The most shameful moments in the life of Hollywood stars

Summing up the results of 2007 in the entertainment business, People magazine, and did not hesitate to identify the most shameful moments in the life of the stars for the twelve months.
Actor Alec Baldwin yelled in fury and insulted his 11-year-old daughter Aelend, calling it "a rough little pig," and her mother Kim Basinger has called "hemorrhoids." Baldwin later apologized for his words.
Eddie Murphy in an interview with Danish television asked about the pregnancy of his ex-girlfriend Melanie Brown replied: "I do not know whose child it is." However, in June, a DNA test confirmed that he is the father of little Angel, who was born in April of this year.
In the Internet there were photos of the infamous actress Lindsay Lohan, where she held a knife to the throat of his girlfriend, also an actress and VJ MTV, Vanessa Minnillo. Photos were taken at a party in 2006, a few days before the second time Lindsay got into drug treatment clinic.
Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz during the inspection of Inca city of Machu Picchu in Peru appeared in public with a green bag, which adorned the red star and the inscription in Chinese "Serve the People" - a famous political slogan of Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong.
In Peru the slogan evokes the Maoist group "Shining Path", which in the '80s and early' 90s led a fierce war with the government, cost the lives of 70 thousand people. Peruvian human rights activists said that Cameron Diaz should have a sense, and forced her to apologize.
In May, a video was made public with the naked and drunk David Hasselhoff dead, lying on the floor in one of the hotels in Las Vegas, and chewing a hamburger. The star of "Baywatch" had to make the following statement: "In connection with honest and positive relationship with my daughters, who are concerned for me, in the evening they made a record to show me how I was. The film is not supposed to publish, but I hope that someone will extract a lesson from it, as I did. "
Avril Lavigne, reacting to an accusation of songwriters for the pop group 70s Rubinoo (they filed for the singer to court, claiming that her hit Girlfriend is plagiarized their song I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend), wrote on his website: "I I never in my life heard of this song, and their arguments are based on just five words. All songs have common words and emotions. Because we all speak the same language. "
Personal videos and candid photos "socialite" Paris Hilton appeared on the World Wide Web site parisexposed.com, available by subscription. It turned out that two years ago, while on the move Paris handed over their belongings in storage, but forgot to pay at the time, and its assets sold at auction. After going to court she succeeded in closing the site, but only for a while.
In April, Richard Gere publicly on a large rally in support of the campaign against AIDS in New Delhi, kissed Indian actress Shilpa Shetty. This caused outrage in India, among the defenders of traditional moral values. Court even ordered the arrest of Gere, but beyond that it does not matter.
During the trial of the trusteeship, which extends between the former Hollywood couple Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen. Richards admitted the emails in which Sheen allegedly grossly insulting actress. Richards also said that Shin in the internet demonstrates their sexual organs and are attracted to underage girls.
Meanwhile, ex-husband of Pamela Anderson - Kid Rock - got into a fight at the ceremony MTV Music Awards with another ex-husband Star - Tommy Lee. And in October, after a concert in Atlanta rocker he was arrested for a fight in a local restaurant and charged with disorderly conduct.