How it happens ...

Friends studied at the Physics Department. Jokes have their respective basic science ...
So ... a hostel. All jellies it with the Physics Department ... Two drunks, hardened physicist decided to test strikes you pounds of weight (round this, with the handle on top) manhole cover if to throw it to the 14th floor (a good start, is not it?) To drag them it to his room and, without further ado, took off from the window ...
Of course, we missed. Go down again, dragged, thrown off again, again, of course, missed the mark ... again went down again, took off again, of course, missed ... And once again descended ...
Vahtёrsha sees that they are third in the weight dragged hostel (well, how could she know that this is one and the same ?!), and spoke with a human voice:
- Enough to carry scrap !!!
Become sad, it was our guys, but not for long, for quickly found a way out.
- And let her tie a rope to the battery!
- And let's! ..
They tied one end of the rope to the weight, and the other to the battery, which is just under the window, and was located ... threw off! Well, of course, the rope is not pulled down to the ground! And, obeying the laws of physics, the weight on the rope worked like a pendulum. Swung to the side and went to the wall ... ... rope, of course, snapped. They looked where there is the rope ends, figured out where the weight was gone and went down. Go through the door of the room the alleged subjected to air attacks, and see: a dent in the floor, not in the fact that there is no glass, the frame is not at all (!!!) and four boy sitting nervously smoking so ...
- Guys, there's weight does not fly?
One of the "muzhuki" silence in sepulchral silence, showing a trembling hand on the refrigerator - in the refrigerator for a hole diameter of about 30 cm ... Our testers open the door, and there ... right! Kettlebell! Here they look closely affected and notice that one smokes like a well, especially nervous.
- And what's wrong with him? - Asks one of the hardened physicists.
- And you see a dent in the floor? - He is responsible young physicist.
- Well?
- So it just this morning there has rearranged his bed ...