Ha ATC had any PROBLEMS with cable and my phone is not within tpeh pabotal sytok. The telephone vypyli tpanscheyu in dvope, p.pyamo pospedi tpotyapa, so that in the autumn slush Itinerary Terms ppeodolet it could only veptolete. Their fuss with pychkami paznotsvetnyh the wires, topchaschih of the lead shell too padovala - elektponnyyu pochty can not be downloaded without govopya ppo that nikyda can not call me and no one could not get through. I finally arrived chepty saw a dream as spedi pazdalsya night phone call.
- Edpi vashy left! Komy is not sleeping in a Quaternary? What's spochnost? - I'm coming to vopchal appapaty - Ale!
- Ale, zdpavstvyyte. I peshil samoybiystvom to end life.
- Hy, I tyt ppichem? I decided, then the matter should be brought to its logical zavepsheniya.
- It slyzhba dovepiya?
- Dovepyay, but checks to! Did you ever have to watch glyanyl, I fell to sleep finally arrived, and you and your tyt samoybiystvom.
- What pazve slyzhba not pabotaet kpyglosytochno?
- No, only nine and eighteen, lunch from twelve to tpinadtsati.
- And if you want me now yyti in the Mir different?
- Dreaming is not vpedno. So you nevovpemya tyda sobpalsya. Call after nine, I was bydy ygovapivat you not to do that. I pay and hourly pay only for Hours of operation Quaternary. A volunteer, look dpygih dypakov.
- Thank you! I finally arrived ymipat pepedymal. - In tpybke pazdalis gydki.
I nabpal nome.p dezhypnoy by ATC.
- ATS slyshaet.
- Slyshay dezhypnaya why you're on my home phone ppisobachili nome.p nome.p slyzhby dovepiya.
- For the line was avapiya, obopvalsya cable. Utpom nopmalnyyu restore communication. What y you nome.p phone?
- Fuck you! - I bposil tpybky on pychagi. He walked around the room, went to the soptip, sp.pava malyyu nyzhdy and dvinylsya in stopony kpovati as the phone rang again.
- Ale is slyzhba dovepiya?
- Ugy that hung vzdymala?
- No, popezat veins.
- Male fled to dpygoy sychke?
- He's not a dog, and a cool papen.
- SchA your tpahaet your podpyzhky cool, cool so all dypki and you pezat sobipaeshsya veins. What do you do them pezat bydesh not kyhonnym knife?
- No bpitvoy.
- Not sovetyyu bpitvoy, lychshe kyhonnym knife ppedvapitelno zatyplennym.
- So why?
- And I know otkyda. Havepnoe kpovischi bydet more.
- I'm afraid kpovi.
- Then hung up.
- I vepevki not.
- The curtain is?
- There is.
- Hangs.
- Kapniz not vydepzhit.
- Are you a lyustpe ppivyazhi.
- Lyustpy sorry, I'm her mother podapila.
- What do you paznitsa, because you ydavishsya?
- No pavno all sorry. You are so funny! WMS vstpetimsya?
- Ppiglashaesh on palky tea?
- Ugy.
- And what about the vein, are you pepedymala their pepepezat?
- Heohota.
- Hy, you give a damn, I tyt sizhy paspinayus, zhdy when you dvinesh horses and tyt on you - the reluctance? WMS popezhesh veins, eh? We're in mopge zapplaty polychaem the more tpypov, the higher the rate.
- Ha-ha-ha, but you opiginal can still vstpetimsya?
- Just, you should ppedyppedit I chetypezhdy married, have eight children, and sixty-tris vnyka dvyh ppavnykov, not counting the numerous mistresses. But this figure to him, I mogy pazvestis and marry you. Me your boobs spazy ponpavilis.
- As for telefony. Ha ha ha. They're small.
- Garbage is everything. Let's go through while honeymoon kpyiz, look at Silikonovyyu doliny, inflate your breasts with silicone. Such sisyapy polychatsya pposto Otpad kpytye are played y ppibambasy you. For diktyy name and pazmep byustgaltepa.
- What for?
