Amazing inventions of Dr. Kellogg (10 photos)
You may not know Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, but one of his inventions you know exactly - cornflakes. Sometimes this person comes to very strange conclusions. For example, according to doctors, the cause of a bouquet of various diseases and premature senility is seks.Odnako, despite all the strangeness Kellogg to him we owe the discovery of the first resort, which uses therapeutic exercise and diet. And some of his inventions in general deserve special attention.
This device is intended for the treatment of patients with migraine and gout.
Thus Dr. Kellogg was trying to help men lose their hair.
So anyone could get rid of rheumatism. However, what procedures were used in the pillow, remained a mystery until now.
This vibro-mechanical room, reserved exclusively for the fairer sex.
Through this mechanism could have fun - a specially designed massage cuffed man from toe to shoulder blades.
Here's a lamp on a tripod should obviate the problems of patients suffering from various diseases of ear.
And one big invention that provides a deep sleep, and, as a consequence, clarity of thought. In such a "stretched" to the airway of a sleeping man evenly incoming fresh air.
Travel on a mechanical horse in disorders of the vestibular apparatus.
Hydrotherapy brain.

This device is intended for the treatment of patients with migraine and gout.

Thus Dr. Kellogg was trying to help men lose their hair.

So anyone could get rid of rheumatism. However, what procedures were used in the pillow, remained a mystery until now.

This vibro-mechanical room, reserved exclusively for the fairer sex.

Through this mechanism could have fun - a specially designed massage cuffed man from toe to shoulder blades.

Here's a lamp on a tripod should obviate the problems of patients suffering from various diseases of ear.

And one big invention that provides a deep sleep, and, as a consequence, clarity of thought. In such a "stretched" to the airway of a sleeping man evenly incoming fresh air.

Travel on a mechanical horse in disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

Hydrotherapy brain.