Singapore bans
Singapore - the safest and cleanest city on the planet. But it was not always so. 40 years ago, there have found the right way to teach city residents and tourists to order - a great penalty! And if you want to behave in Singapore in Russia, then cook sooo fat wallet is packed full of large bills, because the penalties are taken lightly and start at 100 Singapore dollars (SGD, 1 SGD = 0.7931 USD). Do not expect to escape undetected - the city is equipped with cameras, and many lifts and facilities - and even, for example, smoke detectors. Of course, it can and will manage, but who knows ...
7 tips off in Singapore in full:
1. Chew gum - 1000 SGD
Coming out of an airplane, be sure to start chewing Well. gum. This evil Singaporeans fighting since the beginning of Singapore. Here, not only can not chew the cud, but also to store, let alone pass it. Gum equated to drugs just fine less. By the way, if you still manage to break through customs to the city, once a popular tourist buy a T-shirt to make it easier to navigate in the pricing:
2. Throw garbage - from 500 to 1000 SGD
Not necessarily throw wrappers, enough to feed the pigeons in the street. By the way, for repeated violation can be put in jail.
3. Lunch on the street - 1000 SGD
In Singapore, it is impossible to walk past shop windows with pastries. By purchasing mouth-watering muffins, do not sit down immediately at a table, and be sure to eat them in the street. Slurp loudly and more sorite, all washed down with beer - so you can not only please the surrounding chewing his physiognomy, but also to show everyone that you are able to pay a fine of 1,000 Singapore dollars, and here are a few of the characters.
4. cross the road in the wrong place - 100 SGD
Singapore - one of the few countries in Southeast Asia, where it is so strictly related to the transition of the road. This is not Thailand, where there are few pedestrian crossings and traffic lights, and street go anywhere.
5. Spit on the street - 1000 SGD
Before spitting, check the wallet, because the 1000 Singapore dollars for each spit take. Do not believe? Check!
6. smoke in the elevator - 1000 SGD
Fun guaranteed! Lift and lock the output you will meet a group of policemen. Smoking in Singapore only in specially designated areas.
If you smoke in the elevator you find cheap entertainment, the smoke in the subway, then the stakes are higher - 5,000 SGD
7. Tighten kosyachkom - the death penalty
If you live very tired, smoke pot. But first, think carefully, because it is not just pugalka, precedents. Singapore leads the world in the number of executions of death sentences per capita.
Do you think that Singapore fines - this is too much? However, it's nice to walk around the streets clean nezaplevannym Singapore, where the shoe does not stick chewing gum. It's nice to ride on flat roads in the full confidence that come from riding the machine you do not throw a bottle into the windshield or any other debris. It's nice not to see at the side of the figure peeing overage boys. It's nice when the parking lot is not broken glass ... And with all this, no one throws a long debate whether or not to dig in the trash after a picnic in the ground or leave it as is? After all, the answer set rules trash can neither leave nor dig, just throw in strictly designated areas!
In fact, even in Singapore found garbage - apparently someone still loves merry. Yet here it is much less than in other major cities of the planet.
7 tips off in Singapore in full:

1. Chew gum - 1000 SGD
Coming out of an airplane, be sure to start chewing Well. gum. This evil Singaporeans fighting since the beginning of Singapore. Here, not only can not chew the cud, but also to store, let alone pass it. Gum equated to drugs just fine less. By the way, if you still manage to break through customs to the city, once a popular tourist buy a T-shirt to make it easier to navigate in the pricing:
2. Throw garbage - from 500 to 1000 SGD
Not necessarily throw wrappers, enough to feed the pigeons in the street. By the way, for repeated violation can be put in jail.
3. Lunch on the street - 1000 SGD
In Singapore, it is impossible to walk past shop windows with pastries. By purchasing mouth-watering muffins, do not sit down immediately at a table, and be sure to eat them in the street. Slurp loudly and more sorite, all washed down with beer - so you can not only please the surrounding chewing his physiognomy, but also to show everyone that you are able to pay a fine of 1,000 Singapore dollars, and here are a few of the characters.
4. cross the road in the wrong place - 100 SGD
Singapore - one of the few countries in Southeast Asia, where it is so strictly related to the transition of the road. This is not Thailand, where there are few pedestrian crossings and traffic lights, and street go anywhere.
5. Spit on the street - 1000 SGD
Before spitting, check the wallet, because the 1000 Singapore dollars for each spit take. Do not believe? Check!
6. smoke in the elevator - 1000 SGD
Fun guaranteed! Lift and lock the output you will meet a group of policemen. Smoking in Singapore only in specially designated areas.
If you smoke in the elevator you find cheap entertainment, the smoke in the subway, then the stakes are higher - 5,000 SGD
7. Tighten kosyachkom - the death penalty
If you live very tired, smoke pot. But first, think carefully, because it is not just pugalka, precedents. Singapore leads the world in the number of executions of death sentences per capita.
Do you think that Singapore fines - this is too much? However, it's nice to walk around the streets clean nezaplevannym Singapore, where the shoe does not stick chewing gum. It's nice to ride on flat roads in the full confidence that come from riding the machine you do not throw a bottle into the windshield or any other debris. It's nice not to see at the side of the figure peeing overage boys. It's nice when the parking lot is not broken glass ... And with all this, no one throws a long debate whether or not to dig in the trash after a picnic in the ground or leave it as is? After all, the answer set rules trash can neither leave nor dig, just throw in strictly designated areas!
In fact, even in Singapore found garbage - apparently someone still loves merry. Yet here it is much less than in other major cities of the planet.