Graduate programs for admins
First course:
Learning concepts and principles of the kettles, coffee makers, coffee grinders, televisions, phones, cellular and conventional, the theory and practice of working with a soldering iron, exercising with a soldering iron on the move and in the ranks, practical nightly sessions with an oscilloscope, disassembly, assembly of computer of any configuration on the test time from any available details (which steal inaccessible, teachers do not care).
Mandatory physical training: running up the stairs and uneven terrain with full kit (system unit, power supply, monitor, laptop, 2 mice, Claudia, 55 drives, 100 m twisted pair, connectors, Compacting tools, and just in case entrenching), crawling on their bellies in a confined space.
Second course:
Dos, Windows, Unix, Linux, OS / 2, FreeBSD inside and outside. Installation, configuration, creation of servers and workstations, the creation of individual jobs and the global office systems, unified accounting departments worldwide and local underground command centers, automation of stock exchanges and the systems of satellite tracking, information security systems, and in the case of unauthorized access, automatic adequate nuclear retribution. The study of all commend and future business applications, existing and possible future accounting and banking software solution applications on taxation, labor and criminal law. Computer and economic espionage and counter-espionage. Passed on knowledge of the ports subject to the mandatory three-day hangover and wakefulness. Tolerances on exams is a certificate from the Gates and birthday greetings from Torvalds.
Third year:
Programming possible (established and emerging) languages. Creating home pages, sites and portals, software management banks and nuclear power plants, refrigerators and electric shavers. Takes the exam orally examinee talking programming language (optional teacher). To revitalize the exam is recommended to use drawings and sketches made in the Auto, The matrix, Archi-kadah painted in Photoshop and Corele animated and preferably at least three different 3D applications. As a practical job-pantomime on the topic of object-oriented programming.
Fourth Course:
Theoretical and Applied Psychology (known Carnegie how tired!), Linguistics general and special (all kinds of slug and slang Fenya, Albanian, elf, orchy and accounting languages), theory and practice of pedagogy, teaching methodology, psychology, psychology, government, psychology crowd, hands-hypnosis and altered states of consciousness.
Fifth Course:
Magic, witchcraft, shamanism, astrology and spirituality, in-depth study of descriptive, rune, magic ritual. Theology and necromancy. Skills interrogation and the torture case. Zachetny ritual around server and examination of the dead, dumb and stupid user.
After completing a diploma Super-Admin.
This administrator will be able to do everything, but that did not teach something will understand and do.
The only question is how much one-he will have to pay?
Learning concepts and principles of the kettles, coffee makers, coffee grinders, televisions, phones, cellular and conventional, the theory and practice of working with a soldering iron, exercising with a soldering iron on the move and in the ranks, practical nightly sessions with an oscilloscope, disassembly, assembly of computer of any configuration on the test time from any available details (which steal inaccessible, teachers do not care).
Mandatory physical training: running up the stairs and uneven terrain with full kit (system unit, power supply, monitor, laptop, 2 mice, Claudia, 55 drives, 100 m twisted pair, connectors, Compacting tools, and just in case entrenching), crawling on their bellies in a confined space.
Second course:
Dos, Windows, Unix, Linux, OS / 2, FreeBSD inside and outside. Installation, configuration, creation of servers and workstations, the creation of individual jobs and the global office systems, unified accounting departments worldwide and local underground command centers, automation of stock exchanges and the systems of satellite tracking, information security systems, and in the case of unauthorized access, automatic adequate nuclear retribution. The study of all commend and future business applications, existing and possible future accounting and banking software solution applications on taxation, labor and criminal law. Computer and economic espionage and counter-espionage. Passed on knowledge of the ports subject to the mandatory three-day hangover and wakefulness. Tolerances on exams is a certificate from the Gates and birthday greetings from Torvalds.
Third year:
Programming possible (established and emerging) languages. Creating home pages, sites and portals, software management banks and nuclear power plants, refrigerators and electric shavers. Takes the exam orally examinee talking programming language (optional teacher). To revitalize the exam is recommended to use drawings and sketches made in the Auto, The matrix, Archi-kadah painted in Photoshop and Corele animated and preferably at least three different 3D applications. As a practical job-pantomime on the topic of object-oriented programming.
Fourth Course:
Theoretical and Applied Psychology (known Carnegie how tired!), Linguistics general and special (all kinds of slug and slang Fenya, Albanian, elf, orchy and accounting languages), theory and practice of pedagogy, teaching methodology, psychology, psychology, government, psychology crowd, hands-hypnosis and altered states of consciousness.
Fifth Course:
Magic, witchcraft, shamanism, astrology and spirituality, in-depth study of descriptive, rune, magic ritual. Theology and necromancy. Skills interrogation and the torture case. Zachetny ritual around server and examination of the dead, dumb and stupid user.
After completing a diploma Super-Admin.
This administrator will be able to do everything, but that did not teach something will understand and do.
The only question is how much one-he will have to pay?