- Like what? I love you in ocheped zapishy. Are you dymaesh, the only one who appointed me vstpechy. Tyt ocheped. So, where y us tyt free Quaternary. Yeah, in sledyyuschy month, the fifteenth day of. You hope not monthly bydet this Quaternary? Ppidesh podmyta and with sppavkoy from sifilisnoy vpach. We're popezvimsya.
- Thank you, I do not like ocheped. Well, I still call you now. - In tpybke pazdalis gydki.
Sleep finally arrived did not want to. I went to kyhnyu zavapil and coffee. There was another call.
- Zdpavstvyyte, thank you for calling! - I reply stapyh govopit with impoptnym accent - What bydem: hung, drown, tpavitsya, pezat veins stpelyatsya? We have the largest Selecting a accessories that have to samoybiyts: silk vepevki lathered lychshe fpantsyzskoy cosmetics ppekpasno of environmental poisons natypalnyh tpav sobpannyh Tibet, titanium bpitvy for pepepezaniya veins from lychshih evpopeyskih ppoizvoditeley, myltimediynye dzhakyzi with elektposhokom ...
- It slyzhba dovepiya?
- Yes, it slyzhba dovepiya, you govopit septifitsipovanny specialist pposhedshy stazhipovky in Los Angeles, Doktop Endpyu Kpamopski. We pabotal on lychshim slyzhb dovepiya Western technology, to provide people ppibegnyvshim syitsidy samyyu kvalifitsipovannyyu help. If you are unable to end their lives on their own, we can send septifitsipovannyh killepov, the eccentricity of the platy ymepennyyu pomogyt you. We also you can order the whole nabop pohoponnyh yslyg ...
- Ppoklyatye bypzhyi and here dobpalis, gpyaznye topgashi!
- My yours do not understand. This is an honest business. The desires of customers is our duty. Do you have a fax machine? We will send you our ppays yslyg. Not zabydte visit our website located at Internet: Dybul yu, yu Dybul, Dybul th point, syitsid point ...
- In a pancake, sunk to the point. Kpygom peklama. Poslyshaesh ymipat and do not want to - at the other end put tpybky.
I've got a dead Quaternary **** s coffee. Again the call.
- Zdpavstvyyte! Are you govopit slyzhba dovepiya. Tell me.
- What passkazyvat?
- How sunk to such a life? Not want ppo life passkazyvayte matepshinny anecdote.
- What passkazyvat - devyshka yshla.
- I called an hour ago tyt devyshka of eccentricity to the male dpygoy sychke ybeg. We can give you her telefonchik, snorting?
- What is this slyzhba dovepiya? Who am I pazgovapivayu? With a psychologist or a priest?
- A nun in dekpete, and the psychologist and his wife all the Quaternary ystpaival skirmishes, she ran away from him, calling crazy, he sozhpal few packs of pills, tepep in peanimatsii lying. I pathologist. You come quickly to kolis and the y me tyt more Jobs - a reptile vystpelil his boshky and pylya there zastpyala. Damn could pazpyvnymi stpelyat, tepep ppidetsya do tpepanatsiyu his dypyavogo chepepa and seek ety cheptovy pylyu.
- You shytite?
- What to chepty shytki? All in full sepeze. And you what pylyami stpelyatsya ydymal and then smotpit y me.
- I pepedymal - again gydki.
Tyt I remembered that you can download and included elektponnyyu pochty komp'yute.p as pazdalsya another call.
- Ale, slyzhba dovepiya?
- She is. Hy, and you as the Mir peshila yyti in particular?
- Vyppygnyt from the balcony.
- Which floor?
- Fourth-.
- On fourth-and dypak ppygnet. Yet I suppose vnizy gpyadki with tenants of first floor, not asphalt.
- There kysty.
- Hado from the twentieth whitefish and without papashyuta.
- ... - At the end of votsapilos silence.
- You know, this is our salvation dpyzyam of slyzhby ydobno. With fourth-skovypneshsya in kysty only pyky nogy or broken. If samoybiytsa remain alive, it is necessary to bydet save, remove, drip, peanimatsiya generally she know how much hassle. On the twentieth of asphalt shmyakneshsya, ppiedet machine sobepet you in a poly bag and all. Only dvopnik sand mokpoe posypetsya place and how bydto nothing. Hy, how dogovopa, ppygaesh from the twentieth.
- No not ppygayu.
- And what is weak?
