10 laws that will take effect on January 1,

1. You will be able to pay only 50% of the amount of fines for traffic violations
Since January 1, come into force amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences. Under the changes, drivers who violate traffic rules, be able to pay only half the amount of penalties imposed. Provided that the penalty paid off within 20 days.
The law does not provide discounts for driving while intoxicated, running a red light, driving on the wrong side or repeated speeding by more than 40 kilometers per hour.
Do not forget that the minimum fine of 500 rubles in any case will have to pay in full.
2. Effective moratorium on planned inspections of small businesses
The moratorium is set for the period from 1 January 2016 on 31 December 2018. The ban is introduced on the planned inspections of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, referred to small businesses.
3. Search Engines will now be required to remove the reference to the false information on the application of the citizens
Any citizen will be able to require the search engine to remove links to information about themselves, which he considers inaccurate, irrelevant or distributed in violation of the law.
However, this rule will not apply to information about events containing elements of a criminal offense, terms of criminal responsibility for which has not expired, and information about crimes which have not been removed or canceled conviction.
4. Twice increase penalties for late payment of utility
Since the 31-day delay in payment of utility bills, the Russians will accrue interest at the rate of 1/300 of the refinancing rate for each day of duty. On the 91 th day of the size of fines will rise to 1/130 of the refinancing rate for each day of delay. Considering that since 1 January CBR cancels the concept of "refinancing rate" and establishes a single key rate, interest will be calculated, focusing on the 11%.
Now the interest accrued from the first day of delay at the rate of 1/300 of the refinancing rate, which today is 8, 25%.
5. Management companies will pay fines in favor of tenants
The Criminal Code will be fined for illegally as an accrued fees and for services which are well enough.
It was decided to carry a penalty of 50% of illegally accrued amount and the poor quality of services rendered, the penalty will be up to 30% of the cost of these services for the period during which the owner of property had problems.
6. Increased minimum wage
In accordance with Federal law to January 1, 2016 the minimum wage is set at 6204 rubles a month. The increase amounted to 4%.
7. Vvezёnnaya Turkish products will be destroyed
Turkish products can be destroyed after 1 January, when she came to the territory of Russia as impersonal, that is, its origin has not been confirmed or doubts. In this case, Rosselkhoznadzor could destroy such products for safety.
8. be an increase in excise rates on rather weak alcohol, tobacco, cars and gasoline
Increasing concerns rates on wine, beer, cigarettes, cars with engine capacity of more than 90 hp Also increase the rate of excise duty on petrol and for all brands, it would be the same. It is expected that the increase in excise duties will be reflected in the result, and the cost of products and goods.
9. vacationers return the money spent on vacation in Russia
Since 2016 shall come into force a law on compensation for money spent on vacation in the Crimea, Karelia and Kamchatka. That is family, acquiring a travel agency tours to rest on some Russian resorts will be able to return the money spent virtually in full. The calculation of the refund will be made depending on the price, which should not exceed 50 thousand rubles per person.
10. Civil public servants decreased by 10%
Abbreviations affect civil servants and employees of the central apparatus and territorial bodies of federal ministries.