15 facts about the "other"
1. Smoking may reduce the size of a member of one centimeter. Even if you do not take care of your lungs and you want to die young, at least think about his "friend».
2. Doctors can "grow" on the burnt skin of the penis using skin "circumcision" babies. One foreskin can produce 23 square meters. m. The waterproof fabric on any plot of land.
3. Enlarged prostate can cause impotence and premature ejaculation.
4. The male orgasm lasts on average about 6 seconds. Female - 23 seconds. I wonder, would talk about the equality of women, recognizing that their orgasm lasts four times longer than men.
5. The oldest known species with a member - a creature with a shell called Colymbosathon ecplecticos. This is an amazing Greek swimmer with large penis.
6. cut off the foreskin may be restored. The movable member is pulled to the skin and the end use devices (e.g., rings) for fixation. It may take years to achieve the desired result.
7. Only 1 person out of 400 can satisfy themselves orally themselves. (smacks Achtung ...)
8. There are two types of penis. The first kind during erection expands and lengthens («grower») second species seem like much, but it becomes a lot more during erection («shower»).
9. International Journal «Men? S Health» reported that 79 percent of men belong to the first type and 21 - for the second.
10. German researchers found that the average intercourse lasts 2 minutes 50 seconds, but women think that sexual intercourse lasts 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
11. Size does matter.
12. A member of the King of Tonga, to give pleasure to many women, deflowered 37,800 women in the period from 1770 to 1784 - about seven virgins a day.
13. Men who look good, have a healthy sperm. Spanish researchers showed women photos of men who have a good, average and poor semen, and were asked to choose the most beautiful men. Woman chooses, as a rule, the best "producers" of semen.
14. The brain is not necessary for ejaculation. This deals with the spinal cord.
15. The most common cause of injury of the penis is the active masturbation.