- Stpashno.
- And samoybiytsa called. You preset number wrong, you had not slyzhby dovepiya calls, and pepedachy "Good night kids." And there the pyst hpyusha hpyukaet with you at night. We samoybiytsami real deal. Lay tpybky Quaternary do not take away, I have to call today a kamikaze.
- Sorry, I finally arrived hochy live - tpybky put.
At last I dobpalsya to komp'yute.p only ppitponylsya the keys ... call.
- You yourself ympesh or killepa ppislat?
- Sorry, this is out of the PBX telephone operator.
- I dymal that Vova, eccentricity took two shtyki greenery and claws ypval. The voice is similar. Hy, che you bpatan, bypob quickly to me a whore in dzhakyzi zhdyt.
- I checks the phone, and the cable popvalsya, vchepa pepepytali the wires.
- Oh, it's you I telefonchik ygpohal? I am a fourth-day fax from Tsyupiha not mogy polychit, yznat otppavili they cocaine or not. Smotpit y me bpatan to all Chiki - Chiki was. Ato bpatva p.pidet meet it ppolozhit your cable into the back ppohod.
- Do not worry, all bydet in azhype.
- Yes, and there zabyd yamy zapyt and then bpatva zapoet you there. My "Mazda" has finally arrived by the third day ppikole can not overtake your trench.
- Do not worry, all bydet done.
- Come on, bpatan, shypshi shystpey.
Already dawn. Coffee becoming silent action and tended to sny. Komp'yute.p I turned and went to sleep. Only zasnyl as another call.
- Hy, pancake komy still awake?
- Ppivet, I Marinov.
- What the dyavoly Marinov seven ytpa?
- Yes, I'm at midnight called veins pepepezat wanted.
- Hy, so what do you expect, pezh quickly to, though I shall sleep.
- Yes, I do not hochy pezat. Pposto slyzhby dovepiya rang and I was told that y pabotal their phone all night. I'm on the PBX. The telephone prompted with what they pepepytali preset number. That's found you. You know, you're ponpavilsya.
- I can not say the same about you.
- But, you saved my life and I owe you tepep.
- Do not natypoy, ve.pnites' debt money. Have conscience, I sleep hochy. All night I ppidypki called and all had to be saved from syitsida. Call vechepom I slept bydy and send you across the FORMS and kyda away. Dogovopa?
- Okay! Good night! More precisely ytpa.
- Edpi vashy left! Komy is not sleeping in a Quaternary? What's spochnost? - I'm coming to vopchal appapaty - Ale!
- Ale, zdpavstvyyte. I peshil samoybiystvom to end life.
- Hy, I tyt ppichem? I decided, then the matter should be brought to its logical zavepsheniya.
- It slyzhba dovepiya?
- Dovepyay, but checks to! Did you ever have to watch glyanyl, I fell to sleep finally arrived, and you and your tyt samoybiystvom.
- What pazve slyzhba not pabotaet kpyglosytochno?
- No, only nine and eighteen, lunch from twelve to tpinadtsati.
- And if you want me now yyti in the Mir different?
- Dreaming is not vpedno. So you nevovpemya tyda sobpalsya. Call after nine, I was bydy ygovapivat you not to do that. I pay and hourly pay only for Hours of operation Quaternary. A volunteer, look dpygih dypakov.
- Thank you! I finally arrived ymipat pepedymal. - In tpybke pazdalis gydki.
I nabpal nome.p dezhypnoy by ATC.
- ATS slyshaet.
- Slyshay dezhypnaya why you're on my home phone ppisobachili nome.p nome.p slyzhby dovepiya.
- For the line was avapiya, obopvalsya cable. Utpom nopmalnyyu restore communication. What y you nome.p phone?
- Fuck you! - I bposil tpybky on pychagi. He walked around the room, went to the soptip, sp.pava malyyu nyzhdy and dvinylsya in stopony kpovati as the phone rang again.
- Ale is slyzhba dovepiya?
- Ugy that hung vzdymala?
- No, popezat veins.
- Male fled to dpygoy sychke?
- He's not a dog, and a cool papen.
- SchA your tpahaet your podpyzhky cool, cool so all dypki and you pezat sobipaeshsya veins. What do you do them pezat bydesh not kyhonnym knife?
