the designer. Manufacture of sets continues to this day.
The reason that Soviet industry took up copying the Mercury, and not, say, Meccano, is that the Czech designer was made in accordance with the metric system.
Copy, unfortunately, turned out to be unsuccessful. When holding parts of the Soviet and Czech sets, comes to mind comparisons and Lada Mercedes. Mercury - colored metal plates with smooth holes, screws, which is not disrupted thread wheels with rubber tires. There is even a caterpillar tractor to do.
The reason that Soviet industry took up copying the Mercury, and not, say, Meccano, is that the Czech designer was made in accordance with the metric system.
Copy, unfortunately, turned out to be unsuccessful. When holding parts of the Soviet and Czech sets, comes to mind comparisons and Lada Mercedes. Mercury - colored metal plates with smooth holes, screws, which is not disrupted thread wheels with rubber tires. There is even a caterpillar tractor to do.