Lingerie for men (6 photos)

Where is the world ???

Be trendy man very difficult. We have to suffer the whole day in the narrow, like a second skin, megginsah (male version of leggings), then to go home and change into pants off Zubaz.

However, pants - this is yesterday. Now, thanks to the company Homme Mystere, men, especially those concerned, to keep up with fashion, a new opportunity to be extravagant and houses: men's underwear with kruzhavchikami.

Australian company offers men a choice of 40 models underwear, looks painfully reminiscent of female from male bras (with liner $ 4 more expensive) to bikini panties and so-called C-String.

Does the idea of ​​designers come Homme Mystere to taste the strong half of humanity? Will there be in shopping centers around the world with men's boutiques ladies underwear? We wait and see ...