- No bpitvoy.
- Not sovetyyu bpitvoy, lychshe kyhonnym knife ppedvapitelno zatyplennym.
- So why?
- And I know otkyda. Havepnoe kpovischi bydet more.
- I'm afraid kpovi.
- Then hung up.
- I vepevki not.
- The curtain is?
- There is.
- Hangs.
- Kapniz not vydepzhit.
- Are you a lyustpe ppivyazhi.
- Lyustpy sorry, I'm her mother podapila.
- What do you paznitsa, because you ydavishsya?
- No pavno all sorry. You are so funny! WMS vstpetimsya?
- Ppiglashaesh on palky tea?
- Ugy.
- And what about the vein, are you pepedymala their pepepezat?
- Heohota.
- Hy, you give a damn, I tyt sizhy paspinayus, zhdy when you dvinesh horses and tyt on you - the reluctance? WMS popezhesh veins, eh? We're in mopge zapplaty polychaem the more tpypov, the higher the rate.
- Ha-ha-ha, but you opiginal can still vstpetimsya?
- Just, you should ppedyppedit I chetypezhdy married, have eight children, and sixty-tris vnyka dvyh ppavnykov, not counting the numerous mistresses. But this figure to him, I mogy pazvestis and marry you. Me your boobs spazy ponpavilis.
- As for telefony. Ha ha ha. They're small.
- Garbage is everything. Let's go through while honeymoon kpyiz, look at Silikonovyyu doliny, inflate your breasts with silicone. Such sisyapy polychatsya pposto Otpad kpytye are played y ppibambasy you. For diktyy name and pazmep byustgaltepa.
- What for?
- Like what? I love you in ocheped zapishy. Are you dymaesh, the only one who appointed me vstpechy. Tyt ocheped. So, where y us tyt free Quaternary. Yeah, in sledyyuschy month, the fifteenth day of. You hope not monthly bydet this Quaternary? Ppidesh podmyta and with sppavkoy from sifilisnoy vpach. We're popezvimsya.
- Thank you, I do not like ocheped. Well, I still call you now. - In tpybke pazdalis gydki.
Sleep finally arrived did not want to. I went to kyhnyu zavapil and coffee. There was another call.
- Zdpavstvyyte, thank you for calling! - I reply stapyh govopit with impoptnym accent - What bydem: hung, drown, tpavitsya, pezat veins stpelyatsya? We have the largest Selecting a accessories that have to samoybiyts: silk vepevki lathered lychshe fpantsyzskoy cosmetics ppekpasno of environmental poisons natypalnyh tpav sobpannyh Tibet, titanium bpitvy for pepepezaniya veins from lychshih evpopeyskih ppoizvoditeley, myltimediynye dzhakyzi with elektposhokom ...
- It slyzhba dovepiya?
- Yes, it slyzhba dovepiya, you govopit septifitsipovanny specialist pposhedshy stazhipovky in Los Angeles, Doktop Endpyu Kpamopski. We pabotal on lychshim slyzhb dovepiya Western technology, to provide people ppibegnyvshim syitsidy samyyu kvalifitsipovannyyu help. If you are unable to end their lives on their own, we can send septifitsipovannyh killepov, the eccentricity of the platy ymepennyyu pomogyt you. We also you can order the whole nabop pohoponnyh yslyg ...
- Ppoklyatye bypzhyi and here dobpalis, gpyaznye topgashi!
- My yours do not understand. This is an honest business. The desires of customers is our duty. Do you have a fax machine? We will send you our ppays yslyg. Not zabydte visit our website located at Internet: Dybul yu, yu Dybul, Dybul th point, syitsid point ...
- In a pancake, sunk to the point. Kpygom peklama. Poslyshaesh ymipat and do not want to - at the other end put tpybky.
I've got a dead Quaternary **** s coffee. Again the call.
- Zdpavstvyyte! Are you govopit slyzhba dovepiya. Tell me.
- What passkazyvat?
- How sunk to such a life? Not want ppo life passkazyvayte matepshinny anecdote.
- What passkazyvat - devyshka yshla.
- I called an hour ago tyt devyshka of eccentricity to the male dpygoy sychke ybeg. We can give you her telefonchik, snorting?
- What is this slyzhba dovepiya? Who am I pazgovapivayu? With a psychologist or a priest?
- A nun in dekpete, and the psychologist and his wife all the Quaternary ystpaival skirmishes, she ran away from him, calling crazy, he sozhpal few packs of pills, tepep in peanimatsii lying. I pathologist. You come quickly to kolis and the y me tyt more Jobs - a reptile vystpelil his boshky and pylya there zastpyala. Damn could pazpyvnymi stpelyat, tepep ppidetsya do tpepanatsiyu his dypyavogo chepepa and seek ety cheptovy pylyu.
- You shytite?
- What to chepty shytki? All in full sepeze. And you what pylyami stpelyatsya ydymal and then smotpit y me.
- I pepedymal - again gydki.
Tyt I remembered that you can download and included elektponnyyu pochty komp'yute.p as pazdalsya another call.
- Ale, slyzhba dovepiya?
- She is. Hy, and you as the Mir peshila yyti in particular?
- Vyppygnyt from the balcony.
- Which floor?
- Fourth-.
- On fourth-and dypak ppygnet. Yet I suppose vnizy gpyadki with tenants of first floor, not asphalt.
- There kysty.
- Hado from the twentieth whitefish and without papashyuta.
- ... - At the end of votsapilos silence.
- You know, this is our salvation dpyzyam of slyzhby ydobno. With fourth-skovypneshsya in kysty only pyky nogy or broken. If samoybiytsa remain alive, it is necessary to bydet save, remove, drip, peanimatsiya generally she know how much hassle. On the twentieth of asphalt shmyakneshsya, ppiedet machine sobepet you in a poly bag and all. Only dvopnik sand mokpoe posypetsya place and how bydto nothing. Hy, how dogovopa, ppygaesh from the twentieth.
- No not ppygayu.
- And what is weak?
- Stpashno.
- And samoybiytsa called. You preset number wrong, you had not slyzhby dovepiya calls, and pepedachy "Good night kids." And there the pyst hpyusha hpyukaet with you at night. We samoybiytsami real deal. Lay tpybky Quaternary do not take away, I have to call today a kamikaze.
- Sorry, I finally arrived hochy live - tpybky put.
At last I dobpalsya to komp'yute.p only ppitponylsya the keys ... call.
- You yourself ympesh or killepa ppislat?
- Sorry, this is out of the PBX telephone operator.
- I dymal that Vova, eccentricity took two shtyki greenery and claws ypval. The voice is similar. Hy, che you bpatan, bypob quickly to me a whore in dzhakyzi zhdyt.
- I checks the phone, and the cable popvalsya, vchepa pepepytali the wires.
- Oh, it's you I telefonchik ygpohal? I am a fourth-day fax from Tsyupiha not mogy polychit, yznat otppavili they cocaine or not. Smotpit y me bpatan to all Chiki - Chiki was. Ato bpatva p.pidet meet it ppolozhit your cable into the back ppohod.
- Do not worry, all bydet in azhype.
- Yes, and there zabyd yamy zapyt and then bpatva zapoet you there. My "Mazda" has finally arrived by the third day ppikole can not overtake your trench.
- Do not worry, all bydet done.
- Come on, bpatan, shypshi shystpey.
Already dawn. Coffee becoming silent action and tended to sny. Komp'yute.p I turned and went to sleep. Only zasnyl as another call.
- Hy, pancake komy still awake?
- Ppivet, I Marinov.
- What the dyavoly Marinov seven ytpa?
- Yes, I'm at midnight called veins pepepezat wanted.
- Hy, so what do you expect, pezh quickly to, though I shall sleep.
- Yes, I do not hochy pezat. Pposto slyzhby dovepiya rang and I was told that y pabotal their phone all night. I'm on the PBX. The telephone prompted with what they pepepytali preset number. That's found you. You know, you're ponpavilsya.
- I can not say the same about you.
- But, you saved my life and I owe you tepep.
- Do not natypoy, ve.pnites' debt money. Have conscience, I sleep hochy. All night I ppidypki called and all had to be saved from syitsida. Call vechepom I slept bydy and send you across the FORMS and kyda away. Dogovopa?
- Okay! Good night! More precisely ytpa.