Coffee is associated with a heart attack for people with certain changes in the genes
Individuals who have a genetic variation associated with a slow metabolism of caffeine, similar increased risk of nonfatal heart attack associated with higher amounts of coffee consumption, according to a study conducted by the 8th of March. Studies examining the relationship between coffee consumption and the risk of myocardial infarction (MI - heart attack) have been inconclusive. Coffee is the main source of caffeine, which is the most widely consumed worldwide stimulant and has been involved in the development of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, according to the article. Nevertheless, in the coffee contains a number of other chemicals that have variable effects on the cardiovascular system. It is not clear only the caffeine affect the risk of heart attack or other substances contained in the coffee. Caffeine is metabolized primarily by the enzyme cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) in the liver. Variations in the gene of this enzyme could slow or speed up the metabolism of caffeine. Carriers of the gene variant CYP1A2 * 1F tend to slow metabolism of caffeine, while people with the gene variant CYP1A2 * 1A, they have a fast metabolism of caffeine. Ahmed El Soham, Doctor of the University of Toronto and his colleagues conducted a study to determine the CYP1A2 gene and its variations and measurement of association between consumption of caffeinated coffee and risk of nonfatal myocardial infarction. The study included 2014 patients with a first acute cases of nonfatal myocardial living in Costa Rica between 1994 and 2004. The genotypes of the participants were identified. The first thing you notice - this diet and drinking coffee. In most cases, there was evidence linking caffeine and non-fatal heart attack.