Unusual fines

10th place: In medieval Spain had to pay 10 gold if you are merchandised in the same weaving shop, and that the royal maid of honor and the more august persons themselves. And God forbid you sew yourself exactly the same dress! During this execution and relied link.
9th place: Fee for too many horses. Zug, that is, eight horses could travel only nobles and gentry, and if you were a merchant (albeit rich), more than four you could not be.
8th place: Israel is still possible to obtain a fine for parquet flooring uncovered in a pigsty. In fact, the Jews do not eat pork, but pigs there all the same breed. A flooring needs, so they do not trample their hooves sacred land of Israel.
7th place: In Persia paid just "the health of the Shah" - so, you know that it is longer rules.
6th place: In Novgorod (before it conquered Ivan the Terrible) it was possible to pay serious money for the lack of front of house carriageway road. And, they say, it was a revenue collection. Many noble Novgorod was easier to pay than lead the way in order.
5th place: Tribute too quiet voice, which was taken from their employees Portuguese traders. If you have too little voice you will not hear on the market and, consequently, profit will be lower.
4th place: In Swaziland, still take a penalty with families who do not bother to properly fatten her daughter for the wedding. Thin bride there is absolutely not quoted.
3rd place: In medieval France, a lot of money paid church family newlyweds, who did not deign to hang out on the first morning on the balcony sheets with proof of virginity of the bride.
2nd place: Deliberate disrespect Venus Callipyge in ancient Greece. God forbid you do not show due consideration to the temple or statue of the lady. For a one-time contempt - a fine, and if you ignore it several times in a row - will pay the priests for three months. By the way, Kallipiga means "prekrasnopopaya».
1st place: Imagine, no bath. For it to pay the fee owners inns near St. Petersburg in the 18th century. It began after Peter I was not able to wash during the journey from Moscow to St. Petersburg. By the way, the Europeans did not understand this, and considered the bath completely barbaric custom. Russian response was considered wild Europeans - as, indeed, so - do not wash?