Familiarity with lisovinom
Wolves, foxes and hares and other wild animals since childhood familiar to us from fairy tales and stories, but in real life meeting with them and not so common. Our present author was lucky, he became acquainted with this fox-a model!
Met yesterday in the reeds with a local lisovinom.
It was like this. I returned to the cordon at a very narrow path trodden by cows in the reeds. The setting sun disappeared behind the clouds, the light is almost gone, and I decided that shooting is over for today. Put it on the wide-angle camera lens, and heavy telephoto become clean in the bag. And at that moment there was a rustling behind him. I turned around, looked at me a fox. I stopped because I was sure that at the slightest rustle she will run away. Realizing that the chance to change the lenses back to me almost, no, still decided to try to do it. But the sound of "stickies" on the cover scared fox.
Cursed himself for having decided early that the shooting was over, I went on. But after a few steps, turned around and saw that the fox again goes after me on the trail. Turned to face her, the better to shoot and made her first portrait (wide-angle), as the fox came very close.
Then it was more fun. The path led me to a small mowing. Coming at it, I decided to wait. And, as it turned out not in vain. Barely a minute later, as the fox came after.
I have never encountered a fox so close and do not know how the behavior of animals was normal, but the fox does not afraid of me. Running around, tossed up and caught pieces of cow cakes, lay down on the grass, yawned, scratched, approached and tried on the tooth tripod, etc. In general, the impression that he wanted to play with me)
It is a pity that the sun had gone and it was quite a bit of light, but a few frames I still managed to do.
Source: igorpodgorny.livejournal.com

Met yesterday in the reeds with a local lisovinom.
It was like this. I returned to the cordon at a very narrow path trodden by cows in the reeds. The setting sun disappeared behind the clouds, the light is almost gone, and I decided that shooting is over for today. Put it on the wide-angle camera lens, and heavy telephoto become clean in the bag. And at that moment there was a rustling behind him. I turned around, looked at me a fox. I stopped because I was sure that at the slightest rustle she will run away. Realizing that the chance to change the lenses back to me almost, no, still decided to try to do it. But the sound of "stickies" on the cover scared fox.

Cursed himself for having decided early that the shooting was over, I went on. But after a few steps, turned around and saw that the fox again goes after me on the trail. Turned to face her, the better to shoot and made her first portrait (wide-angle), as the fox came very close.
Then it was more fun. The path led me to a small mowing. Coming at it, I decided to wait. And, as it turned out not in vain. Barely a minute later, as the fox came after.

I have never encountered a fox so close and do not know how the behavior of animals was normal, but the fox does not afraid of me. Running around, tossed up and caught pieces of cow cakes, lay down on the grass, yawned, scratched, approached and tried on the tooth tripod, etc. In general, the impression that he wanted to play with me)

It is a pity that the sun had gone and it was quite a bit of light, but a few frames I still managed to do.

Source: igorpodgorny.livejournal.